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Survey of Existing Memory Devices Renee Gayle M. Chua.

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Presentation on theme: "Survey of Existing Memory Devices Renee Gayle M. Chua."— Presentation transcript:

1 Survey of Existing Memory Devices Renee Gayle M. Chua

2 Introduction  Dynamic RAM (DRAM)  Most commonly used type of system memory  Requires refreshing every few milliseconds  Holds data for a very short time  Less expensive than static RAM

3 Introduction  These are the steps in order to access a cell in DRAM: A row command to latch in Row address A column command to latch in Column address A necessary delay between the two commands as well as a delay after the column command for the I/O circuit to drive valid data.

4 Introduction  Fast Page Mode (FPM) DRAM  Sending the row address just once for many accesses to memory in locations near each other, improving access time  takes advantage of the fact that when cells within the same row are accessed, the row command doesn’t need to be repeated.  Page mode - operation mode where multiple column commands follow a single row command  Burst mode access - memory is not read one byte at a time (32 or 64 bits at a time), but in several consecutive chunks of memory


6 FPM/EDO Memory  Read Timing & Memory Access Diagrams

7 Synchronous DRAM  SDRAM is designed to synchronize itself with the timing of the CPU  take advantage of interleaving and burst mode functions, which make memory retrieval even faster.  SDRAM modules come in several different speeds so as to synchronize to the clock speeds of the systems they'll be used in.  E.g. PC66 SDRAM runs at 66MHz; PC100 SDRAM runs at 100MHz

8 Burst Mode Feature  Burst Mode  Bursting is a rapid data-transfer technique that automatically generates a block of data (a series of consecutive addresses) every time the processor requests a single address.  The assumption is that the next data-address the processor will request will be sequential to the previous one.

9 Important Timing Terms 1. t RP - The time required to switch internal memory banks. (RAS Precharge) 2. t RCD - The time required between /RAS (Row Address Select) and /CAS (Column Address Select) access. 3. t AC - The amount of time necessary to "prepare" for the next output in burst mode. 4. t CAC - The Column Access Time. 5. t CL - (or CL) CAS Latency. 6. t CLK - The Length of a Clock Cycle. 7. RAS - Row Address Strobe or Row Address Select. 8. CAS - Column Address Strobe or Column Address Select. 9. Read Cycle Time - The time required to make data ready by the next clock cycle in burst mode.  Note #1: t RAC (Random Access Time) is calculated as t RCD + t CAC = t RAC Note #2: RAS and CAS normally appear in technical manuals with an over-line as in RAS or CAS.

10 SDRAM Read Cycle Clock 1: ACTIVATE the row by turning on /CS and /RAS. (place the proper row address on the address bus – chip will know which row you want to ACTIVATE. Clock 3: READ the column you want from the row you've ACTIVATED by turning on /CAS while placing the column's address on the address bus. Clocks 5-10: The data from the row and column that you gave the chip goes out onto the Data Bus, followed by a BURST of other columns, the order of which depends on which BURST MODE you've set. (More on BURST in a second). t CAC - The Column Access Time t RAC (Random Access Time)

11 Double Data Rate DRAM  the next generation SDRAM.  DDR reads data on both the rising and falling edges of the clock signal (SDRAM only carries information on the rising edge of a signal)  Data transfer is then twice as fast: i.e. instead of a data rate of 133MHz, DDR memory transfers data at 266MHz.  DDR is not backward compatible with SDRAM- designed motherboards

12 DDR DRAM  Added circuitry: produces a data output strobe (DQS)  syncs data output to the external clock  allows DDR to transfer the results of a read on both clock edges.  Writes: DQS signal generated by the chipset's memory interface to sync the write data to both edges of the clock

13 Rambus DRAM  A revolutionary step from SDRAM  Has changes to the bus structure and how signals are carried  Rambus memory sends less information on the data bus (which is 18 bits wide as opposed to the standard 32 or 64 bits) but it sends data more frequently.  It also reads data on both the rising and falling edges of the clock signal, as DDR does. As a result, Rambus memory is able to achieve effective data transfer speeds of 800MHz and higher.

14 Rambus DRAM  Each RAMBUS chip has only 16 data pins on it, just like an SDRAM chip, which is enough to spit out only two bytes at a time.  How, then, does an RDRAM provide full system bandwidth with only 16 data pins?  Multiplexing is the key to RAMBUS' excellent granularity and low pin count

15 Multiplexor: sits in between the DRAM core's 16-byte internal data bus and the two, single-byte Data A and Data B buses that make up the two-byte wide RAMBUS data channel. These muxes take data in 8-byte wide chunks off of the two internal buses and stream them a byte at a time down the 1-byte wide Data A and Data B buses.

16 RDRAM RDRAM READ: The data from the banks travels over the two, 8-byte core buses, is multiplexed onto the Data A and Data B buses, and then travels out the 16 data pins and onto the 16-bit data bus towards the CPU.


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