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Ch 13.1 Notes Living in Europe. Introduction  Overview  Germany  Rising standard of living  Travel more  1/2 + land used for farming  5/10 world’s.

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1 Ch 13.1 Notes Living in Europe

2 Introduction  Overview  Germany  Rising standard of living  Travel more  1/2 + land used for farming  5/10 world’s top manufacturing  European Union –  Greater volume of trade, GDP

3 Changing Economies  European Union  Origins- 1950’s France - European Community (EC)  Closer links economically  Took until 1990’s

4 Economics of Union  Euro  Central bank  Common foreign policy  Analysts predict economic growth  Planning to add E. European countries

5 Market in Europe  Efficiency and productivity increased  Control govt. spending on welfare programs  Most Europeans oppose

6 Eastern Europe  Communist control  40 yrs  central planners-  over employed, under teched  command economy  free market economy demands changes  new democratic govt’s

7 Agriculture and Industry  Farming and Industrialism  World’s most fertile land  Advanced scientific methods  More Europeans earn living –  Variations of employment  U.K. 2% farm  Poland and Greece 20% farm

8 Economic Expansion  Industrial revolution – 1700’s  Birth of modern industry  Heavy industry – manufacturing of…  1800-1900’s largest coal and Iron ore deposits  U.K. and Poland today  Mineral wealth  France & Germany lead manufacturing  Light industry – textiles and food processing  Occurs in countries lacking natural resources  Ex. Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland

9 Food Production  Europe leads in the production of…  Wheat –  Mediterranean –  Dairy –  W. Europe –  Import cocoa & coffee  Fishing –

10 Farming techniques  soil and climate –  organic farming –  mixed farming –  W. Europe –  Farm cooperatives –

11 Farming techniques continued  Communist control –  Collective farms  State run farms  democratic growth  encourage private control

12 Manufacturing  leaders  world leaders  steel and auto producers  Swiss watches and precision instruments  Czech republic and Poland  Western vs. Eastern Europe  W. – private owned  E. – state owned  Consumer goods  Change

13 Communication and Transportation  Communication Links  Intelsat  satellites  Eurovision  Television network  Intervision  Telephone service  Phones per capita  Costs

14 Highways and railways  Autobahn  Tunnels  2 nd in auto ownership  Trucks  Rail tracks  France’s TGV’s

15 Major Transportation centers  Major cities have rail and air hubs  International flights common  1/2 the worlds international shipping  major port cities

16 Waterways  Rhine River  Carries greater vol of freight  Winds through  canals  Kiel Canal  Poland  Main-Danube canal

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