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Intensive Actuarial Training for Bulgaria January 2007 Lecture 5 – General Insurance Overview and Pricing By Michael Sze, PhD, FSA, CFA.

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Presentation on theme: "Intensive Actuarial Training for Bulgaria January 2007 Lecture 5 – General Insurance Overview and Pricing By Michael Sze, PhD, FSA, CFA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intensive Actuarial Training for Bulgaria January 2007 Lecture 5 – General Insurance Overview and Pricing By Michael Sze, PhD, FSA, CFA

2 Insurable Risk To be insurable, the risk must be –Definite –Accidental in nature Insurance: to avoid risk, not to get profit Speculation: speculator takes the risk in hope of making profit from it Gambling: create unnecessary risk

3 Risk, Peril, and Hazard Risk – possible variation in economic outcome Peril – cause of risk (fire, collision, theft) Hazard – a contributing factor to peril

4 Effect of Risk Averaging for Insurance Company For, in dependent random variables, X i ‘s, Var (X 1 + X 2 + X 3 +…+ X n ) =  Var(X i ) If the X i ‘s are from the same risk class, I.e. they have the same mean and variance, then Var(  X i ) = n Var(X) Var((  X i )/n) = n Var(X)/n 2 = Var(X)/n In other words, variance of the average of n risks is equal to (1/n) of the variance of each  for the insurance company =  for policy holder/  n

5 Major Types of Property Casualty Insurance Automobile insurance Homeowners Insurance Workers Compensation Fire/Marine Insurance Liability Insurance

6 Automobile Insurance Liability: if you injure people or damage property Medical: personal injury Uninsured motorist: in case the other party of the accident, even though at fault, does not have adequate insurance to pay damages Collision

7 Home Owner Insurance Covers damage to house by names perils There is deductible May have coinsurance too If C is coverage, coinsurance % is %C, damage is D, market value of property is MV, then payment P is given by: P = D x C/(%C x MV), up to a limit, < D

8 Example for Home Owner Insurance MV of assets = 1,000,000 % Possible Coverage C = 80% Coverage purchased = 500,000 So, proportional coverage = 5/8 If damage D = 2,000 Then, payment = 2,000 x 5/8

9 Home Owners Insurance Covers Basic coverage: house Additional coverage: garage, out-building, property in house, living expenses during repairs Liability insurance: if sued due to property

10 Workers’ Compensation Coverage: job related injury of workers Benefits: unlimited medical care Disability insurance Death benefit Rehabilitation

11 Rate Making - Pricing Claim frequency f: from recent experience Average f = # of incurred claims / units of earned exposure Severity S = average payment per claim = $ of incurred loss / # of incurred claims Claim Cost = f x S = net premium

12 Adjustments to Claim Cost Claim reserve: to cover later claim, incurred but not reported Inflation trend: inflation, legal, technical advances, economics

13 Other Components of Price Expenses: loss adjustment expenses, commissions,premium taxes, administration Expense rate = All expenses as % of GP Permissible loss ratio PLR= 1–expense ratio Gross Rate = Incurred Loss per Unit /PLR If expense is partly fixed F and partly variable V, I.e. dependent on GP, then Gross Rate = (Incurred Loss per Unit +F)/(1-V) Loading for profit and contingency

14 Credibility Factor Z Reflective of the extent of experience Some properties of Z: –0  Z  1 –dZ/dE > 0, where E is exposure –d 2 Z/dE 2 < 0 Two method to estimate Z; –Z = E/(E+K), where K is variability –Z =  (n/N), where n is # of claims and N is the number of claims to get full credibility

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