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Study Skills in the Classroom Alan and Holly Bass San Diego Mesa College October 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Skills in the Classroom Alan and Holly Bass San Diego Mesa College October 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Skills in the Classroom Alan and Holly Bass San Diego Mesa College October 2011

2 A word about our background experience…

3 Overview Organization: The Notebook Syllabus/Campus Quiz Learning Styles Math Anxiety: Daily Quizzes/Autobiography Goal Setting Motivation Reading a Math Textbook Test Taking Retention and Study Strategies Time Management Succeed in Math!

4 Before we start bombarding you with material… NOBODY does ALL this stuff! Which of these materials should you use? The ones you think will work for YOU and YOUR STUDENTS!

5 Organization - The Notebook Being organized can make a huge difference for students. Students respond well to being forced to stay organized. The Three-Ring Binder: Key Sections Class Notes SectionHomework SectionExam Section The Rubric PLEASE…MODIFY THE RUBRIC!

6 Day One – Syllabus/Campus Quiz You can begin your course with a great study skills activity. Students immediately get involved in the class. Allows students to meet new study group members on day 1. Students take Syllabus Quiz, Professor takes roll. Students take Campus Quiz to get familiar with their resources. Activity: The Syllabus Quiz / Campus Quiz

7 Learning Styles It is easy to help a student identify which of the three primary learning styles (visual, auditory, or kinesthetic). It is also easy to give them tips about how to take advantage of their preferred learning style. Activity: Learning Styles Inventory

8 Math Anxiety Daily Quizzes and Autobiography Activity: Daily Quiz given at beginning of class  4 – 5 questions from previous class  Immediate feedback  Constantly emphasizes importance of not only doing homework but working problems without notes/book Activity: Autobiography  Students reflect on positive and negative experiences to form action plan for this course.  Pinpoint where their math anxiety started and why.

9 Goal Setting The most important thing for students to understand about goal setting is that the goals should be realistic. Activity: Ed Plan/ Counselor  Require Students to visit Counselor, Have Counselor visit classroom Activity: Goals I & II  Short/Long Term Educational Goals, Using Resources Activity: Goal Setting  Student Reflective Learning (SRL)

10 Motivation Motivation is the prerequisite for ALL good study skills. Have students address why they are in college and your course. Activity: Motivation I & II

11 Reading a Math Textbook We know using a textbook can be challenging for students. Why not give them time in class to do a guided reading activity for a section. The process is based on SQRRR. Activity: Trying the Reading Technique Activity: Homework

12 Test Taking Struggling developmental students equate homework to test-preparation and have never been taught otherwise. Share tips about test prep and test taking. Activity: Practice Test!  10 to 15 problems, 30 to 40 minutes…of SILENCE!  Emphasize to students that they are learning a STUDY SKILL. Activity: Test Preparation Activity: Test Reflections

13 Retention and General Study Tips Explaining a little about how memory works can help students see why study skills are important. Try modeling effective memory techniques in class… Activity: Making Note Cards! Activity: Cheat Sheet Activity: Retention and Study Strategies

14 Time Management Discuss The College Rule! Activity : Weekly Schedule - Using a Day Planner Should include hours available to go to study and sleep, tutoring center, exercise and eat. Revisit the weekly schedule! First weekThird weekEighth weekTwelfth week

15 Succeed in Math! If you can spare just 5 or 10 minutes once a week for the first six weeks of class you can cover every major Study Skills topic. Presentation: Succeed in Math! Encourage discussion: “What do you guys think?”

16 A word about these materials… It’s all YOURS! Modify! Make it work for YOUR students.

17 THANK YOU!! and Thanks Pearson Education

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