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Published byAmbrose Moody Modified over 9 years ago
SYKESVILLE RAIDERS New Head Coach Handbook Updated: 03/01/2011
Contents Coaching Tips and Ideas Key fundaments & techniques Drill Guide Offensive Playbook Defensive Playbook Practice Plan Resources
Hints & Tips – How to Teach Teaching Process WHAT (Summarize) HOW to do it (Demonstrate) WHY it’s important (techniques) REPITITION – Master one and move on Walk Thru – Half Speed – Full Speed Teach in Small Pieces but REPEAT Limit standing around More activities of less time is better than just a few that last a longer time
Coaching Tips Find an organized Team Mom Let her manage everything outside the white lines Don’t let small things slip during drills Always be in Teaching mode! Film scrimmages and you will be amazed at how much you miss live. Invaluable teaching tool Ask senior coaches, they are more than willing to help Everyone should have a starting spot whether that is on offense or defense
COACHING POINTS – 3 POINT STANCE Drop right foot No more than heel-toe relationship Feet pointed straight Drop into squatting position Roll weight forward on ball of up foot Daylight under heel of the up-foot Heel of back foot 1-2” off ground Weight on the ball of the foot Shoulders parallel to the ground Head in a natural position, little to no strain on neck-cocked back slightly Right hand down, well forward of feet in direct line with knee of inside leg. Body must lean forward until right arm is vertical with hand directly beneath Equal amount of weight on both feet Wrist of other arm should rest naturally on the knee of left leg
Never stop feet; keep them moving to break tackles Proper receipt of hand-off Deception without ball on fake handoff Taking correct path Use of proper footwork Protection of the Ball Use of blockers Eyes Up, Run Hard & Stay Low Run to Hole, do not beat QB to hole Switching ball into other hand while running (away from defender) Use Stiff Arm, Spin, Fake, Power to avoid defender Do not give away your direction COACHING POINTS – RUNNING BACKS
Running backs – continued: Deception without ball on fake handoff Taking correct path Use of proper footwork Protection of the Ball Use of blockers Eyes Up, Run Hard & Stay Low Run to Hole, do not beat QB to hole Switching ball into other hand while running (away from defender) Use Stiff Arm, Spin, Fake, Power to avoid defender Do not give away your direction
Offensive Line - Drive Block The offensive lineman will take a 6 to 8 inch power step just outside the defender's base toward the play side call. The second step will drive over the first and will be planted in the ground simultaneously as the hands and helmet strike the top of the play side # to create a hard surface. The lineman will then attempt to get downhill movement on the defender while keeping a flat back and #’s over the knees. We will finish every block, if we can't keep up, if the defender disengages, or if the defender gets outside the accelerate your feet for the pancake. If defender shoots to hole use their momentum to push them to ground, away from play, or keep them out of the backfield
Combo & Double Team Block The post man will execute a drive block. He will perform this block as if he was blocking the defender alone The drive man will take his normal stance His point of aim will be the near hip of the defender. When the drive man makes contact he will stay low and drive the screws of his helmet and hands through the defender not allowing his feet to die. For Combo block, one blocker releases after initial blocks and blocks LB
Reach-Block The reach block is used at the point of attack to keep the defender from running the play down to the outside. The first step will be a flat step at a 45 degree angle outside of the defenders base. The second step will be at the inside of the defender's far leg. The blocker must get his play side hand and helmet to the # on the far sleeve. He must then try to quickly get the other hand to the near armpit. We would like the blocker to work his outside leg and head past the defender accelerating his feet and getting his shoulders parallel with the goal line.
Down Block LB DL This block is used to give good blocking angles to the inside. The point of aim for the down blockers should be at the near hip of the defender. At the snap the lineman must lead with the near foot toward the defender. On contact, the head must drive to the front of the defender to eliminate penetration by the defender. The blockers should drive the defenders as far inside as possible. Do not let the defender get penetration he could blow up the play. DL
Trap Block LB DL The first step will be a short quick step slightly parallel with the LOS. At the same time the blocker will whip his elbow and head in the direction of the trap. The far arm will be brought close to the body to aid in rapid running. The far foot will pivot and become the drive foot. Your aiming point is the defender's inside hip, be sure to get your head down field on the long trap. DL
COACHING POINTS – FRONT TACKLING As you near the ball carrier: Shorten your stride & widen your base. Lower your hips by bending knees. Keep your back straight Keep head up Keep eyes should be focused on the center of the ball carrier's chest. Explode off the foot on the side of the shoulder making contact. Hit with shoulder pad - NOT helmet. Drive your shoulder pad up and through the ball carrier's chest. Keep your head up and allow it to slide to the side of the ball carrier. Wrap both arms around the ball carrier and grab his jersey. Continue driving with your legs.
