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Libraries as a dynamic cooperation power Practical cases of cooperation By Henk Middelveld.

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Presentation on theme: "Libraries as a dynamic cooperation power Practical cases of cooperation By Henk Middelveld."— Presentation transcript:

1 Libraries as a dynamic cooperation power Practical cases of cooperation By Henk Middelveld

2 The Netherlands in Europe

3 The Dutch Public Libraries 1 national library organisation NBLC 10 Provincial Library Centres 13 Libraries with a scientific Support function 491 public libraries.

4 Cooperation is fashion  HOED – Doctors, Pharmacies etc. share one building  Brede school – Primary schools and all kinds of services  Buurtbalie – banks, postoffice, commercial services share a building  Kulturhus – libraries, social services, tourist information, you name it!

5 Different models  One building, different rooms  One building, sharing room  One building, one program  One building,one organisation, one director  More buildings, one program  Kulturhus

6 Different forms – increasing importance  Oral agreement  Projects (ad hoc)  Contracts  Joint ventures  Concern  Merger

7 Almere  New library, theater and archive building  Status: plans are approved

8 Almelo  Library, local radio, meeting and event rooms, cultural and education programs, cooperation with museum (original art in the library.  Status: in use from 199?  One beautiful building, one organisation, one very creative director  Special: library branch in football stadium

9 Apeldoorn  2 Museum, 1 library, 1 archive  Status: plans approved, building proces is started.  Slogan: CODA = Culture under roof in Apeldoorn.

10 Deventer  Library of the Saxion High School  Library and archive of the city  Library with Scientific Support function for the province of Overijssel  Status: the City and Athenaeum Library started in 1485  Two locations, one organisation, one director.

11 Doorn  Library,Tourist office, Police station, Welfare foundation, Town hall.  Status: plans approved by the city council, residents can choose between plan A and B

12 Enchede  Library and adult education centre, 2nd largest collection of music CD’s  Status: preparation plans for merger  Two buildings, one program, two directors.  Slogan: working togather to a centre for knowledge, literature, culture and music

13 Gouda  Projectoffice BAM = Library, Archive, Museum – cooperation with other local cultural institutions  Start 11-9-2003 with full-time project leader

14 Groningen  Library, Scientific Support function, Centre for Different Reading, cafe  Branches connected to schools incl. all kind of cultural and educational activities  Status: more than 10 years operational  Remarkable: the library is fully woven in the Provincial library Network!

15 Leeuwarden  Frisian Literary Museum and Documentation Centre, Provincial Library and Buma Library, National archive in Friesian  Started in 2002  One building, one organisation, one director

16 Lelystad  NLP = New Land Poldermuseum,Social Historic Centre Flevoland, National Archive Flevoland,Archaeological depot, Community Archives,Flevolands Library Bureau  Status: merger end 2003, new building end 2004.

17 Middelburg  Public Library, Provincial Library, Provincial library Centre, Technical library Vlissingen, Music Library, Zeeuws Documentation Centre.  One building, one program, one director.  Slogan: Enterprise in knowledge, culture and meeting place

18 Ommen  Library, Child care, Theatre, Sports facilities, Youth Centre  One building, different organisations, different directors.   Remark: Only buildings knotted together, no cooperation. Missed chance!!

19 Oss  Library, Music School, Creative Centre,Cultural Centre (theatre- 600 places, film, music) pop music centre) and Cultural services for education  Status: in use from 1997  One building, one organisation, one dynamic director

20 Soest  Library, Cultural centre, theatre, Art Gallery, Bowling, Sports, Church  One building, one organisation for the building, one director  Slogan: towards a broad library.

21 Tilburg  Library, Adult education Centre, IB Group  Different buildings, different organisations, one program

22 Zwartewaterland  Library, Child care, local Radio Station, Welfare desk, housing elderly people, housing handicapped people, expo room, cafe corner, cultural program  Status: in use 2003  One building, one board for the building, different director  Remarkable: the first Overijssel Kulturhus

23 Zwolle  Archive of the city  Provincial Archive  Audiovisual Documentation Centre of the Province of Overijssel  Documentation Centre World War 2 of Overijssel  Status: in use from 2001  One building, one organisation, one director

24 … the Swedish Kulturhus We discover:

25 Kulturhus 1 organisation 1 management 1 building 1 high value package of services 1 dynamic program Customizing is essential

26 Kulturhus Big is powerful small is beautiful Only the combination is successful Slogan

27 Kulturhusconcept of 1990

28 In 2000 Local community Broadband Digital highway Backoffice / Bigger scale kulturhus Education plaza Culture plaza LIBRARY PLAZA Sport plaza Care plaza

29 Selfservice Reception and clientservice Pop. collecttons/ databases Information Read and workspace Advice Cafe (Reading) Cultural and educational activities. theater, gallery, postoffice, Tourist office, police Run shoppen Fun shoppen Physical acces Digital acces Run and fun

30 More information  My book about Kulturhus, In Dutch.

31 Conclusions  Big libraries > 500.000 inhabitants will survive as stand-alone  Smaller libraries will have to establish all kinds of cooperation  The Kulturhusconcept is suitable for libraries in villages, smaller cities and suburbs of the big cities.

32 Use your imagination imagination

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