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Sexual health & young people AIDS 2014. CEH Provides support to agencies in Victoria and across Australia on developing culturally competent service systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual health & young people AIDS 2014. CEH Provides support to agencies in Victoria and across Australia on developing culturally competent service systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 sexual health & young people AIDS 2014

2 CEH Provides support to agencies in Victoria and across Australia on developing culturally competent service systems. This is undertaken via training, capacity building, research, resource development, project management and consultancy.  Multicultural Health & Support Service

3 One system doesn’t fit all

4 Support for Connections to individuals and families Community Education targeting high prevalence CALD communities Community Action initiatives led by multicultural communities Sector Development to increase culturally competent sexual health and support service delivery MHSS works through a partnership and capacity building model that incorporates four key areas:

5 MHSS works with: Communities from refugee, migrants, international students (previously) and asylum seekers; Service providers; and Multicultural organisations including ethno-specific services.

6 fundamentals… sex & young people  What are the key issues faced by refugee and migrant young people?  What is shared universally with their Australian born counterparts?

7 migrant & refugee health issues prolonged camp experience - poor nutrition/oral health - low literacy/health literacy - perceptions of authority - reconfigured families - loss/grief - experiences of torture and trauma - journey experience - visits home - isolation/discrimination- service sector navigation

8 refugee young people Acculturation process - Dual cultures - Parental expectations – Bullying - Institutional racism - Reconfigured families - Puberty /adolescence - Gender- masculinity/femininity - Identity development - Pre- literate – Housing - Disengaged Education/JJ/Corrections - Confidentiality/safety

9 Challenges for CALD communities Access barriers Complexity of treatment Patient tracking & follow-up systems Costs Cultural isolation Miscommunication with health professionals Lack of support systems Misunderstanding facilities & procedures TRUST

10 Challenges for health professionals Different communication styles Different caring principles (nurse-patient relationship) Religion, gender & family expectations Belief systems, behaviours & expectations of health & illness Language barriers Limited consultation time Health literacy levels Cultural Competency

11 have we considered? Youth friendly venues Family involvement Parental consent Outreach models Time of day Religious festivals Youth events

12 youth & CALD friendly CROC WHO-Young people involved in the planning and monitoring of services Trust Workforce development Peer led models Confidentiality Outreach model Inclusive Culturally competent

13 ideas pre-session parent workshops Consecutive workshops and programs Emphasis on prevention RESPECT



16 peer education

17 thank you Alison Coelho Manager, MHSS T: 9418 9909 M: 0409 166 870

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