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 Nyíregyháza is the seventh biggest city in Hungary.  It is located in the northeast part of the country.  It has lots of suburbs like Oros, Sóstóhegy,

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Presentation on theme: " Nyíregyháza is the seventh biggest city in Hungary.  It is located in the northeast part of the country.  It has lots of suburbs like Oros, Sóstóhegy,"— Presentation transcript:

1  Nyíregyháza is the seventh biggest city in Hungary.  It is located in the northeast part of the country.  It has lots of suburbs like Oros, Sóstóhegy, Borbánya etc.

2 Nyíregyháza has about 800 years old history. Its name was only Nyír in 1209. A church was built in 1236 and it’s named after it too. So the name of the city became Nyíregyháza.

3  This city had about 400 inhabitants in the 15th They were Evangelic and they founded the first primary schools and a Professional School, which is the Kossuth Lajos Primary School, today.  In 1837, the town began to develop, and they founded other schools, and a city hall in the city centre. There was a hospital and a hotel in Sóstó too.

4  In the 19th century Nyíregyháza developed the railway line. Lots of buildings were built in Nyíregyháza, like the theatre, the post office. There were trams in the city too.  Nyíregyháza has been the center of Szabolcs- Szatmár-Bereg country since 1876.

5 THE SIGHTS OF THE CITY CENTRE Nyíregyháza County Hall Takarék PALACE Town Hall of Nyiregyháza Crown Hotel The theatre Omnia café

6 NYÍREGYHÁZA COUNTY HALL Nyiregyhaza’s county life started 150 years ago. The County Hall was designed by the well- known Hungarian architect and engineer Ignacio Altar.

7 CROWN HOTEL  The Crown Hotel is in the middle of Nyíregyháza. It got it’s name after the previous building that was there called the Crown house.

8  There is a special hall named after Kodály Zoltán where you can have weddings and conferences. Kodály Zoltán was a famous hungarian composer.

9 TAKARÉK PALACE  The Takarékpalota was built at the end of the 19th century and was designed by Hubert József.  It has a beautiful interior especially the ceiling.

10 TOWN HALL OF NYIREGYHÁZA Around 1938 Present time Located in the center of the city, on the Kussuth Square. It was built in 1872, designed by Karoly Benko Eclectic building, having renaissance atmosphere and pillard entrance


12 OUR LADY OF HUNGARY CO-CATHEDRAL It is the biggest churc in Nyíregyháza.

13 TUZSON JANOS BOTANICAL GARDEN Location: College of Nyiregyhaza Named after Janos Tuzson internationally renowned scholar botanist. Established in 1974 Around 2500 species of plants can be seen including the sequoia tree, fruit-bearing coffee, cacti and many types of orchids. It also functions as a gene bank.

14 Sóstó is located in the northern part of Nyíregyháza. Sóstó is located in the northern part of Nyíregyháza. It is a suburb in Nyíregyháza. Sóstó is very popular in Hungary because lot of foreigners and local people spend the vacation in Sóstó. SÓSTÓ

15 Svájci Lak Krudy Vigadó Bathing House FAMOUS BUILDINGS IN SÓSTÓ

16 OTHER ENTERTAINMENT FACILITIES IN SÓSTÓ Open Air Museum Sóstó ZOO Aqvarius Spa Adventure Park

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