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1 Update on the American Community Survey Presentation to the Association of Public Data Users Annual Conference September 25, 2009 Susan Schechter Chief,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Update on the American Community Survey Presentation to the Association of Public Data Users Annual Conference September 25, 2009 Susan Schechter Chief,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Update on the American Community Survey Presentation to the Association of Public Data Users Annual Conference September 25, 2009 Susan Schechter Chief, American Community Survey Office

2 2 Overview of Today’s Talk 2008 ACS Release ACS Methods Panel Activities ACS Education and Training On the Horizon

3 3 2008 ACS Data Release Schedule 2008 ACS 1-year Estimates –Includes all ACS data collected during the 12 month period from January 2008 through December 2008 –September 22: Most of the 2008 ACS 1-year estimates were released. –September 29: Remaining estimates for family income, poverty and food stamps will be released 2006-2008 ACS 3-year Estimates –Includes all ACS data collected during the 36 month period from January 2006 through December 2008 –October 27: All 2006-2008 ACS data scheduled for release

4 4 2008 ACS Data Release New and Notables New Economic Briefs Enhanced usability of downloads from American FactFinder Restoration of Quality Measures on the ACS website Improvements to the 2008 Questionnaire Changes to the 2008 Data Products

5 5 2008 ACS Data Release New and Notables Ten Economic Briefs –Percentage of People In Poverty in the Past 12 Months –Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months –Median Earnings in the Past 12 Months of Full-Time, Year-Round Workers 16 and Older by Sex –Percentage Employed in Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Among the Civilian Employed –Percentage of Workers Who Drove Alone –Home Values –Housing Costs of Mortgaged Owners –Food Stamp Receipt in the Past 12 Months –Labor force participation rate of people 65 years and over –Work status of employed people 65 years and over

6 6 2008 ACS Data Release New and Notables Enhanced usability of downloads from American FactFinder –+/- sign in the Margin of Error column will be removed for downloads only –Column header will still be labeled “Margin of Error (+/-)” –Responds to user requests to simplify calculations when using download tables –Does not change American FactFinder table presentation

7 7 2008 ACS Data Release New and Notables Restoration of Quality Measures on the ACS website –ACS website will have user-friendly version for national and state quality measures for 2007 and 2008 –Quality measures will continue to be available at the nation, state, and for selected measures, at the county level on American FactFinder in the B98 series of Detailed Tables

8 8 2008 ACS Data Release New and Notables Improvements to the 2008 Questionnaire –Tenure question and basic demographic questions are consistent with 2010 Census including change in format of the mail questionnaire for demographic questions from grid to sequential –Changes to existing questions and new questions added based on the results of the 2006 ACS Content Test

9 9 2008 ACS Data Release New and Notables Improvements to the 2008 Questionnaire: Five housing topics were revised 1)Year Built 2)Rooms and Bedrooms 3)Plumbing and Kitchen Facilities, Telephone Service 4)Food Stamp Benefit 5)Property Value

10 10 2008 ACS Data Release New and Notables Improvements to the 2008 Questionnaire: Seven population topics were revised 1)Citizenship 2)School Enrollment 3)Educational Attainment 4)Residence One Year Ago (Migration) 5)Disability 6)Employment Status Series 7)Weeks Worked

11 11 2008 ACS Data Release New and Notables Improvements to the 2008 Questionnaire: Three new topics were added 1)Health Insurance Coverage 2)Marital History 3)Veteran’s Service-connected Disability Rating

12 12 2008 ACS Data Release New and Notables Changes to the 2008 ACS Data Products –More than 100 new tables –About 50 modified tables –Nearly 100 tables removed –Many changes are due to new or revised content –Others are part of our annual process

13 13 ACS Methods Panel Activities

14 14 FY09 Methods Panel Test Multi-lingual brochure in mail materials English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Russian Over 600,000 households received brochure Just over 100 telephone calls were received in response to the brochure Final results expected this fall

15 15 FY09 Methods Panel Test Fifth mailing to mail nonrespondents Postcard or third questionnaire packet sent to households that do not respond by mail and cannot be included in telephone non- response follow up About 40,000 households received additional mailing Initial results show increase in response Final results expected this fall

