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Kalevala Usability testing plan for The Capture of Sampo School of Business and Information Management Oulu University of Applied Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "Kalevala Usability testing plan for The Capture of Sampo School of Business and Information Management Oulu University of Applied Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kalevala Usability testing plan for The Capture of Sampo School of Business and Information Management Oulu University of Applied Sciences

2 Team members  Jouni -  Woubshet -  Abiy Tessema -  Keino Eluid -  Joonas -  Bethelem -

3 Case description The Capture of Sampo is a poker like board game by Tuonela, which is played between two players. We are going to test the usability and playability features of the game in this test case.

4 Focus  Playability  First impressions  Graphics  Ease of use

5 Test persons  We will be having about 6-8 persons for the test case.

6 Test protocol A short oral description of the game will be given at start Testers will have about 30 minutes to play the game, there will be written instructions and help from the test organizers. Players will be given questionaries at the end of the game which will be used for analysis

7 Team members’ roles two members observe the test one member writes down interesting details of what happens during the test The other team member talks to players, helping with the instructions of the game

8 Time and location  The test were done in the school of Business and Information Management and at private apartments

9 Demographic o 8 People participated in the test o 37.5% Female and 62.5% Male o Age distribution was o 22-42 with the average age of 27,6 years o Testers were of different nationalities (7 Finns and 1 German)

10 Questionnaire results  Following slides are about the questionnaire

11 How easy were the game questions to understand?  rated with 5 being Very easy and 1 Not easy at all  Average was 2,25 (3 is average of1,2,3,4,5 )  This leds to the fact that the testers had difficulties in playing the game

12 Was it easy to understand how to calculate the winner?  Average of this question was 3,6  It’s over 3, so people found calculating the winner easier than average

13 What do you think of the game graphics?  The average was 3,5  Most people found the graphics good, one person awful

14 How easy was it to understand scoring?  Average to this questions was 3,25  Meaning that understanding scoring was average

15 Would you like to play the game again? o Average value for this question was 2,9 on a scale no way – already addicted o This would indicate that test persons were quite neutral about playing the game again

16 Open answers  What was difficult: Everybody had hard time understanding instructions  What would you like to change: Instructions and how to hide cards Some non-repeating answers: Picture layout in cards (the numbers were hard to read) Somehow make hiding cards easier It could maybe last longer Pictures were ugly the table is small

17 Open answers  Comments about the game Is there need for the board? Needs easier instructions Has potential Quite entertaining Long instructions for short game The game is different than the original story

18 Conclusion  Positive feedback:  Entertaining  Needs some tactics  Criticism:  Instructions should be better  Hiding cards should be easier

19 What aspects would need more testing? What the players would think of the game after playing several rounds What would they think about the game with better instructions

20 The End

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