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Open Access Scholarly Databases Hanoi December 10, 2007 Professor Peter Jacso Department of Information and Computer Sciences University of Hawaii.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Access Scholarly Databases Hanoi December 10, 2007 Professor Peter Jacso Department of Information and Computer Sciences University of Hawaii."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Access Scholarly Databases Hanoi December 10, 2007 Professor Peter Jacso Department of Information and Computer Sciences University of Hawaii

2 TOPICS The OA Initiatives and Movements The Layers of OA The Players in OA OA Book collections OA Conference Proceedings OA Periodicals OA Dissertations OA Indexing and Abstracting Databases OA Full Text Databases OA Directories and Statistical Databases OA Sources about OA Jacso

3 I know many of you had interesting workshops in various Learning Resource Centers across Vietnam JacsoBorrowed for fair use from Terry Plum And more fun time And fun time By Terry Plum and Pat Oyler

4 And I hope this session will be for use and fun after all we are discussing OPEN ACCESS which is > then free access Jacso

5 Open Access Initiatives and Movements Fusion of tradition & high-tech free & permanent online (Web) access for any user, anywhere to full-text scholarly materials Jacso

6 Budapest Open Access Initiative Jacso

7 Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge Jacso

8 Stevan Harnad Jacso

9 Peter Suber Jacso

10 THE ROADS TO OPEN ACCESS - (Harnads terminology) Golden Road (born/converted to be free) Green Road (authors allowed to archive & post post- print version) Light Green Road (authors have right to archive pre- print version) Jacso

11 - THE ROADS TO OPEN ACCESS (Harnads terminology) Systematic by journal Ad-hoc by articles Mandated OA by employers, funding organizations), government (!) Volunteered by publisher Self-archived by individuals Jacso

12 MAJOR TYPES of OA DIGITAL COLLECTIONS Institutional repositories (Univ of Southampton) Topical (subject) repositories - (DLIST, eLIS) Personal repositories (Eugene Garfield) Publishers and digital facilitators collections Immediate OA Delayed OA (moratorium 3-24 months) Out of copyright collections (Live Windows Books) Selective open access (Google Books) Jacso

13 Layers of OA (my opinion, no declaration) Partially open access (hundred millions of bibliographic records with abstracts) Not just peer-reviewed research journals but also professional journals (Online, Searcher, etc.) – but here it is not mandated Not just journals but also books, conference proceedings, encyclopedias, etc. Jacso

14 Free or feels like free Vietnams natural beauties - for the natives Subsidized databases for Vietnamese LRCs in Can Tho Hue Da Nang Thai Nguyen Jacso Through By

15 Hawaii HSPLS card carrying member Hawaii DOE students Hawaii private school students Hawaiiprivate college and university students UHstudents, faculty & staff UH LISstudents through yours truly Free or feels like free in Hawaii Jacso

16 Excerpts from Jacso

17 Open Access (OA) is here to stay … and grow OA > Free (for whom, for how long, from where?) OA is universally free (for anyone, from anywhere, at anytime) May be a subset of, mixed with non-OA May have limits in retrospectivity and currency You can browse, search, display substantial info Digital D-i-v-i-d-e alliterates nicely - but it is just not true Jacso

18 The time is ripe Best ways to promote implementation of OA talk and write about the variety in HICs & LICs use and show em to prove their instant benefits Digital (& wireless) make the world go round Digital & wireless & OA make information go round the world OA information & Open Source Software make the perfect pair for OA databases Jacso

19 The success of Open Source SW & affordable infrastructure Global success of CDS/ISIS family (MicroISIS, WinISIS, GenISIS, JavaISIS, WWW-ISIS) Eprints, Greenstone DL, Dspace Jacso Plummeting hardware costs (and sizes), affordable infrastructure

20 Widely available financial support International agencies, non-profits, charities UNxxx, FAO, WHO, Cornell, Harvard, NISC, Wellcome Trust, Soros Foundation, INASP, Human Info NGO Jacso

21 Digital U-n-i-t-e When you see and use Open Access Indexing Indexing & Abstracting (I&A) Full-text (FT) Directory Numerical-statistical Geographic-cartographic Multimedia (image, audio and video) databases Jacso

22 What is available OA? Ask what is not available Finding tools (catalogs, I&A databases, directories) Primary documents Books Journal articles Conference papers Government reports Technical Manuals Theses and dissertations Statistics, censuses, surveys Maps, photos, drawings Audio and video recordings Encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, almanacs, reviews Jacso

23 I &A Databases Jacso

24 Government + International Organizations Providers – I/A databases Jacso

25 Associations Providers – Abstracts + I/A databases/subsets + many others Jacso

26 Volunteers Publishers Providers – Abstracts + I/A databases/subsets + many others Jacso

27 Providers - Abstracts + I/A databases/subsets Facilitators Web-born entrepreneurs Traditional Information Services Jacso

28 Closest to your heart Jacso All records in the LISTA database (as of mid-November, 2007)

29 FT Databases/subsets Jacso

30 The largest multidisciplinary OA subset Jacso

31 Toxoplasmosis search in HWP Jacso

32 Largest OA FT Collections Jacso

33 The World of OA Full-Text / FT Subsets Providers - Government Associations Volunteers + Jacso

34 Publishers - The World of OA Full-Text / FT Subsets Providers Facilitators Others Jacso

35 OA Books Jacso

36 OA Theses & Dissertations Jacso

37 OA Ready Reference Collections Jacso

38 Special Subsidized Access for the 68 LICs + almost OA for 45 others Generous publishers Participation based on GNP per capita; <$1,000 group and $1,000-$3,000 group Check if your country is qualified and registered Jacso

