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HDC Conference 2015 Improving the Consumer Experience Breakout session C Aged care: a consumer perspective 9 March 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "HDC Conference 2015 Improving the Consumer Experience Breakout session C Aged care: a consumer perspective 9 March 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 HDC Conference 2015 Improving the Consumer Experience Breakout session C Aged care: a consumer perspective 9 March 2015

2 Aged Care: a consumer perspective Rose Wall Deputy Commissioner, HDC Sue Chetwin CEO, Consumer NZ Kilian de Lacy Aged Care Representative, HDC Consumer Advisory Group

3 Aged Care Complaints Received by HDC

4 Number of complaints about rest homes each year

5 Complaint events typically occur over extended time frame Multiple issues/aspects of complaint Multiple Code Rights engaged Multiple providers involved Information from multiple parties reviewed Consumer often not able to engage with complaint process Specific considerations for rest home complaints

6 Issues complained about in rest home complaints Communication –Failure to communicate effectively with family Complaints process –Inadequate response to complaint Facility issues –Staffing/training issues Non clinical care –Hygiene needs not met; –Neglect

7 Issues identified by HDC in rest home complaints Inadequate policies/procedures and policies/procedures not followed Inadequate staffing levels or skill mix Inadequate supervision of staff/inadequate staff training Care plans not completed/implemented Poor communication between staff Inadequate documentation

8 Recommendations made by HDC in rest home complaints Apologise to consumer or their family for the care received Reviews of policies/procedures e.g. review of restraint policies, documentation policies Development of policies/procedures e.g. accessing medical care out of hours Audit e.g. audit staff compliance with policies/procedures Provision of information to HDC e.g. provide evidence of the effectiveness of improvements made following a complaint Training/professional development e.g. ensure all staff undergo regular training on policies/procedures, documentation

9 HDC Approach HDC contributes to the achievement of a safe consumer-centred system in a unique way: Complaints resolution Promote and protect consumer rights Safety and quality improvement Strengthen the system so that it continually improves Public protection Watchdog role


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