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Production Maestro Pro.  Standalone PC based client application for Eclipse systems. Instantaneous Assignment of Conferences, 4-wires and IFB’s Fast.

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Presentation on theme: "Production Maestro Pro.  Standalone PC based client application for Eclipse systems. Instantaneous Assignment of Conferences, 4-wires and IFB’s Fast."— Presentation transcript:

1 Production Maestro Pro

2  Standalone PC based client application for Eclipse systems. Instantaneous Assignment of Conferences, 4-wires and IFB’s Fast and Intuitive User Interface. Transparent access to Multiple matrix frames Multi-user operation with rights management Conference presets Key Groups Alias assignment  When used with LMC-64 metering card Up to 64 real time level meters per card Monitor any input, output or conference Feature overview

3 Interface overview Palette Use this area to create a list of 4wires / conferences which will be used for fast assignment Canvas Workspace where 4wires & conferences from palette are dragged into for assignment Modes Assignment & Configure modes Toolbar

4  Connect and Refresh  Configure palette Port, Panel, Monitor, Ident, Key Group Sorting and filtering Level meter, Eraser Add, remove and name tabs  Configure Canvas Split canvas Zoom slider and dbl-click to zoom Conference, 4-wire, 4-wire viewer Level meter Preset Conference Notes  Save and Open Basic Setup

5  Assignment (and reverse) Drag to scroll canvas Left & Right button drag from palette to canvas Left & Right button drag from canvas to canvas Drag to empty space or palette to delete Monitors, Idents and Key Groups Eraser  4-wire viewer  Change levels with mouse wheel and dbl-click  VOX signalling  Cursor level meter Assignment and Levels

6  Alias Add and remove alias Store alias in list  Preset conference Left & Right button drag from palette to preset Eraser Alias Drag to conference and drag to preset Alias mode and Preset Conference

7  Associated Panel  Associated Meter Port  Various settings  Command line arguments Load config and layout Admin and simulation modes Connect via LAN B  Admin mode and it’s settings  Canvas 1 and 2 backgrounds Settings

8  Licensing Licensing via matrix passcode One license is required per client and per matrix Max 10 clients per matrix Site license available (10 clients per matrix per site / linked system)  Example Q: If a customer wants 3 technical staff (PCs) to assign members to party lines hosted in 2 linked frames using Production Maestro Pro, how many licenses need to be ordered? A: 6  Sales parts Production-Maestro-Pro-1 o For system orders with up to 10 Prod Maestro Client/frame connections Production-Maestro-Pro-Site o For system orders with more than 10 Prod Maestro Client/frame connections Licensing and sales parts

9 ► Connect: Gets the IP addresses for the Eclipse systems from a CCN file and connects to all of them, loading their current live state. ► Open: Loads a previously saved CCR layout file, restoring settings, palette and canvas. ► Save: Saves the current settings, palette and canvas layout into a CCR file. ► Refresh: Reconnects to all Eclipse systems. ► Undo / Redo: Step through the history of all changes made. Save clears the history. ► Settings: Show options. ► Full Screen: Hides Windows title and task bars to make better use of the screen size. ► Help: Display the online help. TOOLBAR Production Maestro Pro

10  To sort the list, select any of the sort options, select again to reverse direction  Start typing to search for any elements that contain the search word  Drag the Eraser to the palette if needed* *Needs Production Maestro Pro Production Maestro Pro CONFIGURE PALETTE  Click on the Configure Palette mode button  The palette area is used to store / create a list of 4wires and conferneces that will be used in assignment.  From the list of all possible ports on the matrix – drag only the ports required for use by the PM user onto the palette

11  Drag a meter onto ports already in the palette  Drop the meter onto the left side of a port to meter the input  Drop it to the right side to meter the output  The meter icon shows you how many meters are still available to be assigned *Needs Production Maestro Pro Production Maestro Pro PALETTE METERS*

12  Add or remove palette tabs*, the standard version is restricted to three tabs  To rename a tab, click the tab label and start typing *Needs Production Maestro Pro Production Maestro Pro PALETTE TABS

13 CONFIGURE CANVAS, CONFERENCES  Start typing to search for any conferences that contain the search word  Shows the current member count  Drag and place onto canvas, resize if nessecary Production Maestro Pro  Click on the Configure Canvas mode button  The palette area is used to store / create a list of 4wires and conferneces that will be used in assignment.  From the list of all possible conferences on the matrix – drag only the conferences required for use by the PM user onto the canvas

