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ICAO APIRG/17, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 2-8 August 2010

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Presentation on theme: "ICAO APIRG/17, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 2-8 August 2010"— Presentation transcript:

1 ICAO APIRG/17, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 2-8 August 2010
AIS-AIM Study Group Sub-Group IFPP/IWG – AIS-AIMSG Cooperation IFPP/IWG Winter, Phoenix, AZ, 20. – AIS-AIMSG – Annex 15 Amd & New PANS-AIM Stay on course Status AFI-CAD Business Plan, by P. Rudolph

2 What is the purpose of this Presentation?
ICAO APIRG/17, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 2-8 August 2010 What is the purpose of this Presentation? To give an overview about: The concept of the data centric approach of the AIS-AIMSG Work done Time line Explain why is cooperation with IFPP/IWG needed Trigger discussion Questions/Answer /v0.2 AIS-AIMSG 2 Stay on course Status AFI-CAD Business Plan, by P. Rudolph 2

3 ICAO APIRG/17, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 2-8 August 2010
Overview 1 Rewrite of: Annex 15 Chapters: Chapter 4 - Data and information scope, including former Chapter 10 collection requirements eTOD, AMDB Chapter 5 - Temporality and distribution, including NOTAM Chapter 6 – Information services, including Chapter 10 provision requirements eTOD, AMDB Chapter 5 and 6 will we swapped at the end of the editorial process /v0.2 AIS-AIMSG Stay on course Status AFI-CAD Business Plan, by P. Rudolph

4 Overview (2) Annex 15 – SARPs The What? New PANS-AIM – SARPs details
AIS Manual (Doc 8126) explanation Clear separation of contents, no overlap /v0.2 AIS-AIMSG Stay on course

5 Operational provisions
22/04/2017 Overview (3) PANS-AIM State provisions (or « what ») Operational provisions (or « how to ») Explanatory text Amdt 38/… /v0.2 AIS-AIMSG Stay on course Enter here your Presentation Title 5

6 Time Line Ad-Hoc Group Meeting 4-6 February 2014, Brussels & Washington SG/ April 2014, Tokyo Ad-Hoc Group 30 June-4 July 2014, Lisbon SG/ November 2014, Montreal February-March 2015 ANC Review Fall 2015 AIM/IM Divisional Meeting, Montreal Qxx 2016 ANC Review Date of applicability 10 Nov 2016 /v0.2 AIS-AIMSG Stay on course

7 F(x:y) Thematic Data Sets Def (y) (x) Super Set Annex 4 (Amd 58)
Whole Data Set F(x:y) Def Rules Properties Parameters Models Features (x) (y) Electronic Chart Paper Chart Data Sub-sets Tables Next Intended User Annex 4 (Amd 58) Annex 15 (Amd 39) PANS-AIM (new) Annex 2, 3, 9 Annex 10, 11, Annex 12, 14 PANS-OPS Others Source Origination Data Management Products, Applications, Services Products Books Text (electronic form) Thematic Data Sets Super Set v3.4 Date of applicability 10th Nov 2016 /v0.2 AIS-AIMSG Stay on course

8 t Upstream Processing Downstream Stay on course 20-24.01.2014/v0.2
AIS-AIMSG Stay on course

9 Why Cooperation with IFPP/IWG
The Aeronautical Data & Information Scope in Annex 15 Chapter 4 and ANS-AIM covers data for Instrument Flight Procedure (IFP) The Services in Annex 15 Chapter 6 (5) cover the provision of the Thematic Dataset Type for IFP Data IFPP/IWG covers the whole data chain in there discussion, now the whole data chain from origination to distribution will be better covered in Annex 15 with references to other Annexes To ensure that all IFP Data have a representation in the in the Aeronautical Data & Information Scope /v0.2 AIS-AIMSG Stay on course

10 Baseline is important Coordination! A15 AIS-AIMSG Amd 57 PANS- AIM
OPS Vol I&II 8168 IFPP/IWG AIS Manual 8126 Coordination! Nov 2016 /v0.2 AIS-AIMSG Stay on course

11 Sub-Group in AIS-AIMSG
James (Ireland) Charity (Kenya) Stephane (France) Arnaud (France) Bill (IATA) Peter (CANS), Rapporteur /v0.2 AIS-AIMSG Stay on course

12 Summary of Activities Draft Annex 15 Chapter 4, 5, 6 available
Draft PANS-AIM Chapter available Harmonization with AIS-Manual started Documents draft will be made available in an WP. /v0.2 AIS-AIMSG Stay on course

13 Discussion, How to work Option 1 Option 2 Any other ideas/options?
AIS-AIMSG collects Data & Information Scope from current AIP and AIXM 5.1 data descriptions (Features, Attributes), AIS-AIMSG collects data requirements from PANS-OPS IFPP/IWG reviews Option 2 IWG/IFPP collects data requirements from PANS-OPS Reviews to Data & Information Scope Any other ideas/options? Update process shall be discussed as well /v0.2 AIS-AIMSG Stay on course

14 Questions? Thank you very much for your attention! Stay on course
Peter Rudolph VP Business Development/Authorized Officer Avitech Ag Bahnhofplatz 1, POBox 1430 D Friedrichshafen / Germany Phone: Mobile: Fax: /v0.2 AIS-AIMSG 14 Stay on course

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