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EPA Region 3 People Current Mid-Atlantic Land Cover 70% Forest Cover 25% Agriculture 2% Urban/Disturbed Areas 3% Other.

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Presentation on theme: "EPA Region 3 People Current Mid-Atlantic Land Cover 70% Forest Cover 25% Agriculture 2% Urban/Disturbed Areas 3% Other."— Presentation transcript:


2 EPA Region 3

3 People

4 Current Mid-Atlantic Land Cover 70% Forest Cover 25% Agriculture 2% Urban/Disturbed Areas 3% Other

5 How do we best protect public health and the environment in Region 3?

6 Policy (or strategic direction)= Values x Indicators

7 P olicy (or strategic direction): What shall we work on, Where shall we work, How should we work, V alues: What do we care about How much do we care about each “what”? I ndicators: What data best describes what we care about? P=VI What is it?

8 Data Collection Manager Geostatistical Indicators Module Fate and Transport Models Programmatic and Budget Decision Analysis Module P=VI How do we structure our analysis? (Multi Criteria Integrated Resource Assessment) MIRAMIRA

9 Human Health Welfare Future Vulnerability Disease Food Supply Catastrophic Ecosystem Integrity Recreation Infrastructure Energy Inhalation Ingestion Aquatic Terrestrial Lands Wetlands Waters Exercise Fishing Natural Built.. Simplified MIRA Hierarchy: context, values, data 180

10 Values Make a Difference! Values Change….Science & Data do not Human Health Emphasis Welfare Emphasis

11 Policy Made Transparent Biofuels Policy: Increase corn production in Chesapeake Bay Watershed Indicators: Increased Nitrogen, Decreased Fisheries, Decreased Food Production, Deforestation Value: Ag Economic and Energy psyche trump ecological

12 Region III Rivers and Streams Trend Analysis 303(d) impaired waters 303(d) Delisted Waters 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 19982000200220042006 Year Miles of Waters 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Waters Assessed 43,243 66,166 94,212 105,225 123,672 Miles GAPGAP Epiphanies lead to new approaches! 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 TMDL's Completed and 303(d) Delisted Headline: We are discovering polluted streams faster than we can clean them!

13 What MIRA Suggests….. Air Protection DIvision Haz Site Cleanup Div Ches Bay Prg Environ Assess And Innov DIv Water Protection Division Waste And Chem Mgt Div Natural Infrastructure Healthy Waters Healthy Air Energy Healthy Communities

14 What MIRA Suggests….. Could be informed by the height of the bars.

15 What’s more important to invest in today vs historic investments?

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