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Improve the way you create, manage and distribute information INNOVATION INSPIRATION Relational database integration with RDF/OWL.

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Presentation on theme: "Improve the way you create, manage and distribute information INNOVATION INSPIRATION Relational database integration with RDF/OWL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improve the way you create, manage and distribute information INNOVATION INSPIRATION Relational database integration with RDF/OWL Bob DuCharme December 7, 2006 XML 2006

2 2 2 About me Senior Consultant, Innodata Isogen weblog: other writing: See

3 3 3 What is an RDF/OWL ontology? Ontology: “Computational formalization of a subject matter” (Bijan Parsia et al) Describe metadata about resource classes and their relationships Web Ontology Language a W3C update of DAML+OIL Good fit with Knowledge Representation and other AI work Ontologies vs. traditional schemas

4 4 4 “Ontologies for the sake of ontologies” If metadata is data about data, what data is your metadata about? Field of Dreams attitude of many ontology developers

5 5 5 RDF in one slide A data model, not a syntax. Three-part statement called a triple: (Subject, Predicate, Object) For example: (urn:isbn:0553213113,, ”Herman Melville”) Great for loosely structured data, but…

6 6 6 RDBMS integration with RDF/OWL This presentation: background + demo Paper accompanying presentation:

7 7 7 Use Cases Two address book databases that use different names (e.g. workState, businessState) Find useful queries across the two that are easier in SPARQL than in SQL, thanks to RDF/OWL: Who works in NY state? List any phone numbers (home, mobile, business, etc.) that I have for Alfred Adams. Find all info for Bobby Fischer at 2304 Eighth Lane, even if the other database lists him as Robert L. Fischer of 2304 8 th Ln.

8 8 8 Basic Steps Generate data Load into MySQL Let D2RQ (RDBMS/RDF interface server) know about those databases Get a dump of representative RDF data Create ontology for that data Issue ontology-aware SPARQL queries against that data

9 9 9 Generate Data Fill out every field in a Eudora address book entry, export to CSV, see what’s there Repeat for Outlook Write python script to generate data, e.g. "Miguel","","Miguel Porter","Miguel","Porter","1462 Oak St.","Kitchener","TN","US","67117-2620","(364) 769- 1070","(431) 985-7923","(850) 998- 7790","","RadioShack","", "2109 Green Ave.","Boston","MP","US","48379-6760","(824) 959-5268","(354) 384-8517","(992) 963- 9772","", "","(748) 965-6871","","Here is a sample note.\n\nThat was two carriage returns."

10 10 Load into MySQL CREATE DATABASE eudora; USE eudora; CREATE TABLE entries ( nickname VARCHAR(20), email1 VARCHAR(50), fullName VARCHAR(30), firstName VARCHAR(15), lastName VARCHAR(20), address VARCHAR(60), # etc. PRIMARY KEY (lastName,firstName) );

11 11 Tell D2RQ about databases Generate mapping files (command lines split): generate-mapping -o eudoraMapping.ttl -u root -p mypw jdbc:mysql://localhost/eudora generate-mapping -o outlookMapping.ttl -u root -p if27 jdbc:mysql://localhost/outlook Combine two mapping files Start server with combined mapping file: d2r-server comboMapping.ttl

12 12 Get some data to use for ontology creation SPARQL Query: CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } URL version : http://localhost:2020/sparql?query=CONSTRUCT+%7B+%3 Fs+%3Fp+%3Fo+%7D+WHERE+%7B+%3Fs+%3Fp+%3Fo+%7D

13 13 rdfcat.xsl XSLT 1.0 stylesheet to create a single RDF file from a source file like this:

14 14 List of files to concatenate together (rdfcat.rdf) Short XSLT stylesheet reads listed resources, concatenates them together. Now we have RDF of sample data.

15 15 Generate ontology Tell SWOOP to load an ontology… then just load a regular RDF file! Save it right away, see what you have. Add That Value: Define more relationships between properties with Swoop Save it Look at the resulting ontology

16 16 New ontology rules Define equivalent fields in the two databases Declare “phone” property, name its subproperties (home, mobile, cell, work, business, fax…) email as inverse function

17 17 Separate new rules into separate file

18 18 Issue Queries Who works in NY state? List any phone numbers (home, mobile, business, etc.) that I have for Alfred Adams. Find all info for Bobby Fischer at 2304 Eighth Lane, even if other database lists him as Robert L. Fischer of 2304 8 th Ln. Sample running of pellet query (split onto two lines): pellet -if file:///dat/xml/rdf/databaseint/sampleout.rdf -ifmt RDF/XML -qf atest1.spq

19 19 Who works in NY state? PREFIX e: PREFIX o: SELECT * WHERE { ?s e:entries_workState "NY" } -------------------------------------------------------------- Query Results (9 answers): s ================ jill:Jones sarah:Richardson victor:Hernandez elaine:Sanchez annie:Butler rodney:Jones jesus:Wells curtis:Barnes crystal:Martin

20 20 Alfred Adams’ phone numbers PREFIX e: SELECT ?phoneType ?phone WHERE { ?s ?phoneType ?phone. ?s e:phone ?phone. ?s eud:entries_lastName "Adams". ?s eud:entries_firstName "Alfred". } ------------------------------------------------------- Query Results (13 answers): phoneType | phone ================================================ outlook:entries_businessPhone | "(768) 629-3639" eudora:entries_workPhone | "(768) 629-3639" eudora:entries_workFax | "(865) 937-1192" eudora:entries_workMobile | "(262) 851-6276" eudora:entries_otherPhone | "(840) 290-6143" eudora:entries_mobile | "(257) 372-7719" et cetera… outlook:entries_mobilePhone | "(257) 372-7719"

21 21 Bobby Fischer info SELECT * WHERE { ?p ?o } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Query Results (41 answers): p | o =============================================================================== eudora:entries_mobile | "(989) 402-5141" eudora:entries_workWebAddress | "" outlook:entries_lastName | "Fisher" eudora:entries_firstName | "Bobby" eudora:entries_state | "NE" eudora:entries_zip | "29565-9670" outlook:entries_businessPhone | "(167) 559-3177" eudora:entries_lastName | "Fisher" eudora:entries_workCity | "El Paso" eudora:phone | "(974) 270-6457" # et cetera... eudora:entries_country | "US" eudora:entries_otherPhone | "(974) 270-6457" outlook:entries_mobilePhone | "(974) 270-6457" outlook:entries_homePhone | "(254) 133-8460" eudora:entries_workMobile | "(602) 997-9361" eudora:entries_workAddress | "3839 Maple Lane" eudora:entries_workOrganization | "Atmos Energy" eudora:entries_email1 | "" eudora:entries_fullName | "Bobby Fisher" eudora:entries_workTitle | "" outlook:entries_businessState | "NE" outlook:entries_firstName | "Bobby" eudora:entries_city | "New York"

22 22 Caveats Querying disk file of full dump Scaleable?

23 23 Improve the way you create, manage and distribute information INNOVATION INSPIRATION 23 Relational database integration with RDF/OWL Bob DuCharme December 7, 2006 XML 2006

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