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SMART SCHOOL MEALS OFFER VERSUS SERVE New Meal Pattern 2012 Idaho Child Nutrition Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "SMART SCHOOL MEALS OFFER VERSUS SERVE New Meal Pattern 2012 Idaho Child Nutrition Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 SMART SCHOOL MEALS OFFER VERSUS SERVE New Meal Pattern 2012 Idaho Child Nutrition Programs

2 OVS - What Didn’t Change  Only required for senior high schools for the NLSP  Optional for lower grades for the NSLP  Optional for the SBP at all grade levels

3 OVS - What Didn’t Change  Student’s option to decline item(s)  Same price if child declines item(s)  Full amount of each component must be available to choose

4 Definitions  Food component—  One of five food groups for reimbursable meals  Food item—  A specific food offered within the five food components.

5 What must be offered in NSLP  5 components  Meat/meat alternate  Grains  Fruits  Vegetables  Milk

6 Lunch Example  The lunch offered: turkey, mashed potatoes, peaches, roll and milk  OVS—previously  Turkey, roll and milk = reimbursable lunch  OVS-under new regulations  Turkey, roll and milk ≠ reimbursable lunch  To be reimbursable, selection must include mashed potatoes or peaches 6

7 OVS for NSLP--What must be taken  Must take at least 3 of 5 components  Must take at least ½ cup serving of the fruit or vegetable component  Student may take two ¼ cup servings of the same item fruit or vegetable to meet the requirement 7

8 OVS for NSLP--What must be taken  Keep in mind that the ½ cup allowance for fruit or vegetables may be used only once for either the fruits or vegetables component in a meal, so the other food components selected by the student under OVS must be the full component 8

9 Minimum Serving Size  Fruits and Vegetables – 1/8 cup minimum creditable serving size  Meats/Meat Alternates – ¼ ounce M/MA equivalent  Grains – ¼ ounce equivalent

10 Different Choices  Can mix different fruits to reach minimum required serving  Can mix different vegetables to reach minimum required serving  Can combine fruit and vegetable to reach minimum required serving 10

11 OVS for SBP  Phasing-in changes in the SBP  For SY 2012-2013, no changes to SBP other than milk requirement  For SY 2012-2013, may continue to use current menu planning approach and requisite OVS requirements, unless a waiver has been approved to implement the new meal pattern 11

12 SBP for SY 2013-2014  Must offer 3 components without OVS  Grain (optional meat/meat alternate after daily grain met)  Fruit/Vegetable/Juice  Milk  Must offer 4 food items with OVS rules  Grain  Fruit/Vegetable/Juice  Milk  Additional item 12

13 In the New Meal Pattern in 2014/15 What must be offered for SBP  Non-OVS 3 components  Grain -- Slice of Toast  Fruit -- Fruit Cup (must take ½ cup)  Milk -- Non-fat or 1%  OVS must offer 4 food items  Grain -- Slice of Toast  Fruit -- Fruit Cup (must take ½ cup)  Milk -- Non-fat or 1%  One additional item -- Scrambled Eggs 13

14 OVS for SBP-What must be taken  Students may decline one item except they must take at least  ½ cup of fruit OR  ½ cup of vegetable, if offered OR  ¼ cup fruit plus ¼ cup vegetable 14


16 Lunch: BBQ Chicken  BBQ Chicken Drumsticks  Roll  Baked Beans  Applesauce  Milk Is each combination a reimbursable meal? Why or why not? a) Drumsticks, Roll, Milk b) Beans, Applesauce, Milk c) Drumsticks, ¼ cup Applesauce, Roll, Milk

17 Answers: Is it a reimbursable meal? a) No, no fruit/vegetable serving b) Yes, 3 full components including fruit/veg c) No, even though 3 full components, not large enough serving of fruit/veg

18 QUESTIONS? Contact the Idaho State Department of Education 208-332-6820 Or email the NSLP team This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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