14 CONFIGURE CANVAS, FIXED 4-WIRE VIEWER  Start typing to search for any 4wires that contain the search word  Drag and place onto canvas, resize if nessecary Production Maestro Pro

15 CONFIGURE CANVAS, OTHER  Add as many 4-wire viewer or Preset Conference elements to the canvas as needed  Add meters to a conference to meter conference audio  Add a meter to the left of a fixed 4-wire viewer to meter the input and to the right to meter the output Production Maestro Pro

16 CONFIGURE CANVAS, NOTES  Type text into the note space, it can contain multiple lines  Drag the note onto the canvas and resize if necessary Production Maestro Pro

17 ALIAS  Click on the Alisa mode button  Type a new alias and drag it onto a canvas element to rename it, or drag it from list of aliases  An alias can be dragged onto the palette area for later use from the alias creation area as well as from aliased canvas elements  Drag an alias from the list onto the bin to remove Production Maestro Pro

18  Click on the Assignment mode button.  Drag an element from the palette onto a canvas element to make new assignments  Drag with the left mouse button to add an item (additive move)  Drag with the right mouse button (exclusive move)  To add an item and have it removed from any other canvas element of the same type Production Maestro Pro ASSIGNMENT

19 ASSIGNMENT 2  To move a palette element from one canvas element to another use the left mouse button  Using the right mouse button palette elements can be copied from one canvas element to another Production Maestro Pro

20  To have a port only receive audio from a canvas element, remove the red indicator from the port by clicking on it  Click on the green indicator to stop a port from receiving audio from the canvas element  Removing both indicators removes the port from the canvas element Production Maestro Pro ASSIGNMENT 3

21  To remove palette elements from the canvas, move them back to the palette or drop them on an empty canvas area  To fully reset a conference, the eraser tool can be dropped onto a conference* ASSIGNMENT 4 Production Maestro Pro *Needs Production Maestro Pro

22  Populate a 4-wire viewer with a port  The 4-wire viewer will show all crosspoints currently associated with that port  Additional ports can be dragged onto a populated 4-wire viewer to make bi- directional crosspoints 4-WIRE VIEWER Production Maestro Pro

23  A preset conference allows the PM user to pre-define conference members so that at a given time or event they maybe added to a conference in one movement  A preset is not live, it only exists in Production Maestro  Add palette elements to a conference preset  That preset can then be dragged onto a conference  The conference will update accordingly CONFERENCE PRESETS Production Maestro Pro

24  To make an existing conference into a preset, move the cursor to the top of the conference element  With the cursor in the Drag as Preset area, drag the conference onto a preset Production Maestro Pro CONFERENCE PRESETS 2

25  KeyGroups enable the central operator to assign many panel users with a venue comms key in one action. Control room users can be pre- assigned to keygroups.  Select Key Groups in ECS  Add Key Groups and name them  Change their activation in the properties to match your needs Production Maestro Pro KEYS GROUPS

26  Select Panel Programming in ECS  Right-click a key and select a key group ►A panel key that is associated with a key group will have a white box around the key display  You can also add a Key Group to a pre-assigned key Production Maestro Pro ASSIGN KEYS TO KEY GROUPS IN ECS

27  In PM Pro, Key Groups are shown in different colours depending on their activation type  Add a Key Group to a canvas element for all keys in that group to update  Optionally add an alias to change the label Production Maestro Pro KEY GROUPS IN PM PRO

28  Select Matrix Hardware in ECS  Highlight the port to have VOX signalling  Set the Audio Detection Off Delay and Threshold and activate Audio Presence Tally Production Maestro Pro VOX SIGNALLING IN PRODUCTION MAESTRO

29  Input attenuation is shown and controlled on the left of each port  Output attenuation is shown and controlled on the right of each port  Use the mouse wheel to change the attenuation  When VOX signalling is activated and the threshold is surpassed, the input will light up green Production Maestro Pro IN / OUT LEVELS & VOX SIGNALLING

30  Select Preferences in ECS  On the Production Maestro tab set the preferred meter type  Production Maestro will update accordingly Production Maestro Pro LMC-64 METER TYPES IN ECS

