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2-dimensional shape. 2-dimensional shape slide.

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Presentation on theme: "2-dimensional shape. 2-dimensional shape slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 2-dimensional shape



4 2-dimensional shape slide

5 2-dimensional shape turn

6 2-dimensional space

7 3-dimensional shape


9 acute angle

10 addend

11 addition algorithm

12 angle

13 angle measurement tool

14 angle unit

15 area

16 associative property

17 bar graph

18 basic number combinations

19 capacity

20 centimeter

21 certainty (probability)

22 circumference

23 classes of triangles

24 cluster

25 combination


27 common denominator

28 common fractions

29 commutative property

30 conservation of area

31 constant

32 corresponding angles

33 corresponding sides

34 cube

35 cylinder

36 data

37 data cluster

38 data collection method

39 decimal

40 decimal addition

41 decimal division

42 decimal estimation

43 decimal multiplication

44 decimal subtraction

45 decomposition

46 diagram

47 different size units

48 distributive property

49 dividend

50 divisibility

51 division

52 elapsed time

53 English system of

54 equation

55 equilateral triangle

56 equivalent forms

57 equivalent fractions

58 equivalent representation

59 estimation

60 estimation of fractions

61 estimation of height

62 estimation of length

63 estimation of width

64 even numbers

65 event likelihood

66 expanded notation

67 extreme value

68 faces of a shape

69 factors

70 flip transformation.

71 fraction

72 fraction addition

73 fraction division

74 fraction multiplication

75 fraction subtraction

76 fractions of different size

77 front-end digits

78 front-end estimation

79 function

80 geometric pattern

81 geometric patterns extension

82 gram

83 greatest common factor

84 growing pattern

85 histogram

86 horizontal axis

87 identity property

88 improbability

89 improper fraction

90 inequality

91 inequality solutions

92 intersection of shapes

93 invalid argument

94 investigation

95 irrelevant information in a

96 isosceles triangle

97 least common multiple

98 line graph

99 linear pattern

100 mass

101 mean

102 measurement


104 measures of central tendency

105 measures of height

106 measures of length

107 measures of width

108 median

109 meter

110 metric system

111 midpoint

112 mixed numbers

113 mode

114 multiple

115 multiplication

116 negative number

117 number of faces

118 number pairs

119 number sentence

120 number triplet

121 obtuse angle

122 odd numbers

123 open sentence

124 order of operations

125 Parallel lines

126 parallelogram

127 Parallelogram formula

128 part to whole

129 path

130 pattern addition

131 pattern subtraction

132 percent

133 perimeter

134 perpendicular lines

135 pie chart

136 positive number

137 prime factorization

138 prime number

139 prism

140 probability

141 problem


143 process of elimination

144 product

145 proof

146 pyramid

147 quotient

148 rectangle formula

149 rectangular prism

150 reduced form

151 Relative distance

152 Relative magnitude

153 Relative magnitude of fractions

154 Relative size

155 relevant information in a

156 remainder

157 repeating pattern

158 restate a problem

159 reversing order of operations

160 rhombus

161 right angle

162 rotation

163 rounding

164 ruler

165 same size units

166 sample

167 scale

168 shape similarity

169 shape symmetry

170 shape transformation

171 shrinking pattern

172 sphere

173 standard vs. nonstandard units

174 studies

175 subset

176 subtraction algorithm

177 surface area

178 survey

179 Symbolic representation

180 tallies

181 time zone

182 trial & error

183 triangle formula

184 truncation

185 unit conversion

186 unit differences

187 unlike denominators

188 valid argument

189 variability

190 Venn diagram

191 verbal representation of a

192 verification

193 vertical axis

194 volume of irregular shapes

195 volume of rectangular solids

196 Volume measurement


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