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Scientometric investigation of information flux on development of low activation materials for fusion reactor Alenina M.V., Kolotov V.P. Vernadsky Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientometric investigation of information flux on development of low activation materials for fusion reactor Alenina M.V., Kolotov V.P. Vernadsky Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientometric investigation of information flux on development of low activation materials for fusion reactor Alenina M.V., Kolotov V.P. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Science

2 STN- Inter. INIS COMPENDEXSCI Text file Converter Query to international bibliographic databases The development of specialized bibliographic database for information storage on low activation materials Database The query is covering the period of 1976-2008 years, as a result is about 800 records in DB (abstracts of books, articles from 46 journals, reports of laboratory et al.)

3 Estimation of the papers citing, the cooperativity and the productivity of authors in the field of LAM development Query to database The keywords, Thematic journals 525 publications 2% starting from 1960

4 The distribution of papers over categories of citedness  Uncited papers (k=0);  Poorly cited papers (1  k<10);  Fairly cited (10  k<40);  Remarkably cited (40  k<90);  Outstandingly cited (k  90). where k – the number of citations received by the single paper

5 Estimation of the cooperativity and productivity of authors Summary statistics of papers, authors and authorships in the field of development of LAM (1981-2008).

6 The distribution of the information flux in the field of LAM development between countries 1976-1997гг.1998-2008гг. Country% % USA 39,8 Japan 29,7 Japan 27,7 Germany 14,5 Italy 8,8 USA 13 Germany 7 Italy 9,3 UK 5,5 France 7,4 Russia 4 6,3 France 0,9 UK 5,2 China 3,3 Spain 3

7 Growth of publications on low activation materials in journals for period 1976-2008 The period of information doubling is increasing from 4,5 years to 11,5 years.

8 The most important particular directions in the field of development of LAM

9 The distribution of publications from 1998 to 2007 years on some topics The amount of publications,%Title of topic 55,1mechanical (incl. thermomechanical) property 10,2embrittlement of materials 6,1corrosion of materials 4,8irradiation hardening 3,4swelling 2,7thermal property 2erosion of materials 5,4irradiation defects/damage 2physical property 8,1others

10 Conclusion  Not less than 80% of publications in the leading journals on the development of low activation materials are citing,  The decreasing of cooperativity in the last years does not influence on the authors productivity,  The period of the information doubling is 11,5 years. Cumulative growth of publications allows to make optimistic prognosis about further development of this field of materials science.

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