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Bicycle Safety Second Grade Mrs. Meadows. California State Standards HealthSecond Grade, Standard 3 –The student will understand and demonstrate behaviors.

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Presentation on theme: "Bicycle Safety Second Grade Mrs. Meadows. California State Standards HealthSecond Grade, Standard 3 –The student will understand and demonstrate behaviors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bicycle Safety Second Grade Mrs. Meadows

2 California State Standards HealthSecond Grade, Standard 3 –The student will understand and demonstrate behaviors that reduce the risk of becoming involved in potentially dangerous situations and know how to reach to situations in ways that help to protect his or her health. Explain the need for protective equipment Practice behaviors that protect the body Given a picture of a recreational activity, the student will be able to list and explain three practices that will protect the body.

3 Bicycle Safety Take a look at some movies and games about bicycle safety. Click Here

4 Riding A Bike Proper size Seat at proper height Reflectors at the front and back Tires inflated Check your brakes WEAR A HELMET

5 Rules of the Road Ride on the RIGHT side of the road Ride single file Watch out for dangers Keep control of your bike Always be prepared to STOP

6 Obey Traffic Signs

7 Helmet Safety Website for more information: cdc

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