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CCA: WHERE WE CAME FROM AND RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Family Service Ontario Conference May 8, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "CCA: WHERE WE CAME FROM AND RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Family Service Ontario Conference May 8, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCA: WHERE WE CAME FROM AND RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Family Service Ontario Conference May 8, 2014

2 A New Partnership for Accreditation Responding to growing interest in Canadian accreditation program tailored to community-based health and social services 5 associations serving community-based service providers combining over 100 years of accreditation experience: – Association of Ontario Health Centres (Community Organizational Health) – Children’s Mental Health Ontario – Ontario and Canadian Associations of Credit Counselling Services – Family Service Ontario – Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Created new Canadian non-profit accrediting body (third party) - April 2012 CCA formally established 2014 - over 200 organizations participating, including 35 family service agencies 2

3 CCA Vision and Mission Vision: Effective organizations strengthen healthy and resilient communities. Mission: We provide excellence and leadership in accreditation by assuring quality and continuous improvement in community-based health and social services.

4 CCA Values Continuous Learning and Improvement - We pursue continuous learning and improvement towards excellence and innovation; We recognize and celebrate key milestones achieved. Meaningful Collaboration - We inclusively engage the diverse organizations we serve, as well as other CCA stakeholders, in dialogue to shape our mission, goals and services. Diversity and Equity - We value the diverse contributions of our stakeholders and work towards the elimination of systemic barriers to equity. Responsible Stewardship - We manage CCA resources ethically, transparently and responsibly, in order to ensure its sustainability. Accountability - We hold ourselves accountable for the quality of our work and the achievement of established outcomes that are aligned with our values.

5 Principles of CCA Approach Balance between fostering quality improvement and risk management Standards challenging and achievable by diverse organization types and sizes Clear and transparent expectations Consistent practices applied with sufficient flexibility to recognize unique circumstances and challenges of organizations being reviewed Supportive of organizations achieving and maintaining accreditation Recognition of strengths/successes of organizations Value-added experience for community organizations 5

6 Foundations of CCA Standards: Excellence in Service Provision Focus on people and communities served; respect for their dignity and diversity Strength-based approach to service delivery, recognizing social and physical environments that impact people’s well-being and health Commitment to equity and to actively addressing barriers to service Drive to improve outcomes for people and communities served Integration of continuous learning, improvement and innovation Decision making that is evidence-based Safe services and work settings Most efficient use of resources to achieve outcomes Social and ethical responsibility Accountability and transparency 6

7 Development of CCA Program 2009 - 2012 Three year Trillium Grant awarded To combine best of all accreditation programs and update; transform COHI into CCA 3 working groups: Standards, Business Operations and Governance Standards and Accreditation Process WG – Developing Organizational Standards amalgamate governance, management and leadership standards review literature and best practices – June 2010 Webcast on framework of program – Consultation – through 3 rounds of critical readers feedback on draft standards

8 Development of CCA Program May–September 2012 Pilot reviews conducted at 8 organizations - all sectors October 2012 - August 2013 External evaluation of Pilot reviews Extensive revisions to standards and web tool April 2013 CCA begins regular reviews offered to all organizations Pilot version of standards and web tool used for 2013 reviews – 24 reviews conducted to March 2014

9 Evaluation Surveys and Other Feedback very positive feedback (85%) on site visit, quality of preliminary report and review teams; standards rated quite well but observations re some duplication in standards re: preparation workload: 34% acceptable; 3% efficient; 45% onerous; 12% much too onerous need for improvements in Web tool noted frequently overall positive for their agency - 90% found participation was beneficial (yes very / yes) 83% would recommend CCA (yes / probably) concerns expressed by family service agencies about increased requirements in CCA standards; need to recognize limited administrative resources

10 Latest Developments Major upgrades and enhancements to Go CCA Web Accreditation Tool to launch in late May 2014 Further revisions to standards – clarifications based on feedback received Self-Assessment Tool available – can be accessed at any time before review Access to customized Webtool 1 yr before site visit Educational Webinars offered for different sectors including family service agencies Formal “accommodations procedure” developed Additions to CCA Resource Library are ongoing

11 Lessons Learned – Participating Agencies Important to start reviewing standards early – at least 2 years in advance Important to communicate with Accreditation Manager – ask questions about interpretation Meeting every Leading Practice standard is not necessary for accreditation - allows for some flexibility Understand that having some standards to meet at Preliminary Report stage is part of the process 86% respondents in evaluations agreed that accreditation pushes their organizations to continually improve, pursue quality

12 Thank You! Barbara Wiktorowicz Executive Director Directrice générale 416-239-2448 x 222 Bonnie Hoppe Accreditation Manager Responsable à l’agrément 416-239-2448 x 226 Jennifer Jeffery Accreditations Coordinator Coordinatrice aux agréments 416-239-2448 x 227 Sophie Gautheron Office Manager Gestionnaire du bureau 416-239-2448 x 221 New Toll Free Number: 1-844-416-239-2448 12

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