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According to Luke Annunciation and Birth. Annunciation handout.

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1 According to Luke Annunciation and Birth

2 Annunciation handout

3 The Annunciation Luke is the only gospel to tell the story of the Annunciation (Luke 1:26-38)  Annunciation means announcement The angel Gabriel tells Mary that she will conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit/Most High

4 The annunciation of John and Jesus Only in Luke’s gospel:  John the Baptist and Jesus are related  Mothers Elizabeth and Mary are cousins  Elizabeth, like Hannah (and Sarah and Rachel) is barren  God makes Hannah conceive  Mary conceives by the Holy Spirit  Zechariah is struck mute until baby is named at circumcision  Zech. Then prophesies: Luke 1:67-79

5 The Annunciation- act Lk. 1:5-25 The annunciation of JBap Zechariah & Elizabeth  Priestly family, aged, barren Annunciation delivered by an angel, Gabriel  To Zech. In the Temple Dialogue between the angel and Zec.  Do not be afraid  Elizabeth will bear a child  Name him Jh.  He will be great before the Lord The sign  Zach will be reduced to silence Conclusion  Zach. goes home unable to spea k Lk. 1:26-45,56 Annunciation about Jesus Angel, Gabriel, gives Mary the message.  Hail… Mary  Favored one  Do not be afraid  You will conceive a child  Name him Jesus  He will be great The sign  Behold your relative has conceived. Mary accepted Mary visited Elizabeth

6 The Birth of Jesus- act Mt. 1:18-2:15Lk. 2:1-24

7 The Birth of Jesus- act Mt. 1:18-2:15 M ary engaged to Joseph MMiraculous pregnancy J oseph did not want to marry her AAngel appeared to him in a dream H erod in charge of Judea AAsked wise men to let him know when the baby was born SSent to kill children- 2 yrs. old and younger W ise men following the star BBring gifts to the baby AAngel tells them to not return to Herod Lk. 2:1-24 E mperor Augustus in charge OOrdered a census J oseph and Mary are married and are expecting a child W hile they are in Bethlehem registering for the census, Jesus is born BBorn in a stable MMary laid Jesus in a manger P oor shepherd heard about the birth of Jesus from an angel SSaw a heavenly host praising God C ircumcision of Jesus 88 days after he was born NNamed Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived P resentation of the baby to the Temple

8 The lost years of Jesus The lost years of Jesus B irth of Jesus A fter the presentation of the baby to the Temple, Luke jumps to narrate the account of Jesus getting lost in Jerusalem. JJesus is 12 yrs. old HHe was found in the Temple listening and asking questions to teachers A fter this account, there is nothing else about Jesus being a teenager TThese are the lost years of Jesus

9 Non-Canonical writings One of the stories describes Jesus as a young boy who, in order to entertain and impress his friends, would take clay models of birds and magically make them come alive and fly away.

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