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10/2/2015NJ Integrated Training - 2009 Tax Season1 Expense Statements and Activity Reporting Gary Blauth NJ Administration Specialist Module NJ 2.8.

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2 10/2/2015NJ Integrated Training - 2009 Tax Season1 Expense Statements and Activity Reporting Gary Blauth NJ Administration Specialist Module NJ 2.8

3 v13 2 Counselor Flat Rate Form Prepared by National Office mid-March Sent directly to Local Coordinators Volunteers sign/date if accept flat rate ($35) Only allowable change is address No additions, no deletions – just don’t sign LC signs/dates, returns by early April Payment made promptly after April 15

4 Itemized expenses Counselors, EROs, Client Facilitators, Shift Coordinators F = Flat rate $35 OR T = Itemized for training NEW I = Itemized for counseling I & T – Transportation only Mileage – round trip, activity and location, each date listed separately. $0.55 for 2009; $0.50 for 2010 Keep a detailed log if you plan to itemize Parking and tolls – receipts required

5 4 Activity Codes for leaders Leaders C = Leadership Flat rate $50 OR T = Itemized for training I = Itemized for counseling Various other codes – see expense form

6 SPECIAL RULES Any "I" Expense Statement that exceeds $400 for the entire season will be rejected Exceptions for special circumstances must be pre- approved by the District Coordinator and the State Coordinator A copy of the pre-Approval by the SC must be attached to the Volunteer's Expense Statement when submitted for payment SC must approve the expense statement

7 v13 6 E-file supplies S = e-file supplies over $25 per item require evidence of pre-approval by Gary Broughton except as noted below. Pre-approval is not required for copy paper or printer cartridges (provided cartridges are not included in specific list for which AARP has purchase agreement). Receipts required

8 v13 DC Meeting 20087 Other supplies Z = Supplies Normal office supplies Does not include equipment – staplers, staple removers, pencil sharpeners, etc. Receipts required

9 v13 DC Meeting 20088 Submission Timing “I” expenses only reimbursed from 15 April to 30 June. Applies to leaders too! Counselor training from 1 October and tax assistance from January to 20 April Leaders can submit statements anytime. Quarterly strongly recommended. Submit statements on/before 30 September – end of AARP fiscal year.

10 RECEIPTS Itemized receipt required for all expenses except mileage Receipts ($75 & over) must be taped to blank sheet of paper (8-1/2 x 11) All other receipts (under $75) can be sent loose, paper-clipped or stapled to the expense report, or taped to a separate sheet of paper Credit card charge slip is generally not acceptable

11 Where to find forms TaxAide extranet: Forms tab Expense statement  Paper form – word or pdf  Leader – Excel  Non-leader – Excel Direct deposit forms

12 Training aids TaxAide extranet: Training tab “Volunteer Expense Statement Training Presentation” Narrated presentation for non-leaders

13 v13 DC Meeting 200812 Activity Reporting Overview Site Sign-In Sheet Web Based Process Accuracy Issues Gary Blauth, NJ ADS

14 DC Meeting 200913 What is Activity Reporting and Why is it Important? WHAT: A collection of numerical data generated at the site level detailing the services volunteers deliver to AARP Tax-Aide clients WHY: The information is used to: Manage program activities Assess and measure services provided Develop forecasts and volumes Determine Volunteer and equipment allocations Support funding activities

15 DC Meeting 200914 Overview Site Sign-In Sheet is filled out NJ recording process has been improved this year Site Sign-in Sheets are collected and tabulated by the LC Monthly totals are submitted on-line by the LC, approved by the DC

16 DC Meeting 200915

17 DC Meeting 200916

18 DC Meeting 200917

19 DC Meeting 200918

20 19 Monthly Totals are Submitted 3 Reporting Periods during tax season Monthly: Ending the last calendar day in February, March, April Counts submitted and approved no later than the 5th of the following month: March 5, 2010 April 5, 2010 May 5, 2010 4th Reporting Period to cover the summer Submitted by the ADS directly into VMIS Final opportunity to correct any mis-counting submissions

21 20 How to Submit counts into the Web-enabled system Collect Site Sign-In Sheets Tabulate totals Log onto the internet Go to the volunteer extranet at

22 21 Submit Activity Reports Here

23 DC Meeting 200922 00000000 OR

24 23 Accuracy Issues - 1 Examples of under-reporting AARP returnsIRS returns 199429 68388 46256 Are volunteers using the sign-in sheets? Are LCs collecting and reporting the data?

25 24 Accuracy Issues – 2 Examples of over-reporting AARP returnsIRS 2,1161,535 524392 375197 Are Federal returns being counted twice? Are correct SIDNs on the returns? Paper returns must use overprinted 1040

26 Training aids TaxAide extranet: Training tab “Activity Reporting Reference Sheet” Manuals, Policy & Procedure tab “Activity Reporting Phase 2 Brainshark”  Narrated presentation

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