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Animal Adaptations Lilly. Sugar Gliders They live in Australia. Adaptation 1: They have flaps of skin that connect their feet to their hands to help them.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Adaptations Lilly. Sugar Gliders They live in Australia. Adaptation 1: They have flaps of skin that connect their feet to their hands to help them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Adaptations Lilly

2 Sugar Gliders They live in Australia. Adaptation 1: They have flaps of skin that connect their feet to their hands to help them glide 50 meters up for protection from wild animals. Adaptation 2: Their tongue helps them eat sap and the bugs from the trees.

3 Deer They live in Asia and South America near forests. Adaptation 1: Their antlers help them make beds out of plants. Adaptation 2: Their muscular legs makes them run fast for protection.

4 Owl It lives in almost every part in the world. Adaptation 1: It’s nocturnal and sleeps in the daytime and is awake at night to get away from predators. Adaptation 2: Its sharp talons help it hunt for food at night.

5 Jelly Fish Jellyfish are found in all of the world’s oceans. Adaptation 1: Their tentacles sting their prey to eat them. Adaptation 2: They sting their prey and poison the sea creatures.

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