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ERACON 2008 Conference Panel Session ERASMUS Placements: first year experience.

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Presentation on theme: "ERACON 2008 Conference Panel Session ERASMUS Placements: first year experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERACON 2008 Conference Panel Session ERASMUS Placements: first year experience

2 Panelists: Gregory Makrides (chair) President, European Association of ERASMUS Coordinators President, European Association of ERASMUS Coordinators Director of Research and International Relations, University of Cyprus Director of Research and International Relations, University of Cyprus Patricia De Smet (invited) Principal Administrator, unit Higher education; "Erasmus", DG Education Principal Administrator, unit Higher education; "Erasmus", DG Education and Culture and Culture Topic: Erasmus student placement and staff training helping HEI to modernise Topic: Erasmus student placement and staff training helping HEI to modernise Doru Talaba (invited) Transylvania University of Brasov, Romania Transylvania University of Brasov, Romania Coordinator of EUE-Network (European University-Enterprises Network) Coordinator of EUE-Network (European University-Enterprises Network) Topic: European strategy for closer cooperation between the academia and enterprises Topic: European strategy for closer cooperation between the academia and enterprises Elena Avgoustidou Executive Secretary, European Association of ERASMUS Coordinators Executive Secretary, European Association of ERASMUS Coordinators Topic: Experiences with Staff Placements at the University of Cyprus Jolanta Preidiene Vice-president, European Association of ERASMUS Coordinators Vice-president, European Association of ERASMUS Coordinators Topic: Experiences with Student Placements at the Vilnius College of Higher Education, Lithuania

3 Survey on experience with ERASMUS Placements In cooperation between EAECand unit ' Higher education; "Erasmus", DG Education and Culture, EC RESULTS

4 Countries replied PL= 7 LV= 4 LT= 6 EE= 2 BE= 2 CZ= 7 TR= 6 IT= 3 ES= 4 PT= 7 SK= 4 SL= 4 FR= 2 HU= 2 AT= 2 GR= 1 CY= 1 NL= 1 IE= 1 RO=1NO=1

5 Q1. Do you believe that an EC (European Commission) promotional flyer for placements in enterprises will help your institutions cooperation with enterprises? Please answer on the scale 1-5 (1=not at all, 5=very much) Average: 3,93

6 Q2. Does your office handle communication/links with Enterprises for student and staff placements? ____Yes ____No ____Other(who)_________________________ Yes = 67% No = 24% Q2. Does your office handle communication/links with Enterprises for student and staff placements? (other) freq 1 links with enterprises were initiated from the LeoDV projects run before by the University 1 2 non-european companies 2 3 students have compulsory training during studies 3 4 Life-Long Learning Research and Implementation Center 1 5 university departments themselves 3

7 Q3. Write up to three ideas for good practice on how a HEI should liaise with enterprises. freq 1 links with enterprises throuqh contacts of partner HEIs in the given country 16 2 create database of enterprises willing to participate in ERASMUS placements by signing with them letters of intent 14 3 links with enterprises throuqh personal contacts of the home university staff 12 4 Permanent cooperation based on continuous trainee substitution 9 5 reqular visits of the staff of partner enterprises to teach within Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments 6 6 give tasks for students' research work 6 7 list of certificated enterprises offering student placement 5 8 university contacts with enterprises established during the Leonardo Da Vinci placements 5 9 Documentation about placement details (hours of practice, works) should be created by HEI and Enterprise 5 10 link-up with mediating firms 4 11 possibility to work on student diploma theses in enterprise 4 12 personal contacts initiated by academics-tutors of trainees 3

8 13 LEONET network 3 14 european database of the enterprises 2 15 trasfer of knowledge from university to enterprises 2 16 advertise the enterprise 2 17 through Careers Office and students organizations 2 18 non-profit intermediary institutions 1 19 seek work places for internships 1 20 to know that are enterprises expectations 1 21 make contact on a fair 1 22 provide enterprise with HEI's gifts, newsletters, magazines, special literature 1 23 periodic visits should be paid by enterprises 1 24 Newsletter1 Q3. Write up to three ideas for good practice on how a HEI should liaise with enterprises (continued) freq

9 Q4. What is the level of your satisfaction for the support you receive from the LLP National Agency ERASMUS coordinators on the scale 1- 5. (1=least satisfied, 5=most satisfied) Average = 3,9

10 Q5. Did you adapt the organisation inside your HEI to be able to manage the new Erasmus placements (student and staff) ____Yes ____No Yes= 54% No = 46% If yes, are you in contact with Q5A a) the career services of your HEI, _____YES _____NO Yes= 62% Q5B b) the alumni network, _____YES _____NO Yes= 35% Q5C c) chamber of commerce _____YES _____NO Yes= 26% Q5D d) a department in your HEI dealing with HEI/enterprise cooperation _____YES _____NO Yes= 59%

11 Q5E e) other intermediaries _____YES _____NO ( if yes, please specify________________________) Yes= 35% Q5. - Did you adapt the organisation inside your HEI to be able to manage the new Erasmus placements (student and staff) frequency Q5E e) other intermediaries ( if yes, please specify) 1 establishing long-distance cooperation with enterprise 1 2 Leonet network 1 3 Student must have an insurance police 2 4 ERASMUS partner universities 2 5 professional associations 1 6 Department of Public Policy 1

12 Q6. How do you manage the insurance for student placement a) university health plan covers it (27%) b) students pay extra for insurance (32%) c) other(please specify)____________________ (19%) Q6. How do you manage the insurance for student placement frequency c) other(please specify) 1 students pay from Erasmus grant themselves 4 2 European Heallth Insurance Card 4 3 Shipping company insures student 4

13 Q7. How do you obtain information regarding legal and administrative matters in the host country of the student placement? Freq 1 from the contact person for placement from the host enterprise/institution 26 2 internet contacts 12 3 Personal contacts (Visit partner institution and conferences for Erasmus coordinators) 7 4 from the foreign embassy of the host country 4 5 Leonet network 4 6 contact with students 4 7 by the partner universities 3 8 From company manager representative 2 9 Rely on the competence of host enterprises in legal and administrative matters 1 10 Each university faculty selects students for practice 1

14 Q8. Questions within the table Question Yes/No If yes, how many Q8.1 Did you have student placements in 2007-2008 year including those in progress? 73%Ave=17 Min=1 Max=134 Q8.2 Did you have ERASMUS staff placements (administrative staff training) in 2007-2008 including those in process? 60%Ave=5Min=1Max=23 Q8.3 Did you have ERASMUS staff placements (teaching staff training) in 2007-2008, including those in process? 46%Ave=11Min=1Max=52

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