39 Does Vietnam qualify for special HINARI/AGORA deal? Absolutely – go for it, no, run for it – NOW Jacso

40 HINARI Jacso

41 AGORA Jacso

42 Most OA – supporting countries USA UK Canada Australia New Zealand Japan Brazil India Jacso

43 Best examples, best practices (a.k.a. role models) For Sleeping Beauty HICs and struggling LICs alike Jacso

44 Best examples, best practices (a.k.a. role models) Jacso

45 Best examples, best practices (a.k.a. role models) Jacso

46 Best examples, best practices (a.k.a. role models) Jacso

47 Best examples, best practices (a.k.a. role models) Jacso

48 Best examples, best practices (a.k.a. role models) Jacso

49 OA databases of India Jacso

50 What full-text is free ? News items Selective feature articles All articles from 199x to Today + ….month(s) Everything Web-borne vs Web-born journals - Jacso

51 FREE for ….. Ever (?) A week A month Temporarily Ever (after 6-12 month moratorium) Jacso

52 Emerald Journal(s) of the week Jacso

53 Sage Jacso

54 LISTA Database Jacso

55 Vietnam in the title Jacso

56 Vietnamese in the title Jacso

57 Vietnam OR Vietnamese in the title Jacso

58 With Vietnam* somewhere in the title, abstract, descriptor and in… – 1,819 times Jacso

59 Vietnam* in all the text in nearly 1,000 records with FULL TEXT Jacso

60 How many records with open access Jacso

61 How many available in full text? Jacso

62 How many records with yours trulys name? Jacso

63 How many in OA full text? Jacso

64 And now …about Google Scholar (GS) Jacso

65 The Myth GS is the alpha and the omega of OA sources I dont need no nothing with GS at my fingertip-attitude GS personality cult GS is the smartest GS is my best friend GS for president GS for People magazine cover GS for TIME Magazine Person of the Year GS for citedness and impact factor Jacso

66 The Reality Secrecy about sources Secrecy about journals Secrecy about time span Secrecy about size Secrecy about everything Huge gaps in collections crawled from partners archives No crawling binge allowed by Elsevier, ACS, and ….. Good for the casual search, for the undergrad students, but not for the real scholars Information Professionals beware of your reputation Jacso

67 Reality Check Check it for yourself Jacso I will update it soon. Use under Firefox not IE !

68 Check out my short picture-book for GS Innumeracy & GS Illiteracypicture-book Jacso

69 Some Jacso Surprising Sample Searches SSSS

70 Google Scholar Jacso

71 Google Scholars Basic Boolean Blunder

72 GS advanced template Jacso

73 Wow, how many items with Vietnam in the title alone ….

74 … Even if GS shows only the first 1,000, or 995 or less Jacso

75 So lets search for Vietnam OR Vietnamese (GS cant truncate) Jacso

76 How can it be fewer with using OR? Why did it drop from 134,000 to 43,400? Why did it loose 70% of its hits? Because GS cant tell the truth. GS is partially illiterate and innumerate and less then sincere Jacso

77 After Boolean OR the set decreases to 32% of the original Jacso

78 DO USE & ENJOY Google Scholar but dont believe its hit numbers and citedness scores even if it seems to see the future and tell what will be published and how many hundred times they were already cited Jacso

79 by papers published 10-15 years ago Jacso

80 Actually 2008 is not a publication year but a page number and in other cases a part of the ISSN, a phone number, a ZIP code or anything that is four digit Jacso

81 Google Scholar sees farther in the future Jacso

82 Cited by papers published in the 1990s already Jacso

83 The GS hit counts are typically inflated - but authors and co-authors have interesting names Jacso

84 … and so are the citation counts which could ease my pain for my misspelled name If they were true Jacso Even if that 4 is only 3 – or just 1

85 DC Field (=Dublin Core field) a.k.a Meghan Lafferty in April, 2004 did not & could not quote my Google Scholar review as Google Scholar was introduced in November, 2004 and my review published in December, 2004 Jacso

86 GS suggests authors on the topic - thank you Jacso

87 Google Scholar explains how to use the author names Jacso

88 …. and explains many other things Jacso

89 Who is cited & what is cited? Who is R. Card? Cited only 4 times in 6 years? STD article in Circulation Jacso

90 Oh, this is advertising circulation data And this is the journal name Jacso Oh, this is advertising circulation data

91 Google Scholar often finds the most hits Jacso

92 and points out who are the most productive authors on the topic Jacso

93 Latest metasearch tools for partially Open Access publishers collections - Jacso

94 - Latest metasearch tools for partially Open Access publishers collections - Jacso

95 - Latest metasearch tools for partially Open Access publishers collections - Jacso

96 - Latest metasearch tools for partially Open Access publishers collections Jacso

97 The Low Profile but useful CrossRef service Jacso




101 OA Resources to keep up with OA – Jacso Green and Pale Green Journals

102 - OA Resources to keep up with OA - Jacso

103 - OA Resources to keep up with OA - Jacso

104 - OA Resources to keep up with OA - Jacso

105 - OA Resources to keep up with OA - Jacso

106 - OA Resources to keep up with OA - Jacso

107 - OA Resources to keep up with OA - Jacso

108 - OA Resources to keep up with OA - Jacso

109 - OA Resources to keep up with OA Jacso Gary Price

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