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Secondary care nursing provision in Somerset. Andre Clinchant, Lead Nurse, Taunton & Somerset NHS trust.

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Presentation on theme: "Secondary care nursing provision in Somerset. Andre Clinchant, Lead Nurse, Taunton & Somerset NHS trust."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secondary care nursing provision in Somerset. Andre Clinchant, Lead Nurse, Taunton & Somerset NHS trust

2  Providing support for children with complex health needs.  Supporting parents to become expert carers.  Supporting schools to deal with ever increasing complex health needs in their environment.  Reducing the need for hospitalisation.  Promote as normal a life as possible.

3  Overt nursing need.  Rare or unusual nursing needs beyond that which primary care offers.  Life threatening/life limiting condition.  Under regular care of a paediatrician.  Specialised health conditions (cancer, CF, diabetes)

4  3 teams across Somerset.  Taunton, Yeovil and Bath hospitals.  Specialist teams & nurses including COMPASS and CHCT, diabetics, oncology.  Outreach into homes, schools, residential settings, respite care settings. NOTE. Mostly we only take referrals from consultants, not GPs, schools, health visitors etc.

5  Emergency care.  Immunisations.  Basic nursing care on otherwise healthy children.  Regular hands on nursing such as gastrostomy feeds, insulin injections, blood glucose tests.  Mobility issues/ adaptations.  Mental health issues.  Lead in creating health care plans but…

6  Support schools in drafting care plans.  Training SENCOS, LSAs etc.  Specialised nursing procedures (bloods, chemotherapy)  Attend Annual reviews.  Sign posting.  Some emergency procedures (gastro tube changes)

7 Health need Child goes to GP Primary care provision Health visitor, School Nurse. ITS secondary health provision. Specialist nursing provision Tertiary hospitals and allied services Support school

8  9-5 service.  Non emergency.  Specialist nursing care.  Not hands on.  Work in partnership with other agencies.  Useful problem solver.  Friend, not your enemy!

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