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Smart Home and Embedded System Design
Class: International graduate student Instructor: Dr.-Ing. Wei, Chao-Huang (魏兆煌) Office: S706-3 Mobile Phone: Skype: drwei06
Self Introduction I was born in Hsin-Chu Taiwan 1951, graduated from National Taiwan University with BS degree of Physics, then went to Germany for further study, and received Diplom Informatik degree from Institute of Informatik / Technical University Berlin Germany and Ph.D degree from Institute of Microelectronics in the year After that I returned to Taiwan and serviced several IT industry companies for about 10 years. Now I’m teacher at department of electrical engineering of Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology. In recent 6 years I have applied 42 patents and won 44 international invention awards.
Smart Home
Smart Home
Smart Home
Smart Home
Smart Home Powerline Node 2 (for Lamp) Powerline Node 1 (for DVD)
Web Controller
Course Schedule Hardware Design (VHDL & Schematic Entry)
Software Design (Microprocessor & C) HW & SW Co-design Small Real Time Operating System Ethernet Network Final Project
Content What are embedded systems
History and development of embedded systems Composition of embedded systems Characteristic of embedded systems Embedded system hardware development Embedded system software development
What are embedded systems?
Definition: Embedded system : any device that includes a programmable computer but is not itself a general-purpose computer. Data processing systems except PCs and mainframe computers. Embedded systems are application dedicated computing system.
A More Detailed Definition
Embedded system are application oriented devices, which should be optimized with hardware and software resources. A special computing system with demand of functionality, reliability, cost, size, and power consumption. Generally, an embedded system consists of 4 parts -- embedded microprocessor, peripheral hardware equipment, embedded operating system and user's application program,used for realizing the functions , such as control on other equipment , monitoring or management. 覃征(电子商务)71_P176 给出以下定义: 嵌入式系统被描述为:以应用为核心,软硬件可裁减的,适应应用系统对功能、可靠性、成本、体积、功耗等综合性严格要求的专用计算机系统。 嵌入式系统主要由嵌入式处理器,相关支撑硬件,嵌入式操作系统和应用软件系统等组成。 嵌入式处理器主要由一个单片机或微控制器(MCU)组成。 相关支撑硬件包括显示卡,存储介质,通信设备,IC卡或信用卡读取设备等。 ⑤ 于春凡(汇编语言)_92_P176 单片机又称为微型控制器和嵌入式计算机 赛迪网—嵌入式网页内容 嵌入式系统是以应用为中心,以计算机技术为基础,并且软硬件可裁剪,适用于应用系统对功能、可靠性、成本、体积、功耗有严格要求的专用计算机系统。它一般由嵌入式微处理器、外围硬件设备、嵌入式操作系统以及用户的应用程序等四个部分组成,用于实现对其他设备的控制、监视或管理等功能。
Characteristics (1/3) Single-functioned Tightly-constrained
Executes a single program, repeatedly Ex: RFID Reader Tightly-constrained Low cost Low power Small Ex: MP3 Player Single-functioned Executes a single program, repeatedly Tightly-constrained Low cost, low power, small, fast, etc.
Characteristics (2/3) Low cost Low power Slow speed
Tens of thousands to millions of units Using a (relatively) suitable processor and small memory size Low power Ex: Calculator Slow speed Fulfilling the requirement is OK
Characteristics (3/3) Reactive and real-time Firmware
Continually reacts to changes in the system’s environment Must compute certain results in real-time without delay Ex: Microwave Oven Firmware Software embedded in hardware devices Reactive and real-time Continually reacts to changes in the system’s environment Must compute certain results in real-time without delay
Characteristic of embedded systems
Dedicate for special application The embedded system is a special-purpose system, while the PC is for general applications. Technology integration Soft-/Hardware, computing and network communication integration Constrain of real-time Use RTOS commonly Constrain of power consumption Usually no difference of system software and application software, Software in ROM. Small system kernel High reliability Resources much less then PC Requirement of special development tools Not market monopoly
