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Priority Families Local Implementation Plan 2015 - 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Priority Families Local Implementation Plan 2015 - 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Priority Families Local Implementation Plan 2015 - 2016

2 Programme Deliverables 2015 - 2020 The 5 year programme deliverables are to:  Identify 2110 families who are eligible for the programme  Work with and achieve sustain significant change for 2110  Collate evidence of sustain significant change for 2110 families  Complete Family Monitoring Date for 211 families (10%)  Complete a cost savings calculator (CSC) for 527 families (25%)

3 Criteria 1 Parents and children involved in crime or anti-social behaviour Criteria 2 Children who have not been attending school regularly Criteria 3 Children who need help Criteria 4 Adults out of work or at risk of financial exclusion and young people at risk of worklessness Criteria 5 Families affected by domestic violence and abuse Criteria 6 Parents and children with a range of health problems

4 Early Help Approach

5 Service Transformation All agencies to adopt a “Think Family” approach when assessing individual need All families to have an allocated “lead worker” to coordinate services around the family All families to have an outcomes plan which clearly identify and measure the families journey All families to be able to access the right service at the right time in the right place at the right cost and quality

6 Programme Implementation Plan Identify and source data from key stakeholders Individual nominations submitted for new referrals Family Identification Data analyst to source baseline data for each family Data champions to be identified with key stakeholders Verification of Eligibility Level of intervention agreed Appropriate Lead worker identified Named lead worker identified Whole Family Assessment and Family Outcome Plan Completed Family reviews and family monitoring completed Identification of Additional resources to achieve family change Sustainably plan completed and where appropriate transfer of lead professional Solution focused assessment completed to agree action plan Family outcome plan agreed, recorded and shared with the Data Analyst Family outcome plan review at TAF/CIN reviews and CP Conferences Progress recorded and shared with Data analyst Flexible needs budget available for “quick wins” Access to resources available through the Integrated Early Help Commissioning Framework (IEHCF) Case transfers should handover the outcomes plan and sustainability plan Data Analyst notified of new lead worker

7 Integrated Early Help Commissioning Framework The Integrated Early Help Commissioning Framework (IEHCF) is a key element of our overall vision to improve outcomes for families and enable them to achieve their full potential The framework will offer a demand management approach to plan, commission and deliver a range of provision to support children, young people and their families at the earliest opportunity This means providing low level services at the right time to meet families needs and to keep them in control of resolving their issues and problems

8 Early Help Commissioning – Priority Families Live 1 November 2013 23 approved providers 350 referrals received and processed Total spend £165,000 circa (pending open mini competitions) Provider forum developed and well attended

9 Early Help Services Available Befriending Mentoring Family Support Services Group Programmes Mediation Therapeutic Services Counselling Other Evidence-based Early Help Services

10 Outcomes measured through evaluation between lead worker and provider Provider implements service DCC evaluate bidders and award based on Framework criteria (quality x lowest cost) Framework Providers bid for work ensuring that they have the ability to meet the outcomes identified within the referral DCC advertise service request to the specified providers using the Framework within agreed timescale Quality of service reviewed and monitored through contract management process Early Help Service Brokerage One day Within 5 days On going Two days Lead worker/TAF identify family need and complete an accees to resource form

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