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The French revolution Dawn of a New Era

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1 The French revolution Dawn of a New Era
Chapter 22/ Section 3 Red and Blue headings

2 The French Republic French Army defeats Prussians at Valmy
National Convention makes France a Republic Universal suffrage all men regardless of property New Weights and measures New Calendar Day One Year One

3 Death of a King The King is tried and sentenced to die by guillotine.
National Convention divided between Jacobins and the Girondists with the Plain in the Middle San-Culottes demand respect in the streets.

4 Spreading the Revolution
European Monarchs feared democratic revolutions in their countries Great Britain, Netherlands, Spain, Sardinia join Austria and Prussia against France

5 French Expansion Expand French borders to their natural boundaries: Alps, Pyrenees, Rhine River and Mediterranean Sea. Army of Volunteers proving “Liberty, equality and fraternity” against Mercenaries Defeats cause conscription by the Committee of Public Safety

6 The Revolution in Crisis
Civil War breaking out at home; western royalists re. draft, city dwellers re. food shortages and prices Government divided between Jacobins and Girondists; gets bloody (Marat)

7 The Reign of Terror Jacobins set out to crush all opposition to the Revolution within France Lasts from July 1793 until July 1794

8 Crushing Opposition Neighborhood watch committees hunt down suspected traitors Many innocent people suffered. 85% of the 40,000 killed were not Aristocracy. Marie Antoinette was killed.

9 Republic of Virtue Committee of Public Safety tries to set up a “Republic of Virtue” New Schools aand Universal Education Teach Farmers skills Introduce price controls and Wage freezes Religious issues about Catholicism and it’s connection to the Monarchy

10 End of the Terror By the Spring of 1794, many of the Jacobins felt the Reign of Terror had gone on long enough. Robbespierre accused them of treason and had them executed. The others executed Robespierre At this point the Terror came to an end and society began to change

11 The Directory Convention writes new Constitution
Voting from Universal to Property Owners only Directory with of 5 Directors and a Bicameral Legislature. Used army to put down Sans Culottes descent Public looks to the Military to solve problems

12 Napoleon Takes Over As the French Society took over, the French Military won a number of battles against the European Monarchs. One of the Military leaders was Napoleon Bonaparte

13 Napoleon’s Early Fame Napoleon puts down an uprising against the Directory Marries Josephine de Beauharnais, a well connected socialite Defeats the Austrians and gains land in Italy

14 Napoleon’s Bold Move Napoleon leaves his troops after a defeat by Horatio Nelson off the coast of Egypt Returns to France and, arriving in Paris to a hero’s welcome, overthrows the Directory in a coup d'état in October 1799

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