COACHING POINTS – ANGLE TACKLING Hit with shoulder pad - NOT helmet. Keep helmet in front of ball carrier Drive your shoulder pad up and through the ball carrier's side. Hit across ball carrier's chest with front arm. Make contact with the ball carrier's lower back with your back arm. Wrap both arms around the ball carrier and grab his jersey. Continue driving with your legs. As you near the ball carrier: Shorten Stride & Widen Base. Lower hips by bending your knees. Keep your back straight Keep head up Keep eyes should be focused on the center of the ball carrier's chest. Explode off foot closest to ball carrier.
Handoff Exchange Be in proper position, QB will be executing exact footwork Top Elbow toward where ball is being received Do not look at ball Move ball to carry position in one fluid motion Hand over point of ball when carrying Raise up his inside elbow so that it is almost even with his shoulders. Forearm of this upraised arm should be horizontal to the ground, extending straight across the runner's chest and forming the top of the pocket. The hand of this arm should bend down so that the palm can grasp the point of the ball. The forearm of the outside arm should be extended straight across the ball carrier's stomach. The palm should be up and fingers extended toward the quarterback. The running back must clamp down on the ball as soon as he feels it placed against his body. In the beginning, it is good to have the ball carrier continue to grasp the ball with both hands as he crosses the line of scrimmage. When encountering tackler use two hands, get lower Exhange QB/RB – Normal Handoff
Taking a Pitch Starts lateral movement in the direction of the play with a crossover step. As he runs to the side-line, his hips should be facing the side-line and he should turn his upper body and head back toward the quarterback. The ball should reach the running back at his belt level or just above it. Catch it by reaching back with his hands, making sure to keep his little fingers together. Palm of the near hand should be up to form a cradle for the ball, while the palm of the far hand should serve as the mitt for the catch, making contact with the point of the ball. Once the running back makes the catch, he should bring the ball across his body and secure it with his hand and arm far-thest from the line of scrimmage. COACHING POINTS – TAKING A PITCH
Never stop feet; keep them moving to break tackles Proper receipt of hand-off Deception without ball on fake handoff Taking correct path Use of proper footwork Protection of the Ball Use of blockers Eyes Up, Run Hard & Stay Low Run to Hole, do not beat QB to hole Switching ball into other hand while running (away from defender) Use Stiff Arm, Spin, Fake, Power to avoid defender Do not give away your direction Ball-Carrier Coaching Points
Depth 5 yards (Minimum @ “E” Level) Concentration & Recognition are most important assets Never get cut off Deliver neutralizing blow to a blocker Play square across blockers head Never take for granted a tackle is going to be made Tackle through the ball carrier Stay on your feet Proper pursuit angle from inside – out Key on movement and direction Inside Linebackers Gap Fill by scraping off butt of DL Make tackles sideline to sideline Outside Linebackers Through head of blocker to the ball; never run around a block OLB’s key goes away, Check for counter or reverse first then pursue down LOS. If back and guard go away pursue down LOS Keep outside leg & arm free COACHING POINTS – LINEBACKERS
Grip is firm, but don’t squeeze the ball Air between the ball and the QB's palm. This will ensure good control with the fingertips. Feet are no wider than centers, approximately shoulder width apart, Knees bent slightly - Weight evenly displaced QB's head is up and looking at the defense Back of right hand firmly against centers butt, palm facing down. Hands should be about wrist deep under center. Left hand palm up,against the other hand, with the edge and base of each thumb touching. Coaching Points - QB
Run Blocking Basics Assignment You must know your exact assignment on each play. Know where the ball carrier is probably going to run and where he possible could run. Know and understand the play being executed and how it develops Alignment We must execute our three phases of alignment perfectly each and every play. Proper splits, depth and ball and stance will give you and edge in executing your block. Firing Off The Ball Possibly the most important aspect of run blocking is "getting off the ball"! Know the starting count- the starting count is the only real advantage you have over the defense. Contact Or Explosion We want to initiate contact and explode through defenders. You must always have your head up - do not allow your head to be controlled. Maintain your good base with the feet pointed straight ahead. Follow Through We Must sustain our blocks. Keep your fee driving; at all times a stalemate will result form contact - we must win the stalemate. Keep your head up - Do not allow the defender to control your body by controlling your head. Fight to stay between the defender and the ballcarrier. Never release blocking pressure on a defender; this will severally hinder the defender's lateral movement.
