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2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI1 French policies related to geographic information: issues and lessons Nathalie Eltchaninoff (INSEE) Jean Philippe.

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Presentation on theme: "2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI1 French policies related to geographic information: issues and lessons Nathalie Eltchaninoff (INSEE) Jean Philippe."— Presentation transcript:

1 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI1 French policies related to geographic information: issues and lessons Nathalie Eltchaninoff (INSEE) Jean Philippe Lagrange (IGN) François Salgé (CNIG)

2 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI2 Content Major GI policies requirements –creating the "geo-referenced buildings register" –« dematerialising » the cadastre, –the large scale reference data (RGE) Respective role of traditional players –Data providers and interface with local governments –Producer and integrator of data collected by third parties Challenges –In France –In Europe

3 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI3 Major GI Policies: "geo- referenced buildings register" To support continuous census As wall as many other needs: –Municipalities administration –Utilities management –Emergency services –Services for the citizens Pinpoint every address in France

4 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI4 Address component First stage, 2003: –An existing data base of georeferenced address ranges –An address information DB (to be chosen) Second stage, 2006: georeferencing of address information DB Address point data base

5 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI5 Address component - issues Choice of the first set of address points Privacy issues: e.g., National council on information distribution (CNIL) restrictions on distributing such data sets as the INSEE RIL Cost of creating and maintaining the data set –RIL Creation : 100 employees during 2 years for 6 000 000 addresses –RIL Update : 30 persons each year INSEE to bring in its expertise, and knowledge of standards

6 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI6 Major GI Policies: dematerialising the Cadastre Partnerships with local governments and their partners –Vector cadastre Scanning of cadastral maps –All non vector maps =>2005 on-line sheet by sheet cadastre

7 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI7 Major GI Policies: large scale reference data RGE as 4 components –Orthophoto –Topography –Land parcels –Addresses Registered to each other =>2007 RGE as an infrastructure for GI

8 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI8 Orthoimage component Based on existing BD ORTHO product Nation wide: 1 meter accuracy, 50 cm resolution colour coverage Urban areas: Higher resolution coverages (25cm, 12.5cm) 2003 first coverage, then 5 years update cycle

9 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI9 Topographic component Based on existing BD TOPO product Nation wide: 1 meter accuracy, 2.5D data from stereoplotting Urban areas: Specific larger scale coverage Completion expected by 2007 Continuous update process being put in place

10 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI10 Land parcel component MoU between Cadastre Office and IGN Scanned sheets passed to the IGN Georeferencing, and assembling of cadastral sheets Consistent with orthoimagery and topographic features

11 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI11 Adresses component 2 4 6 12 Rue de Paris Rue Pasteur Adresse Niveau 1 Adresse Niveau 2 Adresse Niveau 3 3

12 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI12 Prise de vue aérienne patrimoniale Composante orthophotographique Composante topographique Composante adresse Composante parcellaire PCI vecteur PCI Scan Données publiques RGE composantes Components being consistent and registered données dintérêt général Produits packagés

13 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI13 Respective role of traditional players Data providers, and interface with local governments (INSEE statistical office, DGI cadastral administration) Producer, integrator, and distributor of data collected by third parties (IGN national mapping agency)

14 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI14 RGE acquisition policy Wherever data is already available, and can be integrated in RGE: Try to do a deal: Integration of data in the RGE IPR retained by the original producers/owners But full distribution rights of this RGE subpart passed to IGN Three partnership cases: –Data provider and IGN RGE distributor –Data provider and IGN co-produce, IGN distributes –Both players produce, and distribute Else production taken care of by IGN –Either in house –Or, increasingly, by outsourcing it. e.g., Land parcel data base production overwhelmingly outsourced

15 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI15 Rationale for integration Best use of public money Faster creation of RGE Optimised maintenance May foster the use of reference data Help develop consistency, and interoperability among data collections

16 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI16 Integration Agreements on data collection – Many signed –with the cadastre office (DGI) Partnership on creating, and maintaining the Land Parcel Data Base –with other state agencies IFEN (environment agency), French Railway Network agency, Électricité de France, Regional directions of Ministry, ONIC… –With local authorities Partnership on creating, maintaining, and distributing RGE local / partial coverages (e.g., some French départements, Bordeaux city) Outsourcing –Increasing share of topographic, and orthoimagery data production –Close to ¾ of the Land Parcel Data Base production Issue of developing the quality control, and integration capabilities

17 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI17 Integration: constraints Quality: –Recognised and knowledgeable provider: Quality data –Data compatible with RGE (content and currency): Consistency of RGE data –Available coverage large enough: Efficiency –Perennial provider Pragmatism: –Go for cost saving solutions –Comply with RGE collection timetable –Avoid too technically difficult integration

18 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI18 Expected benefits Common infrastructure that brings in more homogeneity Shared data used for many applications –May be data sharing at the local level? Development of applications, and of GI use in decision making

19 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI19 Challenges (1) Establish the French SDI, in connection with eGov developments Contribute to European reference data –Small and medium scale –Access to large scale in a consistent way –EuroGeographics projects Establish interface of the French SDI with the ESDI

20 2003/10/23-24 French policies related to GI20 Challenges (2) Integration of data from heterogeneous sources (first phases) Maintenance based on information collection from many sources Long term commitment of all the stakeholders, and contributors

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