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The Coalition of Community Corrections Providers of New Jersey A Partnership Responding to Prisoner Re-entry.

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1 The Coalition of Community Corrections Providers of New Jersey A Partnership Responding to Prisoner Re-entry

2 Community Corrections has grown in NJ…  Over the last two decades there has been substantial growth in community programs mostly in response to prison overcrowding.  In 1988 there were less than 200 beds in a handful of facilities.  Today NJ has over 3,500 beds in more than 30 residential programs serving both inmates and parolees.  There are 12 Day Reporting Center programs serving 750 parolees.  Over 11,270 adult offenders are served annually.

3 More than 40 Community Programs Exist in NJ  Residential Community Release Programs (Halfway Houses)  Halfway Back Programs  Day Reporting Centers  Specialized Programs Parole Aftercare Transitional Housing (PATH) PROMISE

4 Community Corrections Programs are rooted in best practices…  Required risk/needs assessment of all offenders  Placement in community programs driven by risk/needs assessment  Individualized treatment plans for all offenders  Preparation for discharge begins at entry in community corrections programs

5 Community Corrections Programs are rooted in best practices…  Cognitive-behavioral interventions in community programs address problem solving, substance abuse, anger/emotions management, domestic violence perpetration  Employment readiness and job placement begin in community corrections programs Securing identification Job readiness classes Financial responsibilities

6 Community Corrections Programs are rooted in best practices…  Family involvement is valued and required  Relapse prevention begins at entry  Linkages to prosocial activities  Treatment matching is critical. Specialized services are provided to: Women Youth Mentally ill offenders

7 Community Corrections Programs: A Sound Investment with Positive Outcomes  Prison population reduced by 14% ( Philadelphia Inquirer, May 2006 )  Reduced re-arrest and reconviction rates for community corrections participants  Parole programs save more than $20 million a year compared to the cost of incarceration  Community programs save nearly $30 a day compared to prison beds

8 How can we improve prisoner re-entry in NJ? Prioritize treatment and rehabilitation through community based programs:  Managing the transition home is best done by community corrections providers. The existing community based resources should be utilized as the cornerstone of the Governor’s reentry initiative.  Recognize that reentry begins at entry. The DOC inmate classification system needs to be based on risk and need. All low risk, low need offenders should be placed in a reentry program to manage the transition home.

9 Improving Prisoner Re-entry  All inmates, including the current max-out population, should transition to the community through community based programs.  Implement the recommendations of the Reentry Roundtable.  Evaluate the need for community corrections legislation or administrative code to secure the infrastructure that is working to serve more than 11,000 offenders each year  Remove barriers placed on violent offenders in community programs.

10 Improving Prisoner Re-entry  Sound social policy regarding reentry promotes economic development. Create a partnership between prison industries, the DOL and community programs.  Create an effective strategy for housing homeless offenders.  Create more programs for offenders with special needs.  Improve and maximize the existing medical services provided to offenders.  Establish a permanent reentry policy council to oversee the implementation of the above recommended changes.

11 CCCPNJ Members  BI  Center for Urban Education  Community Solutions  Community Education Centers  Integrity House  The Kintock Group  New Jersey Association on Correction  Opportunities for All  Volunteers of America Delaware Valley  Volunteers of America Northern New Jersey Division

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