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1 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab 細胞模型和生物晶片平台的發展 (The development of cell model and biochip platform) Prof. Ching-Hsing Luo National.

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Presentation on theme: "1 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab 細胞模型和生物晶片平台的發展 (The development of cell model and biochip platform) Prof. Ching-Hsing Luo National."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab 細胞模型和生物晶片平台的發展 (The development of cell model and biochip platform) Prof. Ching-Hsing Luo National Cheng Kung University Tainan, Taiwan

2 2 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Cell Model in Ion Channles Luo-Rudy model in 1991 &1994 Circ. Res. Ca 2+

3 3 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Action Potential by Model Simulation Luo-Rudy model simulation by Prof. Ching-Hsing Luo 1.A standard procedure of model simulation has been developed to evaluate the accuracy of simulation results 2. A physiological simulation fake is discussed.

4 4 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab International Invitation: Cell Attachment for Drug screen by Miqin Zhang High performance of integrated cell-based sensors for drug screening with impedance measurement technology.

5 5 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Mission Medical Researches Stem cell, Neuron cell, Cancer cell for Drug screening, Differentiation or cultivation control, Gene therapy Engineering Technologies Chip – micro/nano (channel and pumping) Sensor and actuator – micro/nano scale Cell Modeling – Ischemia, drug effects

6 6 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Team Up Domestic: 1.Cell-based microchip platform – 李清庭、 羅錦興、魏憲鴻、 鍾宜璋 2.Cell Model - 吳勝男、羅錦興、鄧君豪 3.Bio-application – 宋瑞珍副校長、林茂村 院長、吳勝男 International: Univ. of Washington Miqin Zhang: drug screening Meldrum: HIV, AIDS applications

7 7 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Integration Structure Microfluidic Chip (Project 2) Patch Clamping Microchip Platform with Cell Modeling (Project 3) Single-Cell Microchip Operation Platform (protocol control, cell clamp, and cell model) International and domestic collaboration Common Facilities (Core A) Bio-application studies: stem cells, cardiac cells, and neurons (Project 1)

8 8 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Commercial Microarray chip

9 9 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Cell Chip Platform Microfluid Flow Micromixer Micropump Single Cell Microchannel Microelectrode Microvalve Flow sensor 1. Automatic Protocol control (concentration clamp) 2. Voltage clamp for ionic channel measurement

10 10 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Passive Mixing in Microfluidic Channel by Prof. Wei Setup Width 300  m Open angle  =60  Channel Width

11 11 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Mixing Results-1

12 12 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Mixing Results-2 R α 

13 13 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Cell Clamping Microchip Platform Differentiation or cultivation protocols Silicon oxide Electrode Sucking pressure Glass Silicon

14 14 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Cell Attachment and Rejection Cell Electrode Channel Cell Rejection Compound

15 15 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Cell-Attachment (Implementation-1) by Prof. Chung and Prof. Luo Using flat PDMS imprint SH-(CH 2 ) 11 COOH on Au cell favoring coating PDMS Time ≒ 60sec SH-(CH 2 ) 11 COOH Au Imprinting : Chemical bond:

16 16 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Cell-Attachment (Implementation-2) Immerse into DSPC solution (about 12~24 hours) (cell hating) cell DSPC

17 17 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Cell-Attachment (Result-1) by Prof. Lin, Prof. Chung and Prof. Luo Morphology of the cell on the platform Different geometric platform : square 、 circle 、 ellipse Different size platform (all are 1.6 μm height)

18 18 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Preparations Cell name : human CD34+ Progenitor Cell Diluent : Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) Na2HPO4 -------------------------------------- 10.9 g NaH2PO4 -------------------------------------- 3.2 g NaCl ------------------------------------------- 90 g Distilled water --------------------------------- 1000 ml Counterstain :Trypan blue

19 19 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Electrode smaller than cell Cell still can be adhered even platform is smaller than it 7x7 μm 2 square platform 8x8 μm 2 square platform

20 20 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Attachment Structure flowing cell platform Au on silicon base (a)Before adhering (b) After adhering 1.6 μm Platform silicon

21 21 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Electrode Shape Effect 18x18 μm 2 square platform Cell is stretched to platform corner 18μm diameter circle platform 18x36 μm 2 ellipse platform

22 22 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Spherical Shape cell Au on silicon base platform Original platform

23 23 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Rectangular Shape cell Au on silicon base platform Original platform

24 24 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Electrode bigger than cell 37x74 μm 2 ellipse platform 27x54 μm 2 ellipse platform 38μm diameter circle platform Cell may be stretched to platform edge 37μm diameter circle platform

25 25 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Future Work Microfluidic driving system Voltage Clamp Chip (2-4  m hole) Protocol control interacts with ionic channel measurement Update Cardiac Cell Model Vascular Epithelial Cell model for Atherogenic analysis

26 26 - Virtuoscope & Wireless Mixed Signal Biochip Lab Thanks for Your Attention

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