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ESTIMATING DISTANCES OF ASTEROIDS Using the Worldwide Internet-Accessible Network of Telescopes Faculty Information Guide A Global Hands-On Universe TM.

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Presentation on theme: "ESTIMATING DISTANCES OF ASTEROIDS Using the Worldwide Internet-Accessible Network of Telescopes Faculty Information Guide A Global Hands-On Universe TM."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESTIMATING DISTANCES OF ASTEROIDS Using the Worldwide Internet-Accessible Network of Telescopes Faculty Information Guide A Global Hands-On Universe TM Student Research Activity Lawrence Hall of Science University of California, Berkeley J. Patrick Miller Department of Mathematics Hardin-Simmons University Abilene, Texas

2 Global Hands-On Universe TM (GHOU) is an education and research program available to students with a keen interest in astronomy and astrophysics. Using the Internet… Students are able to access a worldwide network of telescopes to take deep sky images, access professional astronomical databases, and analyze images and data with a set of user-friendly image processing software tools.

3 Internet-accessible 10" Meade located in Queen Creek, AZ (Frank Pino) Internet-accessible 14" Celestron located in Hawaii (Ken Archer) Two Internet-accessible telescopes on the worldwide network. They are equipped with a digital camera (CCD = charge-coupled device) and color filter wheel (red, blue, and green bandwidths). Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescopes

4 Housing for the 14" Celestron Telescope (Hawaii) Under faculty supervision, students log onto the Internet and access one of the telescopes on the worldwide network. To gain access you must have the URL, identification, and password. Faculty interested in having their students join Global Hands-On Universe TM programs and using the Internet-accessible telescopes may contact Dr. Carl Pennypacker at for complete

5 On the evening of December 19, 2005, students from Hardin-Simmons University used the Internet-accessible telescope in Queen Creek, AZ (Ironwood North Observatory). The purpose of this project was to take images of asteroids and estimate their distances from the Sun. The Main Asteroid Belt consists of millions of rock boulders located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The largest is named Ceres, which is ~900 km in diameter. Eros Asteroid in the Main Belt with a long side of 34 km. Phobos Asteroid in orbit about Mars with a diameter of 27 km.

6 TASK #1 BUILD AN OBSERVATION LOG An Organized Plan of the Evening’s Observations Hardin-Simmons student using an 8" telescope on a field trip. Hardin-Simmons 14" telescope at a public night. Lowell Observatory 31" telescope part of NURO.

7 The students went to Starry Night Pro 5.0 ®, set it to Queen Creek, AZ at 8:30pm CST, and used its extensive database of asteroids and comets to identify which ones were above the horizon and visible to the telescope. To find objects visible to the telescope it is best to choose them within a few degrees of the zenith (i.e., Airmass = ~1) 1, and preferably with no Moon light. 1 Airmass = sec(z) where z is the angle of the object off the zenith Build a list of visible asteroids and comets Look up the celestial coordinates (J2000.0) Starry Night Pro 5.0 ® Queen Creek, AZ December 19, 2005 8:30pm CST

8 Determine the color filters to use Determine the exposure times Distribution of the average distances (semi-major axes) of the asteroids in the Main Belt. The gaps in the distribution are called the Kirkwood Gaps. To complete the Observation Log:

9 The Ironwood Observatory telescope has a color filter wheel with red (R), green (G), and blue (B) bandwidths. The clear filter is called luminescence (L). For the asteroids and comets, the clear filter (L) is chosen. Two images of these objects are taken 1 h apart. During that hour, the objects move more pixels along their orbital paths than the size of their individual images in pixels (i.e., their motion along their orbital paths can be seen). Color Filters Exposure Times Based on the apparent magnitudes of the objects to be imaged, an exposure time can be estimated. The time is also affected by diffuse objects (e.g., dust and gas clouds). It is possible to estimate the exposure time by taking test images and looking for pixel saturation. If there is saturation then the time can be reduced with a second round of test images. For asteroids and comets, those with a magnitude greater than ~10, the exposure time of Δt = 120 s was used. For brighter objects Δ t = 90 s was used.

10 TASK #1 BUILD AN OBSERVATION LOG An Organized Plan of the Evening’s Observations Build a list of visible asteroids and comets Look up the celestial coordinates (J2000.0) Determine the color filters to use Determine the exposure times

11 M 74 (spiral galaxy), M 79 (globular cluster), and M 31 (spiral galaxy) were also included in the Observation Log. These images are not shown in this presentation.

12 TASK #2 TAKE THE IMAGES After the images were taken, Aladin, a free download from the Centre de Données Astronomiques de Strasbourg (2000A&AS..143...33B), was used to view and subsequently analyze the images. Aladin is available for download at It can also be run online from this same site.

13 Field of View containing Gaspra Saturation in a star image. Field of View containing Ardiane

14 Field of View containing HelenaField of View containing Julia

15 Fields of View containing LINEAR Comet 2003 K4 Taken 1 h Apart LINEAR Comet 2003 K4

16 TASK #3 ANALYZE THE IMAGES All of the asteroid and comet images were analyzed. In this presentation, only the analysis of the asteroid Helena is given. Using Aladin the two images of Helena taken 1 h apart were superimposed and blinked to find Helena.

17 Unknown Asteroid Helena A surprise was discovered in the images. Not only does Helena appear near the center of the field of view, a second, but unknown, asteroid appears in the images.

