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Over-Comers LIFE IS HARD “What Makes Life Overwhelming for you Right Now?”

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2 Over-Comers



5 “What Makes Life Overwhelming for you Right Now?”


7 God…”says we should expect that the world will be hard, and that our assignments will be hard.” That God is…intrusive, demanding and exhausting

8 In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; BUT…. be of good cheer (take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted)! For I have overcome the world!

9 In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. 1 John 5:3-5

10 The conquering power that brings the world to its knees is our faith. The person who wins out over the world’s ways is simply the one who believes Jesus is the Son of God.

11 “As we shift our focus from our circumstances to Christ, everything in our life can change.” “If we are obsessed with stressful circumstances, we will constantly be overwhelmed. But if we are obsessed with Christ, We will overcome.

12 “When we face tough times, one of the questions we must wrestle with is… Are we going to allow our circumstances to determine what we believe about God, or, are we going to allow what we believe about God to determine how we handle our circumstance?

13 Build an Intimate Relationship with Jesus

14 Jesus is bigger than our circumstances Jesus’ sacrifice brings us grace Jesus’ strength becomes our strength Jesus’ hope becomes our hope Jesus’ love fills us and makes us whole.


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