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 Theatre Tech Resumes. What is a Resume?  Most technical theatre résumés use a presentational format classified as a chronological résumé. It lists.

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Presentation on theme: " Theatre Tech Resumes. What is a Resume?  Most technical theatre résumés use a presentational format classified as a chronological résumé. It lists."— Presentation transcript:

1  Theatre Tech Resumes

2 What is a Resume?  Most technical theatre résumés use a presentational format classified as a chronological résumé. It lists different position categories sorted by the most recent first. Another class of résumé is a functional position résumé. It provides a short description about different jobs or situations rather than positions on individual shows. The second format is not typically used by younger members of the profession so it won't be discussed here.

3 So why should I have one?  The point of a résumé is to get work. As such, it's the primary document to show potential employers experience, knowledge, and what sets the applicant apart from the other 20 applicants.  Not only is the résumé representative of an individual's work, it is also the clue for the employer to find someone else who has worked with the applicant. Supervisory names are as important as the jobs or shows.  The résumé is the primary document that represents the job seeker. It may be the introductory document sent ahead before a physical interview, the primary referral document during the interview, or the reference document once the interview has concluded.  Employers typically screen résumés in a time span between 2.5 and 20 seconds. A résumé needs to show strengths, goals, and contacts at a glance. The objective of the résumé layout is to be simple, clean, and clear so it can be easily read.

4…what does one look like? Address should be in header in upper left and phone number Name is in Large font, bolded, and underlined. What resume is this for…? List tech work in order of importance/ impressiveness OR Date. Organize it (starting from left) Name of show, What you did (use abbreviations), Where was it (exact spots), and the date (be best if exact dates but can do spring/summer etc…) List any special skills or things your proficient in. List 3 references, with title and contact info. List any education

5 Tips for making one 1. Name should be the LARGEST font on the page. 2. List what YOU want to do 3. WIDE Margins 4. Logo is ok. Just make small and not over fancy it. 5. Don’t be afraid to brag. 6. 1 page only. UNLESS your going into education 7. Are you references knowledgeable in your field? 8. Fancy color paper, makes you stand out but don’t fax textured paper (it will look crumpled) 9. Include a headshot and a cover page.

6 Interviewing 101: The Tips  Most times interviews last for about 6-15 minutes. So…you must sell yourself in that time.  Appearances counts! No lookin’ like a fool, with your pants on the ground. (Business Casual/ Shirt and Tie are good)  First Impression. Have your presentation out and ready, stand up/ shale hands, smile, and most of all RELAX  Be able to talk about your experience, your skills, your awards, your equipment… basically, don’t be afraid to brag, but don’t do it in a jerky way.

7 More tips for interviewing  Have resumes and letters of recommendation available for EVERYONE.  AT LEAST 1 copy of your portfolio…wouldn’t hurt to have 3.  Answer questions they as you, in as much detail as you can.  Showcase tech talent by using proper “tech” vocab  Remember…CONNECTIONS = SUCESSFULNESS in theatre.  Image is everything as well.

8  Theatre Tech Portfolios

9 What is a portfolio?  A portfolio is showcasing YOU!  Simply, it is something that shows the works you have done

10 What should I include? 1. Resume- That piece of paper that took your portfolio and made it into a list 2. Headshot…Show off your beauty! 3. A showcase showing the works you have done, including… 1. Writings6. Models 2. Pictures 7. Drawings 3. Scripts 4. Models Optional, but highly recommended… Title PageLetters of Rec. Tech Specs “Small Show” Programs

11 EVERY SHOW YOU PUT IN YOUR PORTFOLIO MUST INCUDE:  Title of Show  Director  Asst. Director and/or Tech Director  Location  Date  Role  And Program-back up what you said you did

12 Example of a Portfolio Page Provides a quick overview at what you have done. Don’t explain everything, just put done a few points. When you talk explain everything. :D When interviewing, pick 3 shows you want them to see the most and explain those. Those should be the most important/ best shows you have been involved in up to date. Notice I have all my info centered on the page. Show title: Usually just type the name of show, bolded/underlined, but since it was an All state show I decided to go with the logo

13 Final word about portfolios…  Be able to talk about your work. If you cant, did you really do it, or are you taking someone elses work and making it your own.

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