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Genetic Frequency & Natural Selection Project Golden Girls Plus Alex Media Room B Group Presentation Date: 140523 Presenters: Alex Bentley 288531 Nancy.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetic Frequency & Natural Selection Project Golden Girls Plus Alex Media Room B Group Presentation Date: 140523 Presenters: Alex Bentley 288531 Nancy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetic Frequency & Natural Selection Project Golden Girls Plus Alex Media Room B Group Presentation Date: 140523 Presenters: Alex Bentley 288531 Nancy Bocanegra 320379 Cathy Odom 128180 Christina Sechak 300182 Species Evolution Over Many Generations 1

2 Project Overview What is gene frequency? How was this proven by the monk Gregor Mendel through Mendel’s law of segregation? What is natural selection? What did Charles Darwin learn on the ship “The Beagle” in the 1830’s? 2

3 Gene Frequency (Lab #10 with beads) What did we do on Lab#10? 1. We mixed different selections of beads, red and white, and performed 6 generations of gene mixtures to calculate genotype frequency. 2. We mixed red, white, and black beads to test genotype frequency. 3. We used Excel to test out through 12 generations. 3 Genotype: the entire set of genes in an organism; a set of alleles that determines the expression of a particular characteristic or trait Phenotype: the expression of a particular trait, like skin color, height, behavior, according to the individual’s genetic makeup and environment

4 Natural Selection (Lab#11 with dots) What did we do in Lab#11? 1. We each placed 20 dots on a patterned mat 2. Victor, our predator, removed dots to simulate natural selection 4 Victor, the “Predator” Natural Selection of the English Peppered Moth in 1800’s Industrial Revolution

5 Natural Selection: Darwinism Darwinism Probability Chance AdaptionNatureOffspring 5 South American Finches and different beaks on Galapagos Islands

6 Results: Gene Frequency: two strong genes thrive, survive, and reproduce, and four die off 6

7 Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment 7 > 4 generations Recessive traits Dominant Traits Gregor Mendel

8 Conclusions and Observations Organisms change with time: EVOLUTION Thriving = SURVIVING = OFFSPRING Sexual Selection: MATING 8 Female peafowl Male peacock

9 Gene Frequency & Natural Selection Project Questions, Comments, Concerns? Thank you! Christina, Nancy, Cathy, Alex 9

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