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Internet for the Family Presented to The Prairieland Advocates for Gifted Children, February 5, 1999 By Valerie Bock.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet for the Family Presented to The Prairieland Advocates for Gifted Children, February 5, 1999 By Valerie Bock."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet for the Family Presented to The Prairieland Advocates for Gifted Children, February 5, 1999 By Valerie Bock

2 What is the Internet? 4 global network of connected computers communicating with each other via Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 4 full employment program for computer geeks

3 Yeah, but what is it really! 4 communications medium –e-mail –chat –newsgroups –internet phone –video conferencing

4 Yeah, but what is it really? 4 archive for computer programs –patches for commercial programs –demos –shareware –freeware 4 archive for written documents 4 medium for cheap publication

5 Well, yeah, but what is it that would matter to me? 4 A way to keep in touch with far-flung friends and family 4 A place to find out more about things I’m interested in. 4 A huge catalog 4 A study aid 4 A place to publish my work 4 A playground 4 A place to meet people who are interested in the same things I am 4 A means to keep current in my field 4 A way to do business from home

6 Isn’t there some bad stuff on the Internet?

7 Some folks think the Internet is for: 4 Being mean to people under cover of anonymity 4 Offering sleazy products, even to people who have no interest 4 Spreading hate and/or lies 4 Luring innocent youngsters into dangerous situations 4 Stealing –intellectual property –money 4 Pretending to be someone else

8 So how do you avoid the bad stuff? 4 Guard your privacy. Children should never reveal: –last name –address –phone number 4 Adults should take care when revealing this information, and be careful about credit card numbers and work addresses

9 So how do you avoid the bad stuff? 4 Don’t believe everything you read 4 Go with your gut instinct 4 Parents should know where their kids go 4 Don’t reveal private information

10 What’s the big deal about revealing my full name? 4 If people have your name and your town, they can get your phone number and address (Yahoo) and they can find out where your house is (Mapquest) 4 It’s one thing to give this information to local folks and far away folks you know, and another to broadcast it to the world!

11 What about my e-mail address? 4 E-mail addresses are big business 4 Spam is everywhere 4 E-mail addresses published on the web attract junk mail like flies 4 E-mail software with filtering capability is a Good Thing (TM) –Eudora –Pegasus –Netscape

12 Ok, Ok, I’ll be careful! Now can we go on-line? 4 Search Engines –Ask Jeeves –Dogpile 4 Cultural Stuff –Arts & Letters Daily –Museums –PBS –NPR

13 Local Stuff on-line 4 Herald & Review 4 Millikin 4 Richland 4 DecaturNet 4 City of Decatur

14 Kidstuff 4 Internet Chess Server 4 Hoagie’s Kids Pages 4 Yahooligans 4 Study Web 4 Virtual Science Teacher 4 Hotwheels site 4 MaMa Media 4 GT World Moo

15 So, What is the Internet to You?

16 What isn’t the Internet? 4 A replacement for the guidance of parents 4 A replacement for teachers 4 A source of hugs 4 A replacement for neighbors 4 A replacement for friends 4 A place where you can “really get to know” people 4 A replacement for “real life”

17 Have fun, Learn stuff! 4 E-mail me! 4 Check out the links from this presentation:

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