18 MPChecker Here are the results of your search(es) in the requested field(s): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following objects, brighter than V = 20.0, were found in the 15.0-arcminute region around R.A. = 23 24 52.3, Decl. = +02 59 10.4 (J2000.0) on 2005 12 20.13 UT: ObjectR.A.Decl.V h m s ° ' " (101) Helena 23 24 51.1+02 58 5912.7 (123) Brunhild 23 24 29.9 +02 59 1413.8 (80550) 2000 AK89 23 25 37.1 +02 51 1819.2 The unknown asteroid has celestial coordinates of R.A. 23:24:30 and Declination +02:59:15 at the time of the image December 20, 2005, 3:09:23 UT. This information was obtained using Aladin. To determine the unknown asteroid, MPChecker at the Minor Planet Center (Harvard University) was accessed by the Internet. Helena’s celestial coordinates along with the above date and time were used. MPChecker determined all known asteroids within a 15' radius of Helena with magnitude 20 and brighter. MPChecker is available for online use at

19 By comparing the celestial coordinates with Aladin, MPChecker shows that the unknown asteroid is Brunhild. Brunhild Helena

20 Using Aladin the two images of Helena/Brunhild were stacked, aligned, and subtracted. The subtraction shows the side-by-side positions of the asteroids. Brunhild Helena Line Parallel to the Ecliptic The number of pixels between the side-by-side positions can be used to calculate the proper motion, which is directly related to the distance of the asteroid from Earth.

21 (267,267) (292,279) (142,273) (164,280) BrunhildHelena Δp=23.1 Δp=27.7 Using Aladin, the pixel coordinates at the center of the images are determined. The length of the line segment Δp is calculated using the distance formula:

22 Using Aladin, the header files on both images are read to get the difference in times of the exposures ΔT (hours) and the plate scale σ ("/pixel): ΔT = 04:36:05 UT – 03:09:23 UT = 01:26:42 = 1.445 h σ = 7.106 x 10 -4 o /pixel = 2.56 "/pixel Assuming the asteroids are at opposition (i.e., transit at midnight), the distance from the Sun in AU is found from the following formulas: For a brief explanation of the Opposition Method to calculate the distance of asteroids from the Sun, refer to Proper Motion

23 ObjectΔp (pixels)ΔT (hours)σ ("/pixel)β (pixels/hr)ω ("/hr)αd (AU) Brunhild23.11.4452.5616. Helena27.71.4452.5619. In AU from the Sun, the distance estimates of Brunhild and Helena are given by: Both Brunhild and Helena are known to be Main Belt asteroids. According to Starry Night Pro 5.0 ®, Brunhild was at 2.5 AU and Helena at 2.3 AU from the Sun on December 19, 2005, 8:30pm CST. In fact at the time of the observation, Brunhild and Helena were not at opposition. The Sun and the two asteroids were separated by 85 o instead of 180 o at opposition.

24 For an explanation of the Kolena method to calculate the distance asteroids are from the Sun, refer to To improve the distance calculations of Helena and Brunhild given that they are not at opposition, the Kolena method is available instead: This method assumes Earth and the asteroids have circular orbits in the same plane centered about the Sun, and the asteroids’ orbit are outside Earth’s. The proper motion ω must be in radians/second. λ Sun and λ Asteroid are the celestial longitudes of the Sun and asteroid. f(d) = 0 is a non-linear equation in d that must be solved implicitly.

25 To find the celestial longitudes of the Sun and asteroid 1 : 1 The Celestial Longitude is measured along the Ecliptic starting at the Vernal Equinox and going east. This compares to Right Ascension, which is measured along the Celestial Equator starting at the Vernal Equinox and going east. Find the celestial coordinates (J2000.0) of the Sun and asteroid at the time of the observation. Go to the NED Coordinate Calculator located at Set the input parameters to Equatorial and J2000.0 Set the output parameters to Ecliptic and J2000.0 Input the celestial coordinates then calculate

26 On December 19, 2005, at 8:30pm CST: Starry Night Pro 5.0 ® gives the following celestial coordinates. NED Coordinate Calculator gives the following celestial longitudes. The Kolena method gives the following distances from the Sun. Note: It is possible to use Starry Night Pro 5.0 ® instead of the NED Coordinate Calculator to find the angular separation between the Sun and the asteroids. Object R.A. hh:mm:ss.s δ dd:mm:ss.sλ ( o )|Δλ|d (AU) Starry Night Pro 5.0 ® d (AU) Sun17:52:14.8-23:24:38.3268.2---- Brunhild23:24:30.002:59:15.0353.084.82.5 Helena23:24:52.3 02:59:10.4353.385.12.22.3

27 Build an Observation Log Take the Images Build a list of asteroids Look up the celestial coordinates (J2000.0) Assign the luminescence filter Determine the exposure times Use MPChecker to Identify Unknown Asteroids (If Any) Two images of each asteroid taken 1 h apart Use Aladin to Determine Δp, ΔT, σ Use Starry Night Pro 5.0 ® to Determine R.A. and δ of the Sun Use NED Coordinate Checker to Determine Δλ Calculate the Proper Motion ω Use the Kolena Method to Calculate the Distance of the Asteroid from the Sun Analyze the Images To calculate the distances that asteroids are from the Sun:

28 Lawrence Hall of Science University of California, Berkeley Global Hands-On Universe TM (GHOU) is an education and research program available to students with a keen interest in astronomy and astrophysics. J. Patrick Miller Department of Mathematics Hardin-Simmons University Abilene, Texas

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