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Ms. Ojeda Math 6 – Room 304 2015-2016. Your teacher. My name is Maria L. Ojeda. I started teaching in 1981, in my native country of Chile. I have also.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Ojeda Math 6 – Room 304 2015-2016. Your teacher. My name is Maria L. Ojeda. I started teaching in 1981, in my native country of Chile. I have also."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Ojeda Math 6 – Room 304 2015-2016

2 Your teacher. My name is Maria L. Ojeda. I started teaching in 1981, in my native country of Chile. I have also taught in Brazil, and in Denver, Co, and now, for the last 22 years, here, in CCSD, Las Vegas. When I was 12 years old, I decided I wanted to be a teacher. Being a teacher makes me very happy! My husband and I are from Chile. We have a daughter, a son, two grandsons, and two grand-dogs.

3 Math 6 Syllabus The next slides will show the Math concepts for Math sixth grade.

4 Quarter 1 Whole numbers and decimals. Prime factorization and exponents. Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple. Fractions and mixed numbers. Multiplying/dividing fractions and mixed numbers. Integers: Adding and subtracting.

5 Quarter 2 Coordinate plane. Multiplying and dividing integers. Expressions. Equations. Solving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of equations.

6 Quarter 3 Expressions and equations. Understanding and reasoning with ratios. Rates and unit rates. Percent: Models and applications. Angles and triangles.

7 Quarter 4 Polygons: Area and perimeter. Polygons and the Coordinate plane. Nets and Surface area. Volume. Summarizing data: measures of center, variability, graphing numerical data.

8 School Discipline Policy Students will follow school wide discipline procedures. (Refer to Course Expectations in Ms. Ojeda’s website.) In class: 1. Verbal warning. 2. Phone call. 3. Counselor’s referral. 4. Dean’s referral. Note: If serious insubordination or physical confrontation: Skip to #4.

9 Textbook Springboard Course 1. Textbook will remain in classroom. Students may access textbook through Ms. Ojeda’s website: -> departments -> math -> Ms. Ojeda

10 Grading *Per quarter: Test and quizzes -> 60% of final grade Classwork, projects -> 30% of final grade Homework -> 10% of final grade *Per Semester:Quarter 1 (Quarter 3) -> 40% of final grade Quarter 2 (Quarter 4) -> 40% of final grade Semester Exam 1 (Sem. 2) -> 20% of final grade

11 Supplies needed: 1 notebook, 70-page (with three holes) 1 three-ring binder (1 or 1 ½ inches) 1 pocket folder 1 packet of loose composition paper (with three holes) Pencils (or mechanical pencils) Eraser Pen (for corrections) Highlighter *Optional: color pencils, color markers, scissor, glue stick

12 To contact Ms. Ojeda Send email to: Call 799-7470 (leave message, or ask to be transferred)

13 Thank you!


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