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Unit 13: Prokaryotes Read Lab safety page 87 of lab book.

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1 Unit 13: Prokaryotes Read Lab safety page 87 of lab book

2 4 - Kingdoms 2-Domains

3 DOMAIN “Eubacteria”

4 Eschericia coli Monera -diagram

5 DNA ejected from E. coli 1000 times length of cell. Cell treated with enzyme to weaken cell wall.

6 Bacterial reproduction: Binary fission

7 Bacterial flagella flagellum

8 Bacterial capsules

9 Photosynthetic bacteria photosynthetic bacteria

10 Photosynthetic and chemosynthetic bacteria

11 Bacteriophage and single strand of DNA

12 Gene cloning by bacteria.

13 Root Nodule nodule

14 Exercise 1: Bacterial types

15 Exercise 1: Bacteria Types - rod shaped individual cell in chain (not filamentous)

16 Exercise 1: Bacterial Types - spherical shaped cluster of many cells

17 Exercise 1: Bacterial Types - spiral shaped individual cell

18 Exercise 2: Demonstration Slides

19 Exercise 2 Demonstartion Slides On the Side table are several microscopes set up to demonstrate the following bacteria: 1.Neisseria gonorrhoeae – “Gonorrhoeae” Cocci, gram negative 2.Borrelia burgdorferi – “Lyme disease” 3.Salmonella enteritidis - “Salmonella” gram negative 4.Treponema sp. - “Syphilis” 5.Bacterial flagella – special stain to show flagella

20 Exercise 3: Living Cultures of Eubacteria

21 1.Obtain a dry microscope slide. 2.Your instructor will dispense to you one of the following living bacteria. 1.Bacillus megaterium 2.Spirillium volutans 3.After observing place slide in the disinfectant container on table.

22 Exercise 4: Extracellular Digestion Compare the results of the extracellular digestion demonstration on the two different Bacillus bacteria.

23 Extra cellular Digestion Starch Agar Bacillus subtilis No iodine

24 Iodine added Starch AgarBacillus subtilis Extra cellular Digestion

25 Starch Agar Bacillus brevis No iodine

26 Extra cellular Digestion Starch Agar Bacillus brevis Iodine B. brevis lack the enzyme to digest starch

27 Exercise 5: Effect of Antibiotics on Bacteria

28 6. Bacteria cell wall Bacteria cell wall:: upper gram positive -- cell wall consists of thick peptidoglycan layers. Lower: Gram negative --- thick outer layer of lipoprotein and lipopolysaccharide; inner layer thin layer of peptidoglycan. Eukayotic cells do not have peptidoglycans-- penicillin has no effect on them. Gram negative cells do not have cross links in the peptidoglycan layer and are not susceptible to penicillin. Gram “+” and “-”

29 E. Coli Gram (-) CIP C SSS S AM CB E N TE P GM CC

30 Bacillus meg. Gram (+) CIP C SSS CC E N TE P S AM CB GM

31 E. Coli (-) & Bacillus meg. (+) ECCGMNP

32 Bacillus megaterium (Gram +)

33 E. Coli (Gram -)

34 Bacillus megateriumE. coli

35 Exercise 6: Living Cultures of Cyanobacteria

36 DOMAIN Eubacteria “Blue-greens” Cyanobacteria

37 Norris Geyser Basin - Yellowstone, Thermoanoerobacter ethanolicus

38 thermozonation = different species communities

39 Norris Geyser Basin - Yellowstone, Thermoanoerobacter ethanolicus

40 Ocillatoria living cyanobacteria individual cell in filament

41 Anabaena

42 See page 290 Fig 14-14 of Biology of Plants for explanation

43 Gloeocapsa

44 Lyngbyna

45 Macrocystus

46 Spiralina


48 DOMAIN“Archaea” Exercise 7 Archaea 1.Obtain prepared slide # 65a 2.This slide has a mix of three Archaea bacteria. 1.Halobacteria salinarium – small rods. 2.Methanomonas methylovara – larger rods. 3.Halococcus agglomeratus – coccus.

49 An Universal evolutionary Tree as determined by comparing sequences of Ribosomal RNA Biology of Plants: Fig 13-8 page 270

50 Biology of Plants: Table 13-3 page 271

51 Exercise 8 How Diseases Spread Follow instructions on handout

52 The End We hope you have enjoyed this presentation on Bacteria life and you will come again next week to see the exciting world of Fungi!!

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