16 16 FY09 -- FY11 ACS Methods Panel Projects 2010 Content Test Interagency Committee for the ACS provides structure and process for identifying needs for new and revised content Cognitive testing completed; Field test scheduled for late 2010 New and Revised Questions –New Internet and Computer Usage (FCC) –New Parental Place of Birth (Census) –Change in Food Stamps Program Name (USDA) –Change in Veteran Identification and Period of Service (VA) –Revised automated versions of income questions (HHS) Also testing the use of computer audio recorded interviewing to conduct behavior coding on a sample of interviews Results will be shared Fall 2011; Implement January 2013

17 17 FY09—FY11 ACS Methods Panel Projects Internet Response Option Test Develop ACS Internet form in English and Spanish Experimentally test various ways of offering the Internet option to maximize Internet response –Four treatments, two that offer and two that push –Sample will be stratified by tracts more likely to use the Internet versus those less likely –Test scheduled for 2011

18 18 ACS Education and Training

19 19 ACS Education and Training Compass Products: Handbooks General Audiences Business Community Congress High School Teachers Federal Agencies Media State and Local Governments PUMS Users Puerto Rico Community Survey Users* Researchers Users of Data for Rural Areas Users of Data for American Indians and Alaska Natives** *forthcoming in Spanish **forthcoming soon

20 20 ACS Education and Training Congressional Tool Kit –Hard copies and online – kit/toolkit.htm Design and Methodology Report –Reflects ACS Program up to December 2007 –Will be updated on a regular basis –Hard copies and online – meth.htm

21 21 ACS Education and Training Currently In Development New and improved ACS website –Better navigation –Easy to find what you are looking for E-tutorial –Revised schedule projects early 2010 release –Will include a future module on the first 5-year data release Additional Compass Presentations –Case Studies –How to access ACS data in American FactFinder Annual ACS Data Users Workshop

22 22 On the Horizon

23 23 First Release of 5-year ACS Estimates Federal Register Notice issued Spring 2009 Task force comprised of 8 working groups are addressing a wide range of issues Goal is to release a final plan this winter Also working to develop a better mechanism to receive user feedback and input on 5-year ACS data products.

24 24 Research Related to 2010 Census: Minimizing Confusion Among ACS Respondents Changes in ACS production beginning in January 2010 –Revised letters –Revised envelopes New Frequently Asked Questions about the ACS and 2010 Census –Telephone Questionnaire Assistance –Interactive Voice Recognition System –Field Representatives New flyer for use by Field Representatives conducting personal visit non-response follow up interviews

25 25 Research Related to 2010 Census: Match Study Using ACS and Census 2010 Records Matching 2010 Census data with ACS data collected from March through May 2010 Matching will include both housing unit match and person match Will compare household composition and characteristics of the person's matched Results available early 2012

26 26 Future Improvements ACS Frame Every year, there are two samples selected Main Sample –Selected in the fall –Sample is assigned to all 12 months of the year –Target Universe: All residential addresses on the Master Address File Supplemental Sample –Selected in January/February of the collection year –Sample is assigned to the last 9 months of the year –Target Universe: Residential addresses new to the Master Address File

27 27 Future Improvements ACS Frame With respect to coverage, ACS address frame will begin to improve with the January/February 2010 ACS Supplemental Sample Sample Selection for 2010 –Main Sample: Will not include 2010 Census Address Canvassing and Group Quarters Validation updates –Supplemental Sample: Will include 2010 Census Address Canvassing and Group Quarters Validation updates

28 28 Future Improvements Use of Population Controls Based on the 2010 Census 2009 ACS, 2007-2009, and 2005-2009 ACS will use controls based on Census 2000 2010 ACS, 2008-2010 ACS, and 2006-2010 ACS will use controls based on 2010 Census ACS always uses controls from the most recent vintage Multiyear estimates are based on the average of years from the most recent vintage

29 29 For more information Subscribe to “ACS Alert” Visit the ACS/PRCS website: Contact by telephone: 1-800-923-8282 Contact by email:

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