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Dr Ann Kelly Integration: One perspective and its applications and implications for adult language literacy and numeracy practices.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Ann Kelly Integration: One perspective and its applications and implications for adult language literacy and numeracy practices."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Ann Kelly Integration: One perspective and its applications and implications for adult language literacy and numeracy practices

2 Integration of English language, literacy and numeracy Literacy Numeracy English language

3 Focus of unit/lesson Literacy Numeracy

4 Slightly more complex concept of integration Literacy Numeracy English language Learning

5 Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF)

6 Components of the ACSF 5 core skills + 5 levels of performance + 6 aspects of communication

7 5 Core SkillsLevels Learning Reading Writing Oral Communication Numeracy 5432154321

8 Spiky profile concept 5432154321 ACSF Levels of performance Learning Reading Oral Communication Numeracy Writing

9 Spiky profile concept 5432154321 ACSF Levels of performance LearningReading Oral Communication NumeracyWriting

10 6 Aspects of Communication Personal Cooperative Procedural Technical Systems Public

11 Applications and Key features of the ACSF andNum/WorkplaceEnglishLanguageandLite racy/Documents/AustralianCoreSkillsFrame work.pdf Retrieved 15 March 2011, pp. 3-5.

12 Implications of the ACSF Provides a useful framework for considering lln competency Is based on the importance of cognitive, socio-cultural, critical and affective theoretical positions Brings together different disciplinary histories and practices Impacts on the need for extensive knowledge and skills of lln by teachers professional development needs Impacts on the need for extensive knowledge of different contexts by lln teachers and tutors

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