Running Backs Stance: 2 or 3 point stance. Weight balanced, Head forward, and Feet parallel. RUNNING BACKS STANCE & POSITIONING Running Backs Positioning: I Formation – Tailbacks 5 to 7 yards from the ball. FB 3-4 yards from the ball T or Split Back Formation Behind Guards 3-4 yards from the
Blocking A Linebacker Take a aiming point where the LB is going, not where he is lined up. Know where the play is going and how the LB is going to react. If the LB pads are square to the LOS we will drive block him high. At about 1 to 1 1/2 yards out come under control maintain your base, bend your knees and drive block him. You may use a two hand punch or a fore arm lift. Come off the line low and hard with your aiming points in mind. If the LB turns his pads away from the LOS and is running, cut him. Do this by getting your head to the play side and driving your shoulder pads through his thigh or below the knee. Do not dive You may engage high than work down to the knees also. Do not show the cut to soon.
Objective - Teach better reaction skills to offensive lineman movement. Action – Position 3 cones into a triangle, each about 7-10 yards apart. Put a running back at one cone, with a blocker facing the defensive lineman down between the other two cones. On the signal, the RB runs to a cone (Coach will direct) while the defensive lineman fights off the block and prevents the ball carrier from reaching the cone. Coaching Details – Emphasize/teach fundamentals for defeating the block.
Defensive Linemen Technique Prior to Engagement Proper Stance & Alignment Readiness when Center puts hand on ball Know your Responsibilities & Keys Movement, Direction, Blockers Pressure Quickly get off at first movement of ball After Engagement Keep pads under the shoulders of offensive blocker Roll hips on contact neutralizing charge – low to high Attack and defeat the blocker Use hands to create separation Disengage as you locate the ball carrier Pursuit. Take proper angle to ensure collision course with ball carrier Never penetrate further than the ball Don’t let anyone out containment Fight through the pressure Work laterally on line of scrimmage
Objective - Teach correct hand technique when shedding blockers. Action – Pair up defensive linemen (one on offense, the other is the defender) and have them line up on a line of scrimmage. On the coach's signal, the offensive player drives his helmet beyond the defensive player's right side in order to try and knock him off the line. The defender should shuffle to the right and shove his hands into the blocker's numbers in order to try and negate the block. Once he's locked up, the defender should then try to escape from the blocker. Coaching Details - Watch for correct starting stances and run the defensive line drill from both directions. Emphasize quick foot movement to your defenders and correct hand placement in order to get good leverage.
Objective - Roll the Hips, move down the line and make tackle Action – Defensive linemen line up single-file in front of tackling dummy. Get the first lineman positioned in a stance right up close to the dummy. At the whistle, have player explode into the sled, hands up and hips rolled. The defender then extends arms, moves sideways and makes tackle Coaching Details - Be sure your defensive lineman keep their heads up and knees on the ground for proper hip roll.
Objective: Improve open field tackling. Drill: Send runner through one of the lanes have tackler flow to lane in LB stance and attack ball carrier
Set Up: 3 cones in a triangle about 10 yards apart. Personnel: You will need 1 offensive linemen, 1 defensive linemen and 1 running back. Procedure: On the whistle, the offensive and defensive linemen will make contact, while the RB will run to one of the cones. The defensive linemen will read and react to the direction of the ball carrier. Once he has his read the defensive linemen will shed the OL and make the play before the running back reaches the L.O.S. Coaching Points: Make sure the DL keeps hips and shoulders square to the LOS. Also teach defensive linemen to extend arms to keep the OL off of his body. This drill is run at full speed. Objective: The will help the defensive linemen to read and react while contact is made. This will also decrease reaction time and increase aggressiveness.
