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P YRAMIDS OF BIOMASS & E NERGY TRANSFER. P YRAMIDS O F B IOMASS Pyramids of Biomass represent the weight of the organisms whereas Pyramids of Numbers.

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2 P YRAMIDS O F B IOMASS Pyramids of Biomass represent the weight of the organisms whereas Pyramids of Numbers represent the number of organisms. Pyramids of Biomass are always pyramid shaped. Producer Primary Consumer Secondary Consumer Predator

3 E NERGY TRANSFER As you move up the food chain, the energy levels decrease as well as the biomass Energy is lost through respiration, movement, maintaining body temperature, inedible parts of the animal/plants e.g. bones and waste. This also explains biomass pyramids as most of the biomass is lost so the bar reduces in size.

4 Food Chain Plant Insect Mouse Owl Pyramid of Biomass

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