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Satellite Training from the Cooperative Institutes: VISIT and SHyMet Programs Bernie Connell Dan Bikos and Ed Szoke Cooperative Institute for Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Satellite Training from the Cooperative Institutes: VISIT and SHyMet Programs Bernie Connell Dan Bikos and Ed Szoke Cooperative Institute for Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Satellite Training from the Cooperative Institutes: VISIT and SHyMet Programs Bernie Connell Dan Bikos and Ed Szoke Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere Scott Lindstrom and Scott Bachmeier Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies 2015 NOAA Satellite Conference Session 4.1 Education and Training

2 Virtual Institute for Satellite Integrated Training Satellite Hydrology and Meteorology WMO-CGMS Virtual Laboratory for Education and Training in Satellite Meteorology Satellite Liaisons

3 Strengths of CI's Located at a University –Close link to the Research side of R2O –Close link to education/outreach/training Close collaboration with NOAA colleagues.

4 Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration Training Launched in 1998 Mission: To accelerate the transfer of research results from atmospheric remote sensing into NWS operations Method: Distance education techniques: teletraining and online modules

5 (Initial) Focus: stand-alone sessions TOPICS Satellite Meteorology Severe Weather Winter Weather Tropical Lightning Climate Numerical Weather Prediction Fire Weather Current and Future Satellites (includes training specific to JPSS and GOES-R)

6 Additional Focus Blogs Monthly Virtual VISIT Satellite Chat Informal help desk via email

7 Satellite Hydrology and Meteorology COURSES COURSES dedicated to operational satellite meteorology Intern / Forecaster / Severe Weather / Tropical In Progress: GOES-R Instruments, Products, and Operational Applications

8 What has dramatically changed in the last 20 years? Internet capabilities –Speed –Tools Budgets –Time for training

9 Satellite Imagery GOES: Relatively consistent last 20 years Polar: New capabilities, products and improved latency. Focus on GOES With persistent viewing, develop “intuitive” knowledge over time. How can we transfer this to GOES-R? Ah ha!

10 Aware Knowledgeable Capable Skilled Expert Progression of understanding Challenges: - Adapting and presenting information for all audiences. - Encouraging participation - Simple and short

11 Virtual Institute for Satellite Integrated Training Satellite Hydrology and Meteorology WMO-CGMS Virtual Laboratory for Education and Training in Satellite Meteorology Satellite Liaisons Coordinating and Collaborating with Partners

12 Example adaptation for "VISIT Chat" Participation when coordinated with “events” Significant weather event Peer presents familiar case Face to Face training Persistent participation Enthusiasts Students Intern forecasters Recurring intermittent participants Trainers, seasonal interest, experts

13 Chat, Blog, Training, or Help Desk May 2014 What is your style? What is your level of expertise? Consider sharing your knowledge. Research Trainer Operations Learner

14 VISIT SHyMet Thanks!

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