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Commissioned Mental Health Services in Islington

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1 Commissioned Mental Health Services in Islington
Natalie Arthur Commissioning Manager, Mental Health

2 Introduction Purpose of the session is to provide an overview of Mental Health (MH) services commissioned in Islington by the Local Authority (LBI) and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Prevention and recovery-based models Co-production Variety of services available supporting adults in a number of ways including: Talking Therapies Supported Accommodation Reablement Enablement Crisis management

3 Types of commissioned services
Universal Accessible to all Includes services delivered by range of providers including primary care (e.g. GPs) and voluntary organisations Low need, prevention, early intervention Self-referral Secondary Clinical services primarily delivered by Camden and Islington Foundation Trust (CIFT) Higher levels of need Requires referral from GP or other appropriate professional/agency

4 Overview of Commissioned Universal MH Services in Islington
Recovery College iCope and other counselling services Mental Health Working Community Wellbeing Development Service Day Services Crisis Support Services Welfare Rights All of the above services accept self-referrals Islington Borough User Group - iBUG

5 Investment and Development
Islington commissioners continuing to work towards better integration of health and social care services, delivered within a community setting, ensuring: Easier access to services which fully meet needs around both mental and physical health Better, more sustainable outcomes for people in Islington, helping people to recover and regain independence, with a reduction in recurrence of illness and better management of long-term conditions

6 Investment and Development
Examples include: Dementia Navigators Reablement Service Integrated liaison and assessment Integrated MH rehabilitation and accommodation Perinatal MH service and MH support for parents MH working

7 Service User Involvement - iBUG
Commissioned from to promote the views of Islington’s past and current MH service users. Activities include: Open monthly meetings where any service users come and discuss MH provision in Islington. Monthly Patients’ Council at the Highgate MH Centre Quarterly inpatient and community forums where senior managers from C&IFT and Joint Commissioning are informed and challenged by service users Helping service users from all backgrounds and diversities to find their voice and confidence Acting as forum for all users to share their experience and receive mutual support, as well as promoting social contact and enabling users to take control of their own lives Supporting commissioning process e.g. market engagement, tender evaluation, service reviews

8 Service User Involvement - iBUG
Examples of impact of advocacy on behalf of service users include: Early identification of an upward trend in non-clinical transfers resulting in an invitation to monitor by the Chief Operating Officer to ensure no one has more than 2 transfers Successfully advocating the prioritisation of referral to treatment wait time reduction resulting in a sustainable reduction from 158 to 23 people waiting more than 18 weeks in Successfully promoting and advocating for the development of a Mental Health Recovery College where experts by experience lead users of mental health services towards supported self-management

9 Service User Involvement – Co-Producing Commissioning
Value Based Commissioning (VBC) Islington has taken a VBC approach to closing the mortality gap for people living with psychosis The outcomes and delivery model has been co-produced with people living with psychosis and providers e.g. service users have successfully advocated for outcomes important to them related to relationships and employment Primary Care Mental Health Service A new service to provide access to specialist mental health treatment with primary care Engagement and co-production has been strongly supported to develop the service model e.g. service users have successfully advocated for peer support workers to be included

10 Service User Involvement – Co-Producing Commissioning
Joint Commissioning Service users are active paid participants in the commissioning cycle from review to procurement. iBUG has: Undertaken detailed quality reviews of Crisis House Services that has informed a service improvement plan and commissioning intentions Undertaken mystery shopping exercises to contract monitoring and management Evaluated tenders as members of commissioner evaluation panels

11 Service user Involvement – next steps
Various engagement exercises completed covering different areas of mental health services Commissioners will be pulling results together to identify actions to address areas for improvement – both short term and long-term Further work needed to develop service user engagement in some areas e.g. primary care

12 Questions [and any feedback on experiences]

13 More about… Recovery College

14 Social Change and Iris’ recovery journey

15 Recovery College Education
Non-jargon language ‘Lived experience’ of peers and professional tutors are equal Courses are Interactive and Aspirational: Elements of Hope, Opportunity and Control Health and Wellbeing topics Registering

16 What topics would you like to see at The Recovery College?
Questions and Answers What topics would you like to see at The Recovery College?

17 Co-Production Exercise

18 More about…iCope

19 iCope – Islington Psychological Therapies Service
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) National programme to provide fast access to effective psychological therapies for mild-moderate anxiety and depression Stepped care approach to treatment Treatment options include: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) – including Guided Self Help CBT groups and courses Community links Computerised CBT Other therapies – mindfulness, counselling, interpersonal therapy .

20 Over 9000 referrals a year Aim to reach under-represented groups (e.g. BME groups, Older Adults) High levels of satisfaction and clinical change Based in Primary Care Part of the Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust Easy access – health professional or self-referral Self referral via or Or via Website –

21 iCope Interactive Session

22 Additional Information and Access to Services
A directory of mental health services across Islington can be found here: Current and past users of mental health services in Islington, contact iBUG to get involved in monitoring the provision of services and helping to improve and shape current and future services:

23 Commissioner Contacts
Natalie Arthur Commissioning Manager, Mental Health London Borough of Islington / Islington Clinical Commissioning Group Jennifer Speller Senior Commissioning Manager, Mental Health and Continuing Health Care Islington Clinical Commissioning Group / London Borough of Islington

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