Objective: Improve tackling on an angle. Drill: Lay three tackling dummies flat; have runner go toward and tackler meet at the dummies. Practice proper form; ensure hip roll and wrap. Tackler should take runner down on pads. Walk thru, Half, and Full Speed
Objective: Improve form tackling. Drill: 1)Use Tackling Dummy, have coach hold hand shield, come out of two or three point stance, engage coach with sheild; shed and make tackle on dummy 2)Okalhoma: Cones less than 6 feet apart; have both players lay on ground head to head – four to six feet apart. One player has ball, the other is tackler. On whistle both get up and engage. Runner must not stop or go outside cones Coach
Objective: Improve tackling in the open field and taking proper angles DRILL: Cones spread out by several yards. Ball Carrier and tackler start out in front of opposite cones. On whistle ball carrier and tackler go to their front cones. Ball carrier makes directional decision and tackler reacts and makes tackle Ball carrier must run to outside cone and tackler must meet him before he passes the cone. Put these cones slightly toward defensive player
Objective: Improve tackling and blocking in the open field by improving technique for blocking and shedding blockers DRILL: Dummies spread out about 10 feet. Cones set up 5 yards wide and 10 feet back. On first whistle tackler and blocker move to cones. Second whistle follows immediately and ball carrier moves and follows blocker Ball carrier chooses direction based on block Tackler sheds block and makes tackle.
Objective: Improve basic tackling techniques in a walk thru manner, breaking down each phase Drill: Line across from another player. 1.Work on proper tackling form. Stace – Hit – Thrust – Wrap – Lift – Drop 2.On knee work on thrust with and without arms; drill emphasizes hip roll
Objective: Help ball carrier quickly decide movement based on tackler comittment. Drill: Hand ball to RB to run between cones toward tackling dummy. RB should move to right or left based on direction dummy commits. Teaching Points: Don’t look at ball; keep eyes on hole and tacklers; Run Hard; Proper ball receiving. QB hand to RB RB starts 5 yards back RB goes opposite of “tackler” Coach holds dummy and moves to one side at point of RB crossing cones
Objective: Teach running backs to follow their blockers on outside runs Drill: QB hands to RB on sweep. FB lead blocks.. Once FB blocks; running back should run decisively. Teaching Points: Ball carrier should not commit to lane until they see direction of block; they should commit quickly and decisively once they see the block’s direction. DB should use not try to make tackle but commit to inside or outside once FB makes turn; alternate drill would be full speed with tackling FB needs to decide to block DB to inside or out and sustain block RB should decide on inside or outside path once he sees direction of block by FB
Objective: Flawless C – QB – RB exchange through repetition Drill: Snap of ball and alternate between handing ball to left and right to just one back with no blockers. Ball carrier should go to back of line once they sprint 5 yards Teaching Points: Proper Center exchange; QB turn; RB eyes up and ball exchange position of arms; run hard through line protecting ball properly RB’s line up to take turn; go to left once everyone has gone then practice to right Sprint 5 yards past LOS
Objective: Teach proper blocking techniques Drill: On first whistle lineman get into proper stance; on second whistle, lineman take first step and prepare punch; on third whistle offensive lineman; take second step and punch; on fourth whistle offensive line accelerate feet and simulate block for five yards. Teaching Points: Check proper technique at each whistle. Coach Proper 3 point stance First step not too long; stay balanced Stay low Wide base Short choppy steps Punch starts low and drive upward VERSUS AIR SHIELD OPPONENT