31  To show the mouse-over meter bar, click here  Click on the metering icon to change the cursor to a metering mode  Move the cursor to any item on the canvas or palette to show current audio level  The left of hand side an element monitors input, right hand side output volume Production Maestro Pro MOUSE-OVER METER (SPOT METER)

32  Select Matrix Hardware in ECS  Highlight the port to be used as a monitor / ident  Set Split Label to TRUE Production Maestro Pro MONITORS / IDENTS IN PRODUCTION MAESTRO

33  Split ports will show a seperate monitor and ident element  Add a monitor / ident to any canvas element  Adjust the contribution attenuation using the mouse wheel ►Adjust the overall matrix level of the monitor / ident port, by changing the level in the palette area ►Adjust the individual contribution level of the monitor / ident to the conference by changing the level in the conference area Production Maestro Pro MONITORS / IDENTS IN PRODUCTION MAESTRO

34  Select Matrix Hardware in ECS  Highlight the IFB destination port  Activate Global IFB and set the IFB attenuation Production Maestro Pro IFB OPERATION IN PRODUCTION MAESTRO

35  Drag the IFB destination and the source ports into the palette  Add a 4-wire viewer to the canvas  Assign the IFB destination to the 4-wire viewer Production Maestro Pro IFB DESTINATION ASSIGNMENT IN PRODUCTION MAESTRO

36  Assign a source port to the IFB destination 4-wire viewer  Add a Key Group if needed*  Add an Alias to rename the IFB if needed Production Maestro Pro IFB SOURCE ASSIGNMENT IN PRODUCTION MAESTRO

37 These settings allows the user to adjust the way PM works Prompt user: When erasing conferences or when adding a port to conference when it is already in use When using eraser: it should leave behind the monitor and alias settings Production Maestro Pro SETTINGS IN PRODUCTION MAESTRO

38  Drag a panel port into the Associated Panel setting  The talk buttons on conferences are now active  When used, the panel port will contribute to the conference  This will not change the states of eavesdropping and MIC gates in the panel Production Maestro Pro ASSOCIATED PANEL

39  The associated meter port, allows one matrix port to be used for metering  Connect a 4-wire (direct) port to your computer’s primary audio input device  Open settings and drag that port into the Associated Meter Port box  You can also apply this setting in Configure Palette mode Production Maestro Pro ASSOCIATED METER PORT (SPOT METER)

40  Remove configuration access to palette & canvas – so that user PM user only accesses predefined layouts  Restrict access to palette – in multi PM use, this user can only add or delete 4wires on his palette when configuring conferences and cannot remove 4wires that have been used by other users  Prevent level adjustment Production Maestro Pro ADMIN MODE

41  Drag the split border from the top of the canvas area to the desired position Production Maestro Pro CANVAS SPLIT MODE

42  Replace the back.jpg found in the shortcut’s Start In path (usually the Production Maestro install path)  Add a back2.jpg in the same path if the canvas is operated in split-mode back2.jpg back.jpg Production Maestro Pro CHANGE THE CANVAS BACKGROUND

43  Use command line arguments to help the way Production Maestro starts up  To connect on start-up, add the path to the CCN file to the shortcut target properties  To load a layout at start-up, add the path to the CCR file to the shortcut target properties Production Maestro Pro COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS 1

44  To run in admin-mode, add /ADMIN to the shortcut target properties  To run in simulation-mode, add /SIM to the shortcut target properties, add /STANDARD to disable Pro features ► More command line features can be found in the user manual Production Maestro Pro COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS 2

45 Q: How many party line conferences is a client PC limited to display? A: Up to 199 and only limited by the screen resolution. Q: How many ports can the Palette display? A: Not limited - any 4-wires/directs or panels on the network Q: The term "Alias Name" stands for…. A: An alternate name that can be assigned to any 4-w or Party Line/Conference. Q: Can I use Production Maestro to control matrix input port levels? A: yes Q: Can Production Maestro show live Party Line memberships? A: Yes it can. Q: Can the client user talk to Party-Line/Conferences using mouse control? A: Yes through the use of the mouse and associated panel. Q; If a customer wants 3 technical staff to assign members to party lines hosted in 2 frames using Production Maestro, how many licenses should be paid for? A: 6 Production Maestro Pro Q & A

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