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QUIZ – True or False? 1. Science Notebooks and Science Journals are the same thing, only different names. 2. Investigable questions are those where students.

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Presentation on theme: "QUIZ – True or False? 1. Science Notebooks and Science Journals are the same thing, only different names. 2. Investigable questions are those where students."— Presentation transcript:


2 QUIZ – True or False? 1. Science Notebooks and Science Journals are the same thing, only different names. 2. Investigable questions are those where students find the answers by manipulating the data and materials. 3. When recording in a student’s science notebook, teachers can and should write directly on the notebook pages. 4. Science Notebooks do not increase scores on standardized tests. 5. Science Notebooks can be used as an assessment tool for teachers for subjects besides science.

3 Science Notebooks = Science Journals False Science Notebooks focus on the more structured method and science process skills Science Journals emphasize free form of writing that can express feelings

4 Investigable Questions True Investigable questions involve students manipulating materials to find the answer Example: What will gobstoppers do when placed in water?

5 Teachers can write on students’ notebooks False Important to remember that notebook belongs to the student – it is a personal document Post-its are a great tool to use instead Make sure focus of assessment is on acquiring knowledge related to students’ level of understanding

6 Science Notebooks do not increase standardized test scores False Student achievement in science, math, and reading and writing all greatly improved Science Notebooks are becoming more appealing to schools because standardized test scores are at such importance these days

7 Assessment Tools Besides Science True Writing Skills Following Directions Follow Concepts

8 Science Notebooks Integrate other skills – reading/writing Provides feedback to teachers – authentic record of students’ thinking Real scientists use logbooks Notebooks vs. Journals Notebooks support scientific thinking Journals express feeling

9 Science Notebooks - 2 Use of investigable questions Reword some questions to make them investigable Start as a group process Assessment Acquire knowledge Foster independence in design and execution Use rubrics Use sticky notes

10 Science Notebooks – Key Steps 1. Write name, date, and time – just like real scientists 2. Write the question (s) 3. Make prediction (s) 4. List what we did – procedures – step- by –step - then include detailed drawings with labels 5. List “Line of Learning” (LOL)

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