History and development of embedded systems
First microprocessors was presented in 1971, it marks the beginning of the embedded system. View history of embedded systems from 4 respects: Hardware Software Products System architecture 716研究所网页资料 嵌入式计算机的真正发展是在微处理器问世之后。1971年11月,Intel公司成功地把算术运算器和控制器电路集成在一起,推出了世界上第一片微处理器Intel 4004,其后各厂家推出了许多8位、16位的微处理器,包括Intel 8080/8085、8086,Motorola 的6800、68000,Zilog的Z80、Z8000等。由这些微处理器为核心构成的微型计算机OEM嵌入式计算机系统,广泛用于制造仪器仪表、医疗设备、机器人、家用电器等。微处理器的广泛应用形成了一个广阔的嵌入式应用市场,计算机厂家开始大量地以插件方式向用户提供OEM产品,再由用户根据自己的需要选择一套适合自己应用的CPU板、存储器板和各式I/O插件板构成专用的嵌入式计算机系统,并嵌入到自己的系统设备中。由此同时,军方根据自己的需求,由工业部门研制生产了包括CPU板、存贮器板、接口板、总线板、电源板、数模变换板等OEM产品的抗恶劣环境计算机系统,形成了完整系列的军用嵌入式计算机系统。 为了灵活兼容,形成了系列化、模块化的单板机。流行的单板计算机有Intel公司的iSBC系列、Zilog公司的MCB等。这时人们开始不必从选择芯片开始来设计一台专用的嵌入式计算机了,只要选择各功能模块,就可以组建一台专用计算机系统。用户和厂家都希望从不同的厂家选购最适合的OEM产品,插入外购或自制的机箱中就形成新的系统,即希望插件是互相兼容的,这就导致了工业控制微机系统总线的诞生。1976年Intel推出Multibus,1983年扩展为带宽达40MB/S的MultibusⅡ;1978年Prolog设计简单的STD总线广泛用于小型嵌入式系统;1981年Motorola推出了VME总线,与MultibusⅡ瓜分了军用市场。 80年代可以说是各种总线层出不穷、群雄并起的时代。 随着微电子工艺水平的提高,集成电路制造商开始把嵌入式应用所需要的微处理器、I/O接口、A/D、D/A转换、串行接口以及RAM、ROM通通集成到一个VLSI中,制造出面向I/O设计的微控制器,就是我们俗称的单片机。成为嵌入式计算机系统异军突起的一支新秀,其后发展的DSP产品则更的提升了嵌入式计算机系统的技术水平。并且,迅速地渗入到消费电子、医用电子、智能控制、通信电子、仪器仪表、交通运输等各种领域。 嵌入式系统都是实时系统,而且多是实时多任务系统,由计算机生产厂家配置实时操作系统(RTOS)。像IRMX86、VRTX、PSOS、Vxworks、QNX、WindowsNT、WindowsCE、UNIX等。它们采用全抢占调度方案,响应时间很短;采用微内核技术,设计追求灵活性,可配置、可裁剪、可扩充、可移植;强实时和高可靠性,有适应各种主流CPU的版本,非常适合嵌入式应用。商用嵌入式实时多任务操作系统把嵌入式系统的开发工作从小范围内解放出来,促使嵌入式应用扩展到更广阔的领域。 90年代,在分布控制、柔性制造、数字化通信和数字化家电等巨大需求的牵引下,嵌入式应用进一步加速发展。面向实时信号处理算法的DSP向高速、高精度、低功耗发展,Texas推出第三代DSP单片TMS320C30,微控制器向32位高速智能化发展,如intel公司发展的PⅡ、PⅢ以及将推出的MP4、MP5等。 716研究所的嵌入式计算机系统是从8086单板机技术的引进消化开始,并从MULTIBUS多总线的8086抗恶劣环境计算机系统的研制开始生产,生产了ATR机箱及包括计算机主板、存储板、接口板、电源板等在内的嵌入式计算机系统。随着716研究所嵌入式计算机系统的技术开发和产品生产不断深化,嵌入式计算机系统的型谱也不断升级,从386、486到现在的M586和PⅡ、PⅢ计算机系统,使716研究所的嵌入式抗恶劣环境计算机系统处于国内领先地位,同时计算机系统的内涵功能也越来越齐全,可为用户提供一体化解决方案的能力越来越强。目前已经形成具有处理器板、接口板、多媒体板、网络板、转换板、电子盘板、GPS板及电源等品种齐全的嵌入式计算机系统,复盖Multibus总线、CPCI总线、ISA总线等多种总线的系列产品。并将进一步向MP4、MP5等更高等级升级,以及向加固服务器、加固工作站等嵌入式计算机系统发展。进入21世纪无疑是一个网络的时代,使嵌入式计算机系统嵌入到各类网络中去也必然是716研究所计算机产业的发展方向。
History of embedded hardware
1971: Intel 4004, 4-bit microprocessor TI, TMS1000, 4-bit microcontroller ROM, RAM, CPU + I/O port 1980: Intel MCS-51, 8microcontroller 16-bit, 32-bit microprocessor … 1990’s, DSP TMS320C30
History of embedded software
Procedure control and monitoring Operating system 1981, Embedded real time kernel VTRX32 1990’s, QNX-4 pSOS, VxWorks, Palm OS, WinCE, Embedded Linux, LynxOS, uCOS, Nucleus… Win Mobile, iOS, Android
Architecture develops of embedded system
Hardware system 4-bit single chip 8-bit/ 16-bit single chip 32-bit special purpose microprocessor 32-bit DSP SoC SoPC Software system Real-time control/ monitoring procedure Dedicate system General purpose system
General structure of an embedded system
Processor I/O Software Storage Input Output
Embedding a computer
Example: Digital camera
Microcontroller CCD preprocessor Pixel coprocessor A2D D2A JPEG codec DMA controller Memory controller ISA bus interface UART LCD ctrl Display ctrl Multiplier/Accum Digital camera chip lens CCD Input interface Output display Digital signal processor Central processor
Typical embedded system hardware architecture
PDA: Handspring Visor Hardware Specs:
Operating System: Palm OS version 3.5.2H Processor: 33 MHz Motorola Dragonball VZ (16-bit) Memory: 8 MB RAM, 2M ROM Display: 160x160 pixel, High-Res B&W, 4-bit (16 shades of gray) . Touch Panel Battery: 2 AAA batteries PC Connection : USB, IrDA, UART Expansion Slot: PCMCIA
High-End Embedded System
Examples Personal digital assistant (PDA). Printer. Cell phone.
