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Photometric Properties of Spiral Galaxies Disk scale lengthCentral surface brightness (I d in BM) Bulges Luminosity profiles fit r 1/4 or r 1/n laws Structure.

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1 Photometric Properties of Spiral Galaxies Disk scale lengthCentral surface brightness (I d in BM) Bulges Luminosity profiles fit r 1/4 or r 1/n laws Structure appears similar to E’s, except bulges are more “flattened” and can have different stellar dynamics Disks Many are well-represented by an exponential profile I(R) = I o e -R/Rd (Freeman 1970) NGC 7331 Sb galaxy R-band isophotes In magnitudes μ(R) = μ(0) +1.086 (R/R d )

2 Bulge dominates in center and again at very large radii (if bulge obeyed r 1/4 to large R) Disk dominates at intermediate radii R d ~ 1 - 10 kpc (I-band; 20% longer in B-band) Disks appear to end at some R max around 10 to 30 kpc or 3 to 5R d (R d ) (R)(R) NGC 7331 1-d fit to azimuthally averaged light profile with 2 components (A 2-d fit to the image may be better since bulge and disk may have different ellipticities!)

3 Freeman’s Law (1970) - found that almost all spirals have central disk surface brightness  oB = 21.5  0.5 Turns out to be a selection effect yielding upper limit since fainter SB disks are harder to detect! Disks like bulges show that larger systems have lower central surface brightness Face-on 20 21 22 23 24 25 BB 15 5 (van der Kruit 1978) Some low-surface brightness (LSB) galaxies have been identified -extreme case - Malin 1 (I o = 25.5 and R d =55 kpc!)

4 Spirals get bluer and fainter along the sequence S0  Sd S0 color is similar to K giant stars; younger, bluer stars absent Later types have more young stars Ursa Major galaxy group Open circles: fainter  o

5 Disks - Vertical Distribution of Starlight Disks are puffed up by vertical motions of stars Observations of edge-on disks (and MW stars) show the luminosity density is approximated by j(R,z) = j o e -R/Rd sech 2 (z/2z o ) for R<R max z-direction Scale height (sometimes z e which is 2z o ) van der Kruit and Searle (1981,1982) At face-on inclination, obeys exponential SB law At large z, j(z) ~ j o exp(-z/z o ) in SB  I(R,z) = I(R)exp(-z/z o ) Disks fit well with typical R d and R max values and constant z o with R

6 Scale height varies strongly with stellar type z o ~ 100 pc for young stars z o ~ 400 pc for older stars In addition to the main disk, there is evidence for a thick disk in some galaxies (including our own) with z o =1 kpc Mostly older stars Formed either through puffing up of disk stars (e.g. via minor merger?)

7 Homework SB Profile fitting Choose one galaxy, extract an azimuthally averaged surface brightness profile, calibrate counts to surface brightness units, and fit the bulge and disk to r 1/4 and exponential functions, respectively. Derive a)effective radius and surface brightness for the bulge (I e and R e ) – give in mag/arc 2 b)scale length and central surface brightness for the disk (R d and I 0 ) c)bulge/disk luminosity ratio B/T = Re2IeRe2Ie R e 2 I e + 0.28R d 2 I o S0 Sa Sb Sc B/T T-type 0.8 0 Bulge fraction: in spirals, determine the ratio of bulge to disk or total luminosity – follows Hubble type

8 How does the vertical distribution of starlight in disks compare with the theoretical distribution of a self-gravitating sheet? 1/2 (z component of stellar velocity dispersion) is constant with z Poisson’s Equation Liouville’s Equation (hydrostatic equilibrium state for system of collisionless particles) Substituting and solving: Solution:

9   V z 2  = 2  GΣ M z o where Σ M is mass surface density = 4ρ o z o If z o is constant with R, and Σ M decreases with increasing R,  V z 2  must also decrease with increasing R. Why does V z decrease with radius ? Disk is continually heated by random acceleration of disk stars by Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs) Number of GMCs decrease with radius Some observations suggest that z o may not be constant and may increase with R (models include mass density of atomic and molecular gas). (Narayan & Jog 2002)

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