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Study of the day When choice is demotivating (Iyengar & Lepper, 2001)

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Presentation on theme: "Study of the day When choice is demotivating (Iyengar & Lepper, 2001)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Study of the day When choice is demotivating (Iyengar & Lepper, 2001)

2 Choice = good - marketing - politics - education - psychology So the more choices the better? Results When choice is demotivating (Iyengar & Lepper, 2001)





7 6 jams24 jams 40% 60% 30%3%

8 6 jams24 jams Number that purchased 31 30% Number that purchased 4 3% N = 260 N = 242

9 Follow-up study: How likely are people to complete extra credit? 1. Students offered an extra credit assignment: one of 6 topics or one of 30 topics More likely to do extra credit when fewer choices Results When choice is demotivating (Iyengar & Lepper, 2001)

10 Writing Psychology Papers

11 Introductions I want to see development in intros: Paragraphs should not be committed to single citation but instead focus on a theme Make sure to connect each citation to over-arching research question Subtitles can help with organization, but make sure you have transitions! Make beginning interesting! Hook in the Start broad  explicitly state research question hypotheses

12 Introductions Look at lit reviews in empirical articles for e.g.s No operational information in intros Don’t need a lot of methods details about cited studies – just main point Adhere to APA structure Make sure you cite when making big claims Content is more important than length

13 Using Other People’s Ideas Should be used to support your ideas If using someone else’s words directly, you must use quotations and a citation It’s much better to rephrase into your own words, as this conveys understanding Citations still required!

14 Giving Credit If you can’t put an idea into your own words, you shouldn’t write about it After reading an interesting idea, look away from it and write your own version Does it summarize an important point? Is it short and sweet? If not, re-read and try again!

15 In-Text Citations If borrowing an idea from previous research or theory, it must be cited when: Paraphrasing an author’s ideas Sharing information that is not common knowledge Directly quoting a source

16 Examples Iyengar and Lepper (2001) “Studies 1, 2, and 3 provide compelling empirical evidence that the provision of extensive choices, though initially appealing to choice-makers, may nonetheless undermine choosers' subsequent satisfaction and motivation.” Although many choices are attractive, individuals are more motivated and satisfied when given fewer options (Iyengar &Lepper, 2001).

17 Chapter 5 reading Remove “fluff” words Use simple language – not jargon

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