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Chapter 4 Module 9 Environmental systems analysis methodology Can totally different sanitation systems be fairly compared? How are environmental impacts.

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1 Chapter 4 Module 9 Environmental systems analysis methodology Can totally different sanitation systems be fairly compared? How are environmental impacts measured?

2 Life cycle assessment (LCA) Aim – Evaluate environmental burdens of a product or service – Using a cradle-to-grave perspective from raw material extraction to waste management and final disposal. Raw material acquisition Processes Transport Manufacture Use Waste management

3 LCA work with an expanded system Comparison require delivery of similar product – That leave you with compared system – And compensatory system (external system) Compared systemCompensatory system Product

4 Example of a system comparison Source: Jan-Olov Sundquist, IVL

5 Functional unit, valued products Core system incineration Waste Heat Power Functional unit Core system Landfill Waste Heat Power Heat production Power production Compensatory or external system Functional unit

6 Resources – Energy and materials Water Land Impacts on human health (toxicological and non-toxicological impacts, excluding and including work environment) Global warming Depletion of stratospheric ozone Acidification Eutrophication Photo-oxidant formation Eco-toxicological impacts Habitat alterations and impacts on biological diversity Impact categories to be considered in an LCA

7 TitleTitle Collection and aggregation of data NO x NH 3 P etc. CO 2 CH 4 N 2 O Eutrophication Global warming Index InventoryCharacterisation Weighting

8 Which environmental effect is most important? Global vs local Long-term vs short-term Importance of the impact – Compare the system impact with total national emissions

9 Weighting of global warming

10 Weighing of acidification

11 Weighting of eutrophication

12 Remember… It is a great difference between potential and actual environmental impacts.

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