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Transparency 5 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers.

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2 Transparency 5 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers.

3 Splash Screen

4 Example 5-3d Objective Compare and order fractions

5 Example 5-3d Vocabulary Least common denominator (LCD) The least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators

6 Lesson 5 Contents Example 1Compare Fractions Example 2Order Fractions

7 8 21 Example 5-1a Replace with or = to make true. Write comparison using a circle instead of the dot 1/2 Use calculator to convert each fraction to a decimal Convert to a decimal Enter numerator of 8 8 Enter division sign   Enter denominator of 21 Enter equal sign = = 0.381

8 3 7 Example 5-1a Replace with or = to make true. 1/2 Convert to a decimal Enter numerator of 3 3 Enter division sign   Enter denominator of 7 Enter equal sign = = 0.381 0.492 Compare decimals by lining up the decimals vertically

9 3 7 Example 5-1a Replace with or = to make true. 1/2 3  = 0.381 0.492 Compare decimals beginning at the decimal since there are no whole numbers The 3 is less than 4 so 0.381 is less than 0.492 Place the comparison symbol in the original problem < Circle answer!

10 Replace with or = to make true. Example 5-1b Answer: 1/2 <

11 Example 5-2a Order the fractions and from least to greatest. 2/2 Write the fractions Convert to a decimal Numerator 2  denominator 3 0.667 Convert to a decimal Numerator 4  denominator 5 0.80

12 Example 5-2a Order the fractions and from least to greatest. 2/2 Numerator 8  denominator 15 0.667 Convert to a decimal Numerator 3  denominator 5 0.800 Convert to a decimal 0.533 0.600

13 Example 5-2a Order the fractions and from least to greatest. 2/2 0.667 0.800 0.533 0.600 Compare decimals beginning at the decimal since there are no whole numbers 5 is the smallest number so is the smallest fraction 6 is the next smallest number and there are 2 decimals to compare the next place value

14 Example 5-2a Order the fractions and from least to greatest. 2/2 0.667 0.800 0.533 0.600 The 0 is smaller than the 6 so is the next fraction Then will be the next fraction Only one fraction remains, so is the largest fraction Answer:

15 Example 5-2c Order the fractions and from least to greatest. Answer: 2/2

16 End of Lesson 5 Assignment Lesson 5:5 Comparing and Ordering Fractions 10 - 25 All

17 Example 5-3a A as arable land B as permanent pastures C as forests and woodland D B and C are equal MULTIPLE-CHOICE TEST ITEM According to the table, how is most land in the United States used? Source: CIA World Fact Book other forests and woodlands permanent pastures arable (cropland) Land Use in the United States First, find the LCM of the denominators 3/3

18 Example 5-3a Source: CIA World Fact Book other forests and woodlands permanent pastures arable (cropland) Land Use in the United States First, find the LCM of the denominators 10041050 2 2 255 5 2 2 2 5 2 5 5 Circle the greatest power of each number and multiply 2  5  5 = 100 Convert fractions to like denominators by proportions 3/3

19 Example 5-3b Source: CIA World Fact Book other forests and woodlands permanent pastures arable (cropland) Land Use in the United States x x x How is most land in the United States used? Determine the largest numerator of like fractions 3/3

20 Example 5-3c So, is the greatest fraction. Answer: C Source: CIA World Fact Book other forests and woodlands permanent pastures arable (cropland) Land Use in the United States A as arable land B as permanent pastures C as forests and woodland D B and C are equal 3/3

21 Example 5-3d MULTIPLE-CHOICE TEST ITEM According to a survey data, what did most people say should be done with the length of the school year? keep the length the same shorten the school year lengthen the school year How long should the school year be? A lengthen the school year B shorten the school year C keep the length the same D cannot tell from the data Answer: A * 3/3

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