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Jennifer Soderstrom University of Washington

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1 Jennifer Soderstrom University of Washington
Seismic Evaluation of Prestressed and Reinforced Concrete Pile-Wharf Deck Connections Jennifer Soderstrom University of Washington

2 Introduction Ports represent a large economic investment for a region
Direct damage to the port of Kobe, Japan estimated to exceed U.S.$11 billion It is worthwhile to evaluate the seismic performance of port facilities

3 Typical Wharf Section

4 Pile-Deck Connections
Piles are the sole supports for large gravity loads Detailing must be sufficient to allow pile forces to develop and hinges to form Repair and inspection can be difficult, so a connection should remain undamaged in a large seismic event

5 Prototype Connections
Survey of Wharves in Los Angeles, Oakland and Seattle Connection types used included: Precast Pile Connection Pile Extension Connection Batter Pile Connection

6 Precast Pile Connection
Most common connection was a 24 in octagonal prestressed pile Pile set 2 in into deck Hooked dowels grouted in pile ducts Varying development lengths

7 Pile Extension Connection
Cast prior to deck if length > 6 in Hooked dowels grouted in pile ducts and passing through extension Varying development lengths Extended spiral in some connections

8 Pile Section 24 in octagonal prestressed pile most common
Details varied

9 Test Methodology Connection types investigated in this study:
Pile Extension Connections No spiral reinforcement in joint region Moderate spiral reinforcement in joint region Precast pile connections No axial load 222 kip axial load

10 Specimen 1: Pile Extension

11 Specimen 2: Pile Extension w/Spiral

12 Specimens 3&4: Precast Pile

13 Test Setup

14 Axial Load System

15 Testing Procedure Modified ATC-24 loading sequence
Lateral displacement from 0.05% to 10.6% drift % drift = lateral deflection / pile length

16 Experimental Results Test observations Force-deflection history
Moment-curvature history Average curvature Strain curvature Strain distribution Incremental strain distribution

17 Test Observations – pile cracking
1 2 3 4 Cracking at 1.0% drift

18 Test Observations – deck cracking
Specimen 1 Specimen 3 Specimen 2

19 Test Observations – end of tests 1, 2
Specimen 2 Specimen 1

20 Test Observations – end of tests 3, 4
Specimen 3 Specimen 4

21 Force-Deflection History – specimen 1
Peak load = 26.5 kips at 4.5% drift

22 Force-Deflection History – specimen 3
Peak load = 30.7 kips at 3.0% drift

23 Force-Deflection History – specimen 4
Peak load = 38.1 kips at 1.5% drift

24 Moment-Curvature History
Average curvatures Calculated over intervals 0 to ½ diam. and ½ to 1 diam.

25 Moment-Average Curvature
½ to 1 diam. (upper) 0 to ½ diam. (lower) Specimen 1 Lower curvature 2-3 times greater than upper curvature

26 Moment-Average Curvature
½ to 1 diam. (upper) 0 to ½ diam. (lower) Specimen 4 Lower curvature 8-10 times greater than upper curvature

27 Moment-Curvature History
Strain curvatures Calculated at distances of 8.25, 0 and –5 in from interface

28 Moment-Strain Curvature
interface -5 in Specimen 2 Strain curvatures highest in pile section

29 Moment-Strain Curvature
interface -5 in Specimen 4 Strain curvatures highest in deck

30 Strain Distribution Specimens 1, 2
Peak strains between interface and ½ diameter Yield at 1.0% drift

31 Strain Distribution Specimen 3
Peak strains in deck, 5 in below interface Yield at 0.75% drift High strains in lower bar

32 Strain Distribution Specimen 4
Peak strains in deck, 5 in below interface Yield at 1.0% drift

33 Incremental Strain Distribution
D Strains at 1000 kip-in moment, first cycles Exponential distribution indicates good bond Specimen 2 Good bond within deck

34 Incremental Strain Distribution
D Strains at 1000 kip-in moment, specimen 3 D Strains at 1500 kip-in moment, specimen 4 Specimen 3 Slip in top 5 in of deck Good bond in pile section

35 Conclusions All connections had large rotational capacities
Precast pile connections were initially stiffer and stronger, but experienced greater deterioration than pile extensions A moderate axial load increased strength by 25%, but caused greater deterioration at drift levels above 2.0%

36 Conclusions Pile extensions dissipated more energy at high drift levels through continued flexural cracking, while damage in the precast connection was concentrated in large cracks near the interface Precast pile connections experienced bond slip and rocking in early load cycles

37 Conclusions The addition of spiral reinforcement in the
joint region did not appear to have a significant effect on pile extension performance

38 Jennifer Soderstrom University of Washington
Seismic Evaluation of Prestressed and Reinforced Concrete Pile-Wharf Deck Connections Jennifer Soderstrom University of Washington

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