Automobile: engine, brakes, air condition, etc. Audio Video Recorder/Player. Household appliances. PC Keyboard/Mouse.
Software Architecture
Application Software Hardware
Typical embedded system software architecture (VxWorks)
Software tools, application programs VxWorks Libraries TCP/IP I/O System Wind kernel BSP File System SCSI Driver Network Driver Hardware dependent Software Ethernet Controller Serial Clock Timer SCSI Hardware Hardware Independent Software
Embedded Operating System
Where to use Multi-Task Convenient user's interface Network function Upgrade and advance development Basic functions of operating system Scheduling of multi-task Memory management Hardware resource management
Real-time operation Must finish operations by deadlines.
Hard real time: missing deadline causes failure. Soft real time: missing deadline results in degraded performance. Many systems are multi-rate: must handle operations at widely varying rates.
Fundamental hardware and software elements
Embedded processor Memory/Storage Circuits and power supply Interface controller and connector Software Real time operating system (RTOS) Board Support Package(BSP) Device Driver Protocol Stack Application programs
Experiment board for the course
DE2 Applications
Quartus II Design Software for Hardware Circuits
Embedded system software development
Programming Languages Assemble, C, Java… Cross compiler A kind program, which compiles the execution code of target machine on another host machine.
Development of Graphic User Interface
Embedded system software development
Programming Languages Assemble, C, Java… Cross compiler A kind program, which compiles the execution code of target machine on another host machine.
Procedure of software development
Debug Target Board System Image File .obj File C/Assemble Source Code Library Linker Cross Compiler Reset & Download OS kernel Device Driver
Download and debugging of execution code
Development Platform Download execution code 在PC机主机上生成的可执行二进制映象文件需下载至目标机才能运行。目标机的调试,则需PC机通过在线仿真器ICE(In Circuit Emulator)或常驻在目标上的调试监控器(debug monitor)来实现对目标机进行调试。对于基于ARM处理器已嵌入了ICE功能,可以通过JTAG接口直接进行调试,省去了昂贵的在线仿真器(ICE);也可以下载Angel来实现对目标机的调试。 ——摘自陈章龙等《嵌入式系统》电子版P23 Return debug information Target Platform
Summary of Embedded System (1/3)
An "embedded system" is any computer system or computing device that performs a dedicated function or is designed for use with a specific embedded software application. Embedded systems may use a ROM-based operating system or they may use a disk-based system, like a PC. But an embedded system is not usable as a commercially viable substitute for general purpose computers or devices. 网页来源: An "embedded system" is any computer system or computing device that performs a dedicated function or is designed for use with a specific embedded software application. Embedded systems may use a ROM-based operating system or they may use a disk-based system, like a PC. But an embedded system is not usable as a commercially viable substitute for general purpose computers or devices.
Summary of Embedded System (2/3)
A specialized computer system that is part of a larger system or machine. Typically, an embedded system is housed on a single microprocessor board with the programs stored in ROM. Virtually all appliances that have a digital interface -- watches, microwaves, VCRs, cars -- utilize embedded systems. Some embedded systems include an operating system, but many are so specialized that the entire logic can be implemented as a single program. Embedded System Definition A specialized computer system that is part of a larger system or machine. Typically, an embedded system is housed on a single microprocessor board with the programs stored in ROM. Virtually all appliances that have a digital interface -- watches, microwaves, VCRs, cars -- utilize embedded systems. Some embedded systems include an operating system, but many are so specialized that the entire logic can be implemented as a single program. VCR=录像机
Summary of Embedded System (3/3)
The embedded system can be divided into chip, board, and system level. System on chip - Processor including the procedure or the algorithm in one chip. System on board - board contains some core module. System on system - in main computing system.
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