Objective: Ensure lineman are maintaining a wide base Drill: Lineman start stance on board on whistle they simulate block the length of the board. The width of the board ensures they maintain wide base as their feet should not touch board. Teaching Points: Proper blocking techniques Coach Proper 3 point stance First step not too long; stay balanced Stay low Wide base Short choppy steps Punch starts low and drive upward 2 X 6 or 8
Objective: Ensure proper blocking techniques against live opponent Drill: Drill can be conducted with one opponent standing with no opposition or with both attempting to use proper techniques to drive their opponent back Teaching Points: Proper blocking techniques Coach Proper 3 point stance First step not too long; stay balanced Stay low Wide base Short choppy steps Punch starts low and drive upward
System Installation Progression Explain Offense to Team Why it will work Provide them ability to block from all angles Terminology Alignment Numbering system, huddle Motion Play Calling Always celebrate and stress importance of Offensive Lineman Install Plays Power/Super Power Plays Counter Pass Plays Wedge Traps, “G”
Offensive Basics Lineman line-up in 3pt. Stance Line up back off line Helmet even with waist of Center Lineman splits are 0-6 inches Fullback is close enough to QB they can just reach and touch them WB – 2 pt. Stance; heels on ground; turned 45 degrees facing TE’s; one yard off line of scrimmage; about hand’s length from being able to touch TE
Offensive Player Characteristics QB Smart, Ability to listen and lead Takes care of the ball Good with handoffs and fakes Good Runner Accurate Short & Intermediate Passer in rollouts Wing Backs #3 must be a very good runner #4 must be fast to carry out misdirections Be able to receive ball (be tall) Full Back Best combination runner & blocker Offensive Line Guards must be the Best blockers, fast enough to pull Center must be able to “down” block and snap without issue
Numbering System T G C G T WB FB QB WB E E 0 8 9 756342
Play Call Part 1: The Formation Tight, Heavy Right, etc… “Rip” is Motion to “Right”; “Liz” is Motion to “Left” Motion or Shifts Part 2: The Play Call First Number is Where Fullback is going Run If only one number, he is getting ball 2 nd number is where the play is being run Pass Blocking: Power, Super Power Part 3: The Snap Count Go: No shifts or motion, snap is on “Go” Ready: Initiates Motion Hut: Snaps Ball EXAMPLE: Tight, Rip, 66 Power Tight Alignment, Motion Right by “MB”, FB goes to 6 Hole, Play is Run to 6 Hole Blocking is Power “Backside Guard Pulling”
MBQBFBCB Step Inside, check for leakage from behind Hand to FB and fake Bootleg Right; cover in case of fumble; protect against penetration Take Handoff; stay in Wedge; dive if need be; short choppy steps; look for daylight Step Inside, block your tackle in the back LELTLGCRGRTRE Step Inside, block/push LT Step Inside, right shoulder to G ribs; Drive upfield Step Inside, right shoulder to C ribs; Drive upfield Block straight; don’t get to far ahead Step Inside, right shoulder to C ribs; Drive upfield Step Inside, right shoulder to G ribs; Drive upfield Step Inside, block/push RT 1.Wedge must not stop 2.No penetration 3.No rush from back 4.Don’t push ballcarrier C G G T T E E MB CB FB QB
GT C ETGE CBMB 2 QB MBQBFBCB Rip Motion – Receive pitch. Must hit hole quickly Turn left – pitch, go thru 6 Hole – Block CB Go toward 6 Hole; kick out DESeal off inside LB or S LELTLGCRGRTRE Reach block DT Reach Block DG Pull – Focus on ILB Downblock DGDrive Block – Focus on playside DoubleT block push back to ILB
GT C ETGE CBMB 2 QB LWBQBFBRWB Carry Out Good Fake Like Power Play Fake Pitch – Come Full Circle Keep Ball Low & Hidden Take 1 Fake Step Right and Block Left End Take 1 Fake Step Right & Counter Back Left LELTLGCRGRTRE Playside LBDT Playside Guard DT Playside guard Down Block Guard Pull and Kick Out Playside Tackle On
GT C ETGE CBMB FB QB MBQBFBCB Motion; snap when @ tackle; fake handoff to “8” hole Turn Left (9), hand to FB fake hand off to WB, boot left. Take handoff to “3” hole; hit hole quick on straight line Block “On” DE LELTLGCRGRTRE Play-side ILB; must clear-out hole Down Block DG Trap play-side DT Reach Block Safety OR NT “On”Reach Block “Offside” ILB Double Team Block LDT release to S
GT C ETGE 43 2 QB LWBQBFBRWB Rip Motion, fake receipt of ball, carry out to “8” hole Turn left fake Super Power 38; find receive step into and throw Pass block in place of Center; go to QB’s right Pass block behind right side of line LELTLGCRGRTRE Run 10 yard curl pattern; CB blitzes, turn left Pass Block Pass Block for back end pursuit Pass Block
GT C ETGE 43 2 QB MBQBFBCB Motion & Lead BockTurn Left (8), fake to FB Hand to WB; fake boot left Double Team Block DEChip DE to outside and seal off ILB LELTLGCRGRTRE Reach Block RDT Reach Block ILB. May need to block DE Pull-Trap DE; if FB has release Down Block RDG On then DownDouble Team Block LDT Double Team Block LDT release to S
Play your responsibility first Always be in the right position On passes, have hands high Relentless pursuit by 11 men Do be ready in stance Do stay low; don’t be erect Do keep knees bent’ don’t be stiff legged Do move your feet, don’t let them die on contact Fight through the pressure Work laterally on line of scrimmage Do ask coaches if you don’t understand something Don’t let faking backs through free of charge Never penetrate further than the ball Don’t let anyone out containment Don’t run around blockers Don’t tackle high Don’t put your head down Don’t stand up from stance Don’t assume someone will make a tackle Defensive Coaching Points
Defensive Philosophy 100% Effort on Every Play Every Play is played until the echo of the whistle Gap Integrity Take away opponents best play each week Adjust defense weekly to opponent Stop the Run – A 3 yard Gain is Not Acceptable Everyone To the Ball on Every Play – No Spectators Do your job first Know your Assignment, Alignment & Technique Proper Pursuit Angles Communicate On and Off the Field Use alignment technique to create “free runners” Create confusion on offensive line Get two offensive lineman to block one defensive lineman More people at point of attack than can be blocked Minimal blitzing
Defensive Specials Heavy – Move down one man continue play 4 OL on one side – 2 on the other (SE does not count) Lockdown: End will line up on TE and not allow him to release off the TE Double Lockdown: End & Tackle will line up on TE and not allow him to release off the TE Bulldog: Both Tackles line up on Center and drive him back to the QB Monster – 5 men on one side two on other: Move down to CB Man Coverage Bump & Run; Off (5 yards); Soft (10 yards)
Pass Coverage CB Man Coverage Bump & Run; Off (5 yards); Soft (10 yards) Double or Trips: Refer to specific defense Single Wideout: CB on that side has coverage S has TE on Wide outside CB has opposite TE OLB’s have zone coverage in flat
B Gap Alignment & Responsibility S On Center – TE Responsibility on SE Side DE 6 Tech (C Gap) CB Split End, if applicable DT 1 Tech (A Gap) CB No split End – Align 3-4 yards outside of OLB OLB 1 yard outside of End – Contain *Flat on passes
DT 1 Tech – A Gap S 10 Yards – SS B Gap – SS TE DE 4 Tech – B Gap CB SS – Wideout Coverage – TE - Soft OLB WS or Short Side: 7 Tech – C Gap CB WS – TE Coverage – Tight – 5yds OLB SS or Wide Side: 9 Tech - Contain ILB WS/Short Side: A Gap ILB SS/Wide Side: C Gap Balanced Front: Slant Wide – Middle Hash: Slant Left
DT 1 Tech – A Gap S 10 Yards – SS B Gap – SS TE DE 4 Tech – B Gap CB SS – Wideout Coverage – TE - Soft OLB WS or Short Side: 7 Tech – C Gap CB WS – TE Coverage – Tight – 5yds OLB SS or Wide Side: 9 Tech - Contain ILB WS/Short Side: A Gap ILB SS/Wide Side: C Gap
DT 3 Tech – B Gap S 10 Yards – SS B Gap – SS TE DE 6 Tech – C Gap CB SS – Wideout Coverage – TE - Soft OLB WS or Short Side: Contain CB WS – TE Coverage – Tight – 5yds OLB SS or Wide Side: Contain ILB WS/Short Side: C ILB SS/Wide Side: TE
DT 1 Tech – A Gap S 10 Yards – SS B Gap – SS TE DE 4 Tech – B Gap CB SS – Wideout Coverage – TE - Soft OLB WS or Short Side: 7 Tech – C Gap CB WS – TE Coverage – Tight – 5yds OLB SS or Wide Side: 9 Tech - Contain ILB WS/Short Side: A Gap ILB SS/Wide Side: C Gap
DT 1 Tech – A Gap S 10 Yards – SS B Gap – SS TE DE 4 Tech – B Gap CB SS – Wideout Coverage – TE - Soft OLB WS or Short Side: 7 Tech – C Gap CB WS – TE Coverage – Tight – 5yds OLB SS or Wide Side: 9 Tech - Contain ILB WS/Short Side: A Gap ILB SS/Wide Side: C Gap
ILB B Gap Alignment & Responsibility – If WR C Gap Alignment S Coverage of SE – Between End & WR Over Center if no one Split DE 3 Tech (B Gap) CB 9 Tech (D Gap) – Responsible for coverage of Ends DT Double Team Center and get good push OLB 5 Tech (C Gap)
ILB Backside – B Gap Strongside – C Gap CB Inside & Outside Trips Receiver Play inside shoulder on LOS DE Lockdown TE S 7 yards – Strongside B Gap DT A Gap – Protect Against QB Keep OLB WS: Backside contain – TE coverage SS: Middle trips receiver
ILB SS: C Gap – TE Pass Coverage S Between SS CB & OLB SS Zone Coverage OLB SS: Inside – In WR WS: B Gap: Run Support – Spy QB CB SS: Inside shoulder of wideout WS: Outside shoulder of TE – 5 yards – Responsible for TE DE SS: Lockdown TE WS: 7 Tech – C Gap DT On Guard: Slant Strong
On Run Right – CB can break off and play and Safety will assume pass coverage If TE does not release Safety goes into Cover 1 then run support RB Splits: CB covers and OLB has TE
On Run Right – CB can break off and play and Safety will assume pass coverage If TE does not release Safety goes into Cover 1 then run support If RB splits wide CB has coverage and S plays Cover 1
Defensive Skill-Sets Defensive Line: Pass Rush Getting off blocks Lockdown & Bulldog Tech Recognizing & Defeating Blocks Trap, Down, Double-Team Defensive Back: –Press vs. Zone Technique –Break on ball: Fly, Stop, Slant, Out –Come back on run Linebacker: –Scraping Blocks –Pass Coverage –Contain Technique –Filling Hole General Skill Sets: –Tackling –Pursuit Angles –Penetration not further than ball
Pre-Season Practice Plan: (Day 1&2) Objective: Teach Basics & Get to Know Players Teach kids positions on field, some basic rules (don’t assume they know this) Teach/Review Offensive Terminology Work on 3 point, 2 point stances and tackling form Get to know the talent on team Blocking and tackling drills Identify fastest kids who can run and play RB Smartest kid to play QB Best blockers, put them together on one side FB: Combination good blocker and runner Best tacklers: ILB AND DE Hide weaker players…. CB (E only) DT and DG LOT, LTE
Pre-Season Practice Plan: (Day 3-6) Objective: Install Offense 600-615: Warmup Drills 615-625: Coach Talk – Points of emphasis 625-650: Team Tackling Drills (2 Groups, 2 Stations) 650-705: 3 Point Stance and Starts 705-715: One on One Drive and Down Blocking 715-740: Split Line & Skill Positions Line: Review and/or install play Skill: Review and/or install play 740-800: Bring team together and run play(s)
Pre-Season Practice Plan: (Day 7-10) Objective: Perfect Offense, Install Defense 600-615: Warmup Drills 615-625: Coach Talk – Points of emphasis 625-640: Team Tackling Drills (2 Groups, 2 Stations) 640-715: Install Defense Explain positions Instill mentality and run through plays 715-740: Offensive Split Line & Skill Positions Line: Review and/or install play Skill: Review and/or install play 740-800: Bring team together and run play(s) *Day 10: Stay until 830 and install Special Teams
In-Season Practice Plan: Objective: Get Better Every Week Both Days 600-615: Warmup Drills 615-620: Coach Talk – Points of emphasis 625-635: Team Tackling Drills (2 Groups, 2 Stations) 640-715: Install Defense Explain positions Instill mentality and run through plays 715-740: Offensive Split Line & Skill Positions Line: Review and/or install play Skill: Review and/or install play 740-800: Bring team together and run play(s) *Day 10: Stay until 830 and install Special Teams
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