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National Standards: Parent Information. Overview  General information about the National Standards  The debate: what’s it all about!?  Describe the.

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Presentation on theme: "National Standards: Parent Information. Overview  General information about the National Standards  The debate: what’s it all about!?  Describe the."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Standards: Parent Information

2 Overview  General information about the National Standards  The debate: what’s it all about!?  Describe the steps that St Patrick’s Catholic School is taking with regards to the Standards  Explaining your child’s report

3 What are the Standards?  They are “milestones” for achievement at the end of every year level (Years 1-8)  Standards of minimum achievement in reading, writing and mathematics  They aim to provide clear expectations for teachers, parents, students, schools and BOT’s on achievement at different year levels and plain language reporting on next steps learning.

4 The Requirements for Schools  To report to parents a minimum of twice a year in “plain language”  Assess children against the standards and report on Achievement and Progress  Use the school assessment information to set targets (goals on achievement) to form priorities for 2011  Send assessment information on our standards achieved to the Ministry of Education

5 Information about the Standards How the standards were developed  The goal is for every child to achieve a minimum of NCEA level 2  The Standards have been backwards mapped from NCEA level 2 to determine where children need to be each year to reach NCEA level 2.

6 Information about the Standards NCEA Level 2 by end of secondary school National Standard – After 1 Year at school Year 8

7 Information about the Standards Overall Teacher Judgement  Teachers have to use a combination of three components to make an “Overall Teacher Judgement” as to how each child is achieving

8 Sources of evidence to support decision-making Classroom Observation Evidence gained from informal assessment opportunities: Learning Conversations Evidence arising from Learning Conversations: Test Outcomes Evidence gained from assessment tools, including standardised tools: Focussed Classroom Observation Student books and tasks Running Records Student peer assessment Conferencing Interviewing Questioning Explaining Discussing 6 year Observation Survey STAR Reading asTTle Numeracy Stages PAT’s Overall Teacher Judgement

9 Definitions of Achievement  Above – children are achieving above the standard for their age / year group. Generally, they have to be achieving / working a year or more above where they are expected to be  At – children are achieving at a level consistent with expectations for their age / year group  Below – children are achieving below the expected level for their age / year group, but it is expected that normal classroom programmes should, over time, allow the child to reach the expected standard for next year.  Well Below – children are achieving significantly below the expected level for their age / year group and extra programmes over and above the normal classroom programme will be needed to allow the child to reach their expected